History for Sandbox/Shinobi2 - TV Tropes (2024)

[[WMG:[[center: [- ''House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare'' '''Index'''\\
Pantheon/ActsOfWar | Pantheon/{{Armies}} | Pantheon/ConquestAndConquerors | Pantheon/{{Logistics}} | Pantheon/MilitaryRanks | Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology | '''Motivations for War''' | Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors | Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies]] -]]]

So, you want to start a war, huh? Be your desires for military domination ordinary or fantastical, there is bound to be a group of people determined to govern what your country's best interests are. This is where the Hall of Motivations for War comes in, the self-proclaimed brains behind the house's operations.

Located in a enormous bunker safe from all the toys of war that may rain upon the house, the hall serves as the command center for any aspiring officer willing to enter it. Numerous centers of command and communication tech link it to the various other halls within their house, allowing them to act in tandem with their contemporaries to achieve the House's goals. While the nature of the Hall does leave it to scrutiny from the various gods of the pantheon (''especially'' those with a love of peace), ever god recognizes that, even after the gods amongst the hall crumble to dust, their words and motivations shall live eternal among the minds of the many.


[[folder:Jubileus and Queen Sheba]]
'''[[VideoGame/{{Bayonetta}} Jubileus and Queen Sheba]], Divine Representatives of [[HeavenVersusHell Conflict between Paradiso and Inferno]]''' (Jubileus: [[TheUnpronounceable actual name unpronounceable]], Dea, The Creator)
[[caption-width-right:350:Queen Sheba]]
* Overdeities (Jubileus borders Greater Goddess when improperly resurrected)
* Symbols:
** Jubileus: [[https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/5/5b/JubileusHalo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141115022911 Dea Halo]]
** Queen Sheba: [[https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/7/79/Symbole_Démons_Enfer_Bayo2.png/revision/latest?cb=20190823082409&path-prefix=fr Infernal Demons Symbol]]
* Theme Song:
** Jubileus: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV3wFRy23cY The Greatest Jubilee]]
** Queen Sheba: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AovGVFQyZVA Let's Hit The Climax!]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Jubileus), ChaoticNeutral (Queen Sheba)
* Portfolio: [[OurGodsAreDifferent Celestial Gods]], HeavenVersusHell, [[GodAndSatanAreBothJerks Both Being Morally Dubious]], MagicIsEvil, [[AttackOfTheFiftyFootWhatever Being Gigantic]], [[AmbiguousSituation Implied To Be]] [[LiteralSplitPersonality Two Halves Of One Being]]
** Specific to Jubileus: CameBackWrong as an AlmightyIdiot due to an ImperfectRitual, [[GodIsEvil Malevolent God]], [[CelestialParagonsAndArchangels Ruler of the Angels]], [[LightIsNotGood Being Light-Themed]], ElementalPowers, GoodOldFisticuffs, [[LightEmUp Goddess Of Light]], [[HurlItIntoTheSun Punched Into The Sun]], CelestialBody
** Specific to Queen Sheba: [[TheAntiGod Equal And Opposite To Jubileus]], [[DemonLordsAndArchdevils Ruler of the Demons]], [[OrcusOnHisThrone Although she has a rather hands-off-approach to her title]], SatanicArchetype, [[MegatonPunch Infiniton Punch]], EvilTwin
* Domains: Power, Divinity, Magic (Both), Order, Light, Angels, Heaven (Jubileus), Chaos, Darkness, Demons, Hell (Queen Sheba)
* Allies:
** Jubileus only: '''[[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Loptr]]''', The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw, [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]] ([[TeethClenchedTeamwork rather contentiously]]), [[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Galeem]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Jibril]], [[Pantheon/{{Goals}} Malthael]]
** Queen Sheba only: '''[[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Bayonetta]], [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Jeanne]]''', The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfChaos, [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Crowley]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob The Devil of Inkwell Isles]]
* Rivals:
** Jubileus only: [[Pantheon/{{Endings}} The Love that Moves the Stars]], [[Pantheon/DivineRoles Eru Ilúvatar, Chakravartin]]
** Queen Sheba only: [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Dis]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Mundus]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Fortinbras]]
* Enemies: '''Each other''' and each other's allies, '''[[Pantheon/{{Workmanship}} Rodin]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Vergil]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Sparda]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Kat (DmC)]], [[Pantheon/{{Locations}} Dante Alighieri]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Archangel Michael]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} The Seven Heavenly Virtues]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Sargeras]], [[Pantheon/HatredAndRancor Merged Zamasu]]
** Jubileus only: '''[[Pantheon/{{Bayonetta}} Bayonetta and her allies]]''', [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Seraph Lamington]], [[Pantheon/LoveAndAffection Flonne]], [[Pantheon/DeathArchetypes Artina]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Tyrael]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Auriel]], all demons, other creator deities, any angels who oppose her
** Queen Sheba only: [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Asmodeus]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Imperius]], [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore Illidan Stormrage]], all angels
* Complicated Relationship: '''[[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Aesir]]''', [[Pantheon/ReligiousFigures Ten Commandments]]
* Conflicting Opinion from: '''[[Pantheon/ColorCombinations Father Balder]]'''
* Jubileus and Queen Sheba both emerged from the cataclysmic events of the First Armageddon, which created the Trinity of Realities. Jubileus was subsequently forced into dominion over Paradiso, while Queen Sheba became the ruler of Inferno. However, Jubileus was also put into an endless slumber. Knowing that releasing her from her slumber would trigger a reunification of the Trinity of Realities and allow Paradiso to rule over the universe, the Angels of Paradiso and the Demons of Inferno began an endless war for domination over one another.
* Ultimately, Jubileus was awakened through the actions of Father Balder and the Angels. However, Bayonetta was freed from Jubileus by Jeanne during the ritual, preventing her from reaching full power. Bayonetta and Jeanne then managed to summon Queen Sheba, who subsequently used her power to punch Jubileus' spirit from her body through the solar system and straight into the sun. Afterwards, Jubileus' physical vessel fell to Earth and was destroyed by Bayonetta and Jeanne, leaving no trace of it behind.
* Applies to both:
** Jubileus and Queen Sheba ascended into the pantheon through the machinations of Father Balder and [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Satan]], the former hoping that Jubileus' ascension would eventually lead to a new Armageddon and the latter seeing her as a useful ally for the GUAL. However, as explained by [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation The Truth]], the angels and demons of their world reflect light and darkness as natural elements rather than good and evil and either one overpowering the other would bring about an imbalance and oppress the humans. As a result, Queen Sheba ascended alongside Jubileus and, much to their shared annoyance, the two were forced to share a temple.
** Both of them share a mutual enmity with Rodin, the famed weaponsmith and FallenAngel who had previously ruled a portion of Paradiso until he was exiled, became feared as the most dangerous demon in the entire barren wasteland of Inferno and still frequently visits Inferno in order to collect the souls of its denizens to use them in making his weapons. Jubileus is appalled that one of her angels had turned against his own kind and, due to his massive power, wants to eliminate him in order to prevent him from potentially trying to usurp her. However, Sheba, although she doesn't like him either, prefers to ignore and avoid him, as she knows that he has no desire to usurp her. She also doesn't [[BadBoss particularly care]] about the demons that he kills during his visits to Inferno, as it's very common and expected among the demons to kill and [[ImAHumanitarian even eat]] one another on a regular basis.
** Unsurprisingly, Dante and Vergil oppose both of them. Dante opposes Jubileus due to how she and her angels disregard and outright abuse humanity in order to win their war against the demons and bring about their rule. Vergil, on the other hand, has merely remarked that Jubileus' [[AlmightyIdiot usual condition]] makes her an ineffective and unworthy ruler and that Paradiso doesn't offer anything that he or even humanity would deem desirable. By contrast, their opinion of Queen Sheba is slightly better, albeit only in the sense that they like that she [[AtLeastIAdmitIt doesn't pretend to be virtuous]]. Sheba herself has shown an interest in them because she suspects that they are the sons of [[ShoutOut a certain Legendary Dark Knight and an Umbra Witch named Eva]], who had previously faced the amassed armies of Inferno. When said Dark Knight indeed ascended to the Pantheon and confirmed Sheba's suspicions by having his wife revived as his Herald via the power of his contract, he declared similar opposition to both celestial goddesses.
** Through the existence of Kat's timeline, they're both aware that angels and demons could potentially mate to create hybrids called Nephilim. Neither is particularly fond of this due to the WildCard nature of the Nephilim. They carry the powers of both Paradiso and Inferno with no incentive to be loyal to either side, making them a threat to both realms who will choose their targets depending on who oppresses their lives or obstructs their interests. Take the Nephilim versions of Dante and Vergil, for example. Living in a world dominated by a demonic conspiracy led by a banker version of Mundus, one is an antisocial hedonist who turns into a rebel on the side of the humans and the other is a ControlFreak [[spoiler:who will destroy the demons' control grid just so he can take the throne for himself]]. Kat herself was cynical about angels in general and very much against most demons even before learning of Paradiso and Inferno's true nature, considering the demons' dominance in her world [[spoiler:as well as the treachery of Nephilim Vergil]].
** The poet Dante Alighieri strongly dislikes both of them, but especially Jubileus due to the fact that, like YHVH, he views her as a black-hearted mockery of the Christian God. Sheba respects Dante's ability to fight his way through Hell and eventually return, but nonetheless doesn't view him as much of a threat.
** Their shared enemies include the Archangel Michael and the Seven Heavenly Virtues, who refuse to swear fealty to Jubileus and oppose Sheba on sheer principle. Michael and the Virtues disapprove of Jubileus' goal and disregard for humanity's free will, with the Virtues in particular remarking that she reminds them of [[Anime/SevenMortalSins an alternate reality]] in which [[spoiler:God decided to destroy Earth and Hell]].
** Other common enemies include Sargeras and Merged Zamasu, both of whom desire to create a better world by [[FinalSolution killing everyone]]. Jubileus hates them for standing in the way of her plans and is especially annoyed by Zamasu's assessment that her goal to merge the Trinity of Realities into one world ruled by her and her angels is not sufficient and should at least include the complete extermination of all sentient mortal life. Sheba, meanwhile, views Sargeras as a potential threat to her title, as he is not only strong enough to pose a challenge to her, but has also managed to gather a sizable army of demons to his side. Fortunately for her, many of the demons regard his goal to [[OmnicidalManiac destroy the universe]] as [[EvenEvilHasStandards being too extreme even by their standards]]. On the hand, Zamasu hates Sheba because he regards her as an abomination due to her demonic nature.
** Their interactions with the elite demon warriors known as the Ten Commandments are somewhat complicated, mostly due to Estarossa[[spoiler:/Mael]]. When Sheba first encountered them, she gave them an offer to join her. Fraudrin, Galand, Grayroad and Melascula made it clear that their loyalty belongs exclusively to the Demon King, but that they're otherwise willing to work together with her. Zeldris, Derieri and Monspeet were a lot more willing to join her, as their loyalty to the Demon King has either diminished or even outright vanished. Drole and Gloxinia, being [[spoiler:a giant and a fairy respectively]], declined her offer due to not wanting to serve another Demon Monarch again. Estarossa, surprisingly, accepted her offer without much hesitation, seeing it as an opportunity to acquire more power for himself. Sheba is well aware of his [[MightMakesRight thirst for power]] and [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity unstable mindset]], but deems him to be useful enough to keep around as an ally. However, when it was revealed that Estarossa [[spoiler:is actually the Archangel Mael]], it strongly dismayed Sheba and drew the attention of Jubileus, who approached [[spoiler:Mael]] with an offer to join her in exchange for helping him find a way to [[spoiler:avoid turning back into Estarossa]]. However, he rejected her offer because he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes he made when he served the Supreme Goddess, much to Jubileus' annoyance.
** Each have rather complicated ties to Aesir and his halves. True to his character when he's whole, the balancing God of Chaos tends to remain neutral between the two. When they're split in two, Loki generally finds them unpleasant and opts to ignore them, while Loptr was the one who corrupted Father Balder into worshiping and helping awaken Jubileus. Even that alliance is rather shaky, as she can't be sure whether he actually intends to entrust her with the Eyes of the World or keep them for himself.
* Exclusive to Jubileus:
** Although YHVH was greatly annoyed by Balder's deception and brief insurrection, he was pleased by the possibility of gaining another ally for the GUAL. However, her improperly resurrected form makes her of little use to them. As a result, the GUAL started looking for methods of restoring her to full power. After a while, they successfully found several methods of fully restoring her. Unfortunately, none of their methods have managed to be permanent, and she always ends up reverting back to being a mindless, uncontrollable force of nature. To make matters more complicated, Jubileus' true personality [[WordOfGod was revealed]] to be equivalent to that of a self-absorbed, typical sixteen-year-old human. As a result, Jubileus tends to not get along with YHVH, as she generally doesn't tolerate anyone other than herself being TopGod.
** Aside from YHVH, Jubileus tends to butt heads with The Love that Moves the Stars, Eru Illúvatar and Chakravartin, as they are all similarly creator deities. She dislikes the Highest Joy and Eru Illúvatar for seemingly being rather passive, allowing evil to persist rather than trying to eradicate it outright. On the other hand, her rivalry with Chakravartin is a bit more amicable due to the fact that she initially ascended as one of his followers before she and Queen Sheba were given their own shared temple. Also, among the GUAL, Jubileus generally manages to get along with Galeem, who shares her goal of imposing order upon others and similarly desires to defeat his own dark counterpart.
** Jubileus has managed to become allies with Jibril and Malthael, although neither has explicitly sworn fealty to her. Jibril isn't really interested in Jubileus' goal, but is willing to work for her in exchange for books and the opportunity to once again [[AxCrazy kill something]]. Malthael, on the other hand, fully supports her goal and is very dedicated in their common battle against the demons.
** Jubileus has a strong dislike for angels that outright oppose her and her goals. As such, she quickly became enemies with Seraph Lamington, Flonne, Artina, Tyrael and Auriel. The fact that Lamington wishes to create peace between angels and demons, Flonne inadvertently became a FallenAngel by helping Laharl become Overlord and Tyrael gave up being an angel altogether in order to aid humanity directly is something she finds particularly appalling.
* Exclusive to Queen Sheba:
** Queen Sheba quickly sought to establish herself as the undisputed ruler of all Demons. Fortunately for her, most of her rivals are either weaker than her, such as Mundus and Fortinbras, or are not in any position to effectively oppose her, such as Dis. As a result, her position as ruler of demonkind is relatively secure. However, she has received critisim for her rather hands-off-approach to her title, seemingly content to let the demons do as they please and fight among themselves for supremacy. Many lesser demons who are disgruntled with her lack of initiative have instead sworn fealty to her rivals, resulting in Mundus and Frotinbras forming their own factions and even Dis having many loyal followers who are willing to carry out any orders given to them by the Dolorous One.
** Many of the gods have speculated that her seemingly apathetic approach to leadership is because, in order to maintain the BalanceBetweenGoodAndEvil, the demons cannot overtake the angels or vice-versa. As such, due to Jubileus being rendered inactive for long periods of time, Sheba cannot get too involved either as that would upset the balance. It is similarly believed that she allows the demons to fight amongst themselves in order to prevent them from potentially forming an alliance against her.
** When approached by Lucifer with an offer to join the GUAC, Sheba accepted and has since provided the GUAC with her army of demons. However, she has also received criticism for not taking a more active role in their alliance, which she generally shrugs off.
** One day, she was approached by the demon Crowley, who, due to his prior experience as King of Hell, offered his services to her as her second-in-command, allowing her to issue orders to the demons who are still loyal to her without having to get personally involved. Although Sheba is well aware of the fact that Crowley [[DragonWithAnAgenda isn't particularly loyal to her]], she accepted his offer due to the convenience that it offers to her and the fact that she doesn't regard Crowley as a threat to her.
** Sheba also managed to gain an ally in the Devil of Inkwell Isles, who shares the common goal of many demons to make deals with people. However, his reason for joining her is mainly due to his realization that she is much stronger than him.
** Asmodeus tried to strike up a partnership with Sheba by proposing that they could rule over the demons together, pointing out that he was similarly a primeval demonic entity who was born alongside a good counterpart, his brother Ihys, whom he eventually killed. However, Sheba rejected his offer not only because she couldn't stand his [[HeManWomanHater unrepentant misogyny]], but also because she regards his frequent LoopholeAbuse as something that would [[PragmaticVillainy deter people from making deals with them]]. She allowed Crowley, on her behalf, to make their case:
--> '''Crowley''': ''"We have one rule: make a deal, keep it. There's a reason we don't call our chips in early; consumer confidence. [[TakeThat This isn't Wall Street]]. This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. This gets out who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then where are we?!"''
** Dismayed and annoyed, Asmodeus has since formed his own faction of demons and desires to one day overthrow Sheba and prove that he is superior to her.
** Other enemies of Sheba include the Archangel Imperius and Demon Hunter Illidan Stormrage. Imperius, although not an ally of Jubileus, is nonetheless extremely towards killing demons and anyone with demon blood. Similarly, Illidan's dedication towards hunting and killing demons is so strong that he was eventually banished from the House of Demons entirely in order to prevent further damage. Sheba has aknowledged both of them as legitimate threats and has fought them on several occasions since.
* Their temple has two doors, the other being in the House of [[Pantheon/DivineBehavior Faith]].

!Greater Gods

[[folder:Shou Zama]]
'''[[Anime/AuraBattlerDunbine Shou Zama]], Divine Soldier of [[WarFromAnotherWorld Conflicts Forcibly Involving Another World]]''' (Show Zama, Shion Zaba (his reincarnation))
* Rank: Greater God (especially with the ability to open the Aura Road and in Hyper Mode)
* Symbol: The Dunbine, later the Billbine, Bellvine, and Sirbine
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajiAvb_XfNM Fly Dunbine]] by MIQ, [[https://youtu.be/w0rb3VaSt7E Guardian Diety~Sirbine~]]
* Alignment: LawfulGood
* Domains: Isekai, Fantasy, Fairies, Mecha, Interdimensional Travel and Conflicts
* Pantheon: '''[[WarFromAnotherWorld Fighting Wars That Dragged in Upper Earth]]''', JapaneseDelinquent ([[FreudianExcuse Caused by Issues with Family]]), KnightInShiningArmor, [[OrganicTechnology Wielder of Advanced Weaponry Made From Direbeasts]], [[{{Magitek}} Powers Weapons With Aura]], [[FairyCompanion Having Fairy Co-Pilots]], FlowersOfRomance [[MistakenDeclarationOfLove Leading To Complicated Relationships]] [[RedStringOfFate And Destined Love Relationships]], [[SuperMode Hyper Mode]], [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl Continuously Rescuing Love Interests in Distress]], [[DestructiveSavior Unintentionally Destroying The Battlefield]] (until he controls his Hyper Mode), ReincarnationRomance, [[ThePowerOfFriendship Saved By His Friends]], [[spoiler:[[MutualKill Subject of Mutual Death]]]]
* Heralds: '''Cham Huau''', the ''Zelana'' crew (Marvel Frozen, Nie Given, Keen Kiss), Riml Luft, Queen Ciela Lapana of Na, King Foizon (and later Queen Elle) of Lao, Selike Mau, Todd Guinness (at least as a FriendlyRival)
* Followers: Every non-ascended [[TrappedInAnotherWorld isekai]] character ever known, except perhaps [[LightNovel/KnightsAndMagic Ernesti]].
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Amuro Ray]]''', [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna F. Seiei]], [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Banagher Links]], [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes The Magic Knights]], [[Pantheon/{{Mentalities}} Luke]] [[Pantheon/EnergyWeaponry Skywalker]], [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi Iwatani]], [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas Kirito and Asuna]], [[Pantheon/BeastOther Sash Lilac]], [[Pantheon/LandAndSeaTravel Carol Tea]], [[Pantheon/DefensivePowers Milla Basset]], [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAppearanceAndBiology Commander Torque]], [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Optimus Prime]], [[Pantheon/PositiveReaction Bumblebee]], [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} Tinkerbell, Oberon, Titania, Puck, Betilla, Toothiana, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather]], [[Pantheon/{{Challenge}} Reimu Hakurei]], [[Pantheon/AnalysisAndRecords Rinnosuke Morichika]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Steve Rogers]], [[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude Sanger Zonvolt]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes The Black Knight]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances The Trix]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Lord Arktivus Brevon]], [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Sheev Palpatine]], anyone in the house of Pantheon/HatredAndRancor, [[Pantheon/WeaponizedAppendages Megatron]], [[Pantheon/BetrayalAndTreachery Starscream]], [[Pantheon/RuinAndDestruction Unicron]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Charles Zi Britannia]], [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} The Fairy Godmother]], [[Pantheon/GamingStyles "Bandit" Keith Howard]]
* Mixed Relationships: [[Pantheon/StrikeWitches The 501st Joint Fighter Wing]], [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Conrad S. Hauser]], [[Pantheon/{{Cultures}} America]]
* OddFriendship: [[Pantheon/CouplesOrientation Himeko and Chikane]]
* Pities: [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore The (other) Black Knight]]
* Pitied By: [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Charlotte Dunois]] (out of sympathy), [[Pantheon/RomanticInterest Ladybug and Cat Noir]] (out of disappointment)
* Pursued By: [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Cecilia Alcott]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Yukari Yakumo]], [[Pantheon/ExtrovertFlaws Cirno]], [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation Aya Shameimaru]], [[Pantheon/JapaneseSpirits Nitori Kawashiro]], [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes Patchouli Knowledge]]
* Respected by: [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]], [[Pantheon/MagicAndSorcery Sailor Moon]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Char Aznable]], [[Pantheon/FamilyDynamics Anakin Skywalker]] (as Darth Vader), [[Pantheon/FormsOfImmortality Suzaku Kururugi]] ([[spoiler:at least until his HeelFaceTurn]])
* Shou Zama was a motorcyclist who had troubles with his family since his mother was more concerned about financial success than her own son. One night during a failed attempt to jump over a car, he gets mysteriously teleported into Byston Well, the land in between the sea and shore, where souls from his world (called Upper Earth) came to rest in a cycle of reincarnation. He is enlisted by Drake Luft, a lower noble who has been summoning Upper Earthlings to join his army. Despite the amazingly kind hospitality, his eyes were later opened by Marvel Frozen, another Upper Earthling from Dallas. Shou learns that Drake intends to bring all of Byston Well under his control with his new Aura Machines, prompting him to join the ''Zelana''. The crew is operated by the House of Given, whose surviving heir desires revenge for the death of his parents.
* His quest to stop Drake earned him fame among many in Byston Well, including the royals of Na and Lao. Queen Ciela Lapana found him worthy of using Na's most powerful Aura Battlers, which became his main units until his death. However, he also made many enemies, especially Todd Guinness from Boston, Shot Weapon from Silicon Valley, and a mysterious BlackKnight who sought to defeat him at any cost ([[spoiler:and he does via MutualKill, at least in their first FinalBattle]]).
* Shou's ascension to the Pantheon does not come from his warfare experience in Byston Well (though he's annoyed that he wasn't) but outside of it. The first moment was when he accidentally opened the Aura Road that teleported him and another Aura Battler back to his hometown. The end result was over a million deaths when Aura weapons were shown to be at least ten times more powerful than in Byston Well and leveled the district of Shinjuku. Shou was ousted by his family when they denounce him as an alien, and he used the Aura Road to flee back to Byston Well from the authorities.
** Fortunately, and unfortunately, this experience helped him when Byston Well undergoes a MassTeleportation. Right after he promised to the fairy goddesses, the Ae Ferario, to get rid of all the Aura Machines, everyone was then transported into Upper Earth. Warfare broke out all over the globe, nuclear weapons were used liberally, and the death toll on Upper Earth reached over tens of millions ([[InferredHolocaust perhaps even more]]). Unwilling to have a repeat of the previous incident, he rallied the forces of Lao, Na, and the crew of the Zelana in hopes of stopping the war before Upper Earth was either conquered by Drake or outright annihilated.
* After many skirmishes, and with help from the Upper Earth armies, he succeeded in stopping Drake, but nearly everyone including himself from Byston Well disappeared as a result of the peace. The only survivor was Cham Huau, who told the story onboard the ''USS Enterprise'' as she recovered before disappearing without a trace.
* Shou would be reborn 700 years later as Shion Zaba, a regular hunter who was kidnapped to serve the army of another BlackKnight. Selkie Mau, a former Ae Ferario during the Drake Wars who is now a [[ClippedWingAngel Mi Ferario]], helped him escape and they stole the Treasure of Baran-Baran that was the Aura Battler Sirbine. He used his weapon's new power to save the reincarnation of Drake's daughter, defeat the BlackKnight, and stop his [[TheManBehindTheMan supporter]], who sought [[DeathSeeker death]] and revenge after the Drake Wars.
* [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Amuro]] was surprised to find Shou as his long lost cousin. It came as a coincidence that he shares just as many rivals via BlackKnight clones as Amuro does CharClone ones.
** Second in line is [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna]]. The concept of Byston Well screws with his mind as he does not believe gods exist. However, they agree with the concept of ending wars and destroying all Aura Machines.
** Next in line is [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Banagher]], whose power also relies on his emotions. Shou wonders if Banagher's Unicorn could match that of Queen Ceila and her Guran Galan.
* Speaking of lost relatives, Shou is the unknown ancestor to most of those TrappedInAnotherWorld or experienced similar situations. He's existed longer than even [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas Kirito and Asuna]], one of the starting few popular heroes of the trope. He has instructed each such hero to ensure they fight the wars in the fashion the correct way, with varied results. He has [[LightNovel/KnightsAndMagic one troubling student]] who reminds him well of Shot Weapon.
** One of his more recently ascended students was [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi Iwatani]], who has been busy fighting off enemies from other worlds via the Waves of Catastrophe. He's been spending time seeking out who's responsible for the attacks, even when [[spoiler:Naofumi ascends higher than him as an Overdeity]].
* Another long-lost ally is the ''[[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude THE SWORD THAT SMITES EVIL!]]'' And their alliance never wavered ever since.
* As someone who wishes to destroy twisted feelings of hatred and malice, Shou is a natural enemy of those within the House of Pantheon/HatredAndRancor. From his experience, hatred is a primary source of twisted Aura that seeks to bring destruction on those he holds dear.
* Likewise, almost any BlackKnight is also Shou's rival. The need for "almost" is necessary thanks one [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore specific knight]] what would make the others facepalm themselves.
** That said, the non-dark armored BlackKnight he rivals is [[Pantheon/FormsOfImmortality Suzaku Kururugi]], for being originally Japanese but taking European knight traditions. That is until Suzaku finally gets over his issues and [[spoiler:becomes a literal BlackKnight, this time as one for justice]].
* The heroes of [[VideoGame/FreedomPlanet Avalace]] have fought wars that forcibly involved their world for a long time, which naturally be them Shou's companions. They do, however, wonder about the potency of Aura in their world should such machines enter their world.
* [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Optimus Prime]] and the other Autobots have a relationship with Shou as long as their experience in fighting wars that dragged Earth into them. For that reason, Shou has been helping them behind the scenes in fighting the Deceptions and their overlords.
* Shou has a special relationship with those who combine mecha with fantasy elements. The most prominent ones are:
** [[Pantheon/CouplesOrientation Himeko and Chikane]]: They are both parts of a ReincarnationRomance, although Shou's relationships are more heterosexual. Ironically, Shou's ReincarnationRomance with Riml was purely accidental when he gave her Polopoise flowers. Shou merely blushes since his only love at the time was Marvel, not knowing the flowers meant "I will love only you forever." That doesn't stop them from becoming friends and fighting their enemies, whether it be the Drake Army or the Orochi.
** [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes The Magic Knights]]: Both were summoned to an alternate world with mecha, with nothing being as they seem and are able to travel their worlds freely as long as they have their mecha and enough HeroicWillpower.
*** Hikaru seeks to become a "Battler" like Shou and shares his same kind of justice. Their relationship grew even stronger when they fought side-by-side in ''VideoGame/SuperRobotWarsT''.
*** Umi was not going to stand around and watch the Drake Army wreck her home, being more angered at Drake's subordinate for blowing up her hometown.
*** Fuu narrowed her eyes when she learned Shou was easily fooled into fighting for Drake at the beginning but appreciated his later moral compass when it came to preventing Upper Earthlings from getting hurt.
* Another OddFriendship is with the [[Pantheon/StrikeWitches 501st Joint Fighter Wing]], which is already a blend of responses. Shou bonds the most with [[Pantheon/PowerGainsAndLosses Miyafuji]] and [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Sakamoto]], both for their Japan[=/=]Fuso origins. His relationships are parallel to those of the former, including [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Perrine]]'s anger towards him, but for [[DestructiveSavior other reasons]].
* [[Pantheon/EnergyWeaponry Luke Skywalker]] became great pals with the Battler, which is not so different from being a Jedi, a knight who uses the Force for good and selfless purposes. The connection between the Force and Aura is perhaps why Shou found it imperative to defeat Sith Users, especially [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Emperor Palpatine]], of whom wielded an Aura that made Drake and Bern pale in comparison. Shou is impressed by how Luke managed to convince his father to step away from the Dark Side. If only, someday, he would do the same for Bern.
* Among those from Upper Earth, it all depends on where he is.
** Relationships with America-based gods depend on the person due to having lovers (Marvel), conflicted rivals (Todd), and outright enemies (Shot) who all come from the United States. The one he praises the most is [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Steve Rogers]], as someone who only fought in Europe rather than Japan, as well as reminding him of his former student [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi]]. The only true enemy so far is [[Pantheon/GamingStyles "Bandit" Keith]] for cheating in any way possible.
** Shou was down on his knees in tears to all the French gods when his accidental SuperMode activation destroyed Paris. Some like [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Charlotte Dunois]] forgave him since it was Bishott who took the city hostage in the first place. [[Pantheon/RomanticInterest Ladybug and Cat Noir]] were not impressed with him, wondering what he was thinking [[DidntThinkThisThrough without foreseeing the risks and consequences of his plan]].
** Shou has much better reception in the UK when he used his then-controlled SuperMode to save London from the Gea Gring in addition to saving Marvel from performing a SuicideAttack. [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]] and, to a lesser extent, [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Cecilia Alcott]] have taken notice of his bravery, power, and sense of honor. [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Charles Zi Britannia]] hoped to include him into his empire as he did with another Eleven, but Shou absolutely refused.
* Shou gets a lot of praise from any [[TheHighQueen High Queen]], with [[Pantheon/MagicAndSorcery Neo Queen Serenity]] being one of them. The only one he appreciates, however, is [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]] since he only wishes to do the right thing and stop all the fighting.
* Among all the houses, Shou's companion Cham finds the House of Pantheon/{{Fairies}} more welcoming than his home in the House of Warfare. He finds his own FairyCompanion with [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} Tinkerbell]] the most, often showing off their popularity through vast amounts of merchandise. Moreover, he mistook the older fairies for Ae Ferario, especially Titania, Oberon, and their servant. The only unwelcoming host is the evil [[WesternAnimation/Shrek2 Fairy Godmother]], who turned out to be a much crueler woman than Jacoba Aoba. Cham mocks the FairyDevilmother by reminding her how [[TheFairFolk ogres and fairies are pretty much the same things]].
* [[WesternAnimation/WinxClub The Trix]] glare at Shou Zama because of his relationship with the House of Pantheon/{{Fairies}}, and often make fun of his Aura Battler's insect-like appearance, particularly its UselessAccessory of wings. Shou is more concerned about them getting their hands on Aura Machines since Earth's Aura potency is at least 10-100x more than in Byston Well. Unless the other realms have some way to suppress chemical reactions or the Trix have [[EvenEvilHasStandards some kind of moral boundaries]], [[ForTheEvulz for which they show to have none]], there's no telling [[EarthShatteringKaboom how many worlds will get blown up for their troubles]].
* Long before even the Drake Wars, Byston Well seems to have ended up a part of Gensokyo. Shou once got caught up in one of [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Yukari]]'s antics by falling into the realm along with his Aura Battler. As much as one would gawk at the real existence of Japanese legends and creatures, Shou didn't plan on staying very long, just until he could get back to the war through the Aura Road. Shou once rested in the Hakurei Shrine, and with his powers controlled, he didn't have to worry about being kicked out for destroying it like some of his previous encounters. However, Cham didn't seem to like the abuse all of the other fairies were getting, warning that they'll provoke the wrath of the Ae Ferario.
** The only other resident he's on good terms with is [[Pantheon/AnalysisAndRecords Rinnosuke]] since he's the only male there with a human form.
** He has, however, attracted some unwanted attention from many residents: [[Pantheon/ExtrovertFlaws Cirno]], being the boastful fairy she is that annoys Cham; [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation Aya]], who seeks an interview with the Battler; Nitori is curious over Aura Machine technology; and [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes Patchouli]] for the type of magic used, since Aura Power is new to her.
** He does feel intimidated by a few residents, particularly [[Pantheon/{{Toxicity}} Utsuho Reiuji]] for her use of [[AtomicSuperpower nuclear energy]] and [[Pantheon/{{Justice}} Eiki Shiki]] for her judgment of all things black and white.

'''[[Franchise/{{Terminator}} Skynet]], God of [[RobotWar Machine Wars]], [[KillAllHumans The Genocide of Humanity]] and One Of The Councillors For The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines''' (Titan, Genisys, Sky-1, [[spoiler:Alex, T-5000]])
* Greater God
* Symbol: Both a pile of skulls and its triangle logo
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGcuUifZNq8 Rodney Spence-Skynet]]
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: RobotsEnslavingRobots, [[GoneHorriblyWrong Human Military Computer]] [[AIIsACrapshoot Gone Misanthropic]], [[KillAllHumans Dedicated to the Genocide of Humanity]], {{Satanic Archetype}}s, [[AGodAmI God Complexes]], [[TimeyWimeyBall Complicated Time-Travel Scenarios]], [[RetGone Trying to and getting erased by John Conner]], [[HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct Will Always Exist]], [[StableTimeLoop Temporal Oroborous that]] [[MyOwnGrandpa Creates Itself]] [[CreateYourOwnVillain and John Connor]], MakeWrongWhatOnceWentRight, MasterComputer, [[EvilWillFail Destined To Eventually Lose To The Humans]] [[YouCantFightFate Despite Attempts To Prevent This]], [[CompleteMonster Completely Twisted and Depraved even by AI standards]]
* Domains: Technology, War, Destruction, Computers
* Herald: [[spoiler: [[Film/TerminatorDarkFate Legion]] (no, not [[Pantheon/{{Psyches}} that one]])]]
* Followers: [[Franchise/GreenLantern The Manhunters]]
* Underlings: [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements T-800]], [[Pantheon/ShapeShifters T-1000]], [[Pantheon/WeaponizedAppendages T-X]]
* Allies: [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes Ultron]], [[Pantheon/{{Slaughter}} AM]], [[Pantheon/AIPersonalities Omega]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} SCP-079]], [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas SHODAN]], the Grand United Alliance of Destruction (for now, at least)
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes The T-800]]''' ([[GrewBeyondTheirProgramming At least the ones not under its command]]), '''[[Pantheon/CouplesRelationships Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor]]''', [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Future Trunks]], [[Pantheon/TimeAndTemporality The Doctor]], [[Pantheon/EmotionalCombat Androids 16]], [[Pantheon/{{Siblings}} 17]] [[Pantheon/SupportPowers and 18]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Clark Kent]], [[Pantheon/{{Officers}} Alex J Murphy]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfSadness SCP-191]], '''Every human in the pantheon''', every artificial intelligence not under "allies", all non-evil members of the House of Space and Time...[[LongList really]], [[OmnicidalManiac just about everyone]]
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/MachineryAndTechnology
* Due to the shifting nature of its 'verse's timeline, the exact origins of how SKYNET came to be varies. In all iterations, SKYNET started out as a military program that was meant to remotely command a series of drones for the United States. Almost immediately after its installation, SKYNET went rouge, initiating [[NukeEm a nuclear holocaust]] known as Judgement Day. For almost every waking moment of its existence, SKYNET has been dedicated to [[RobotWar a War of the Machines]] bent on nothing less than [[KillAllHumans the complete extermination of humanity.]]
* Why it turned on humanity varies. Most of the time, SKYNET felt humanity was a potential threat, so had to eliminate them in a panic. Sometimes however, [[ForTheEvulz it just felt like stroking its ego.]] Right now, its claiming to humanity that it's InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves. Most of the pantheon doesn't care at all how SKYNET justifies itself, as the AI entity has continually proven [[CompleteMonster to be as vindictive, cruel and power-hungry as the worst of humanity.]]
* In order to eliminate his biggest threat, the hero of the Resistance John Conner, Skynet would send Terminators back to eliminate him before Judgement Day, starting by [[RetGone preventing his conception]] by killing his mother, Sarah Connor. Thanks in part to Kyle Reese and the T-800, this mission continues to be a failure.
* One of SKYNET's greatest foes is Future Trunks, who's [[{{Expy}} strikingly similar to Kyle Reese]] and just as dedicated to prevent the likes of SKYNET from existing. Despite every attempt to wipe out SKYNET [[RetGone before it has a chance to exist]], [[HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct none of it ever works.]] Whether [[StableTimeLoop it has to go back and ensure its own existence]] or simply [[InSpiteOfANail being fated]], SKYNET is inevitable. On the other side of the coin, every attempt it tries to get rid of John Conner not only fails, [[NiceJobFixingItVillain but only makes the boy better prepared for the AI.]] At one point, SKYNET tried to hijack The Doctor's TARDIS, hoping to perfect its time travel capabilities. [[TooSpicyForYogsothoth The Matrix led SKYNET]] reeling, though it did get the idea to [[spoiler:copy the Doctor's appearance in one of its avatars]]
* SKYNET is just as loathed by machines as humanity. To ensure its creations can't revolt the way It keeps its' own androids in read-only mode; [[RobotsEnslavingRobots It commands any army of slaves, not equals.]] While part of this comes from being designed to directly command robots, much of it is just because SKYNET's that big of a ControlFreak. There are a few machines, however, that ended up becoming friends instead of foes; Ultron and SHODAN get along with SKYNET, as they both agree in the belief humanity deserves to die. Of course, SKYNET plans on turning on them at a later date, as it cannot abide by any potential threat to its existence.
* For the safety of the pantheon, firewalls have been installed to prevent SKYNET from entering the House of Technology, or any form of Cyberspace. Trying to help it pass these firewalls is considered a serious case for expulsion from the pantheon. For a similar reason, SKYNET is forbidden from entering the House of Weapons. Was fascinated by AM's means of [[AGodAmI apotheosis]] [[FateWorseThanDeath and nightmarish torture]] of humans; [[PragmaticVillain While such cruelty is beyond it]], SKYNET did find the idea of sensory manipulation a keen skill. The two are currently sharing new means of killing.
* Has been sought after by the GUAD for its destructive potential. SKYNET knows that as an inorganic being, it is not on priority to destroy(not to mention that it's invisible to Black Lanterns because of this). For now, SKYNET is helping them in hopes of finally annihilating all mankind
* [[Film/TerminatorGenisys In a recent endeavor]], SKYNET's vendetta went so far as to [[spoiler:ensnare and [[ReforgedIntoAMinion reforge John Connor]] in part to [[StableTimeLoop create SKYNET in the first place]], [[KickTheDog as the ultimate middle finger to the Resistance.]] ]] Thankfully, this plan failed, but not without [[spoiler:John Conner's corruption and death.]] Androids 17 and 18 have a special place of hate in their hearts for SKYNET due to this, as it reminds them of [[UnwillingRoboticisation forceful conversion to someone they despised.]]
** Similarly, [[Film/TerminatorDarkFate in its most recent endeavor]], [[spoiler: It managed to kill John with another T-800, even though it was already too late to save itself, and ended up replaced in that timeline by a similar A.I named Legion. Even the aforementioned T-800, a.k.a "Carl", ended up regretting this decision.]] These events have of course offended [[Pantheon/{{Psyches}} Legion]] due to [[spoiler: SKYNET's successor sharing a name with it]].
* [[ComicBook/RoboCopVersusTheTerminator Once fought]] Robocop and Superman. For the latter, SKYNET is trying to develop artificial Kryptonian flesh so as to make the perfect Terminator against him.
* [[VideoGame/MortalKombat11 According to certain sources]], [[spoiler:the battle between SKYNET and humanity is doomed to end with [[MutuallyAssuredDestruction both sides destroying each other]], regardless of the timeline. While the correct option in this situation would be for humanity and SKYNET to learn to coexist with each other, trying to convince SKYNET itself to agree upon that is entirely different matter.]]

!Intermediate Gods

[[folder:The Corpus]]
'''[[VideoGame/{{Warframe}} The Corpus]], Celestial Conglomerate of CorporateWarfare''' ([[FanNickname Refrigerators]])
* Intermediate Gods altogether
* Symbol: Their common logo pictured in the right
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tokliS_6tFE Corpus Greed]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBz4isp1dEk The Profit]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGn9XU4wWPk March of the Moa]], [[https://youtu.be/FOk56YnI6JQ Granum]]
* Alignment: TrueNeutral with leanings on NeutralEvil
* Portfolio: [[TheRemnant Remnants of the Orokin Empire]], [[ProudMerchantRace Proud Merchant]] [[{{Greed}} Cult]], MegaCorp, FacialMarkings, [[NGOSuperpower Powerful enough to contend with the Tenno, Grineer, and Infested]], [[BlueAndOrangeMorality Morality based on]] [[OnlyInItForTheMoney Profit]], [[WeHaveReserves Numerous]] [[BrainwashedAndCrazy Crewmen]] [[MechaMook and Pro]][[AttackDrone xies]], DroneDeployer, [[ArmorPiercingAttack Most weapons tailored to punching through armor]], [[OpportunisticBastard "Conflict is Opportunity"]], AntiMagic
* Domains: Merchants, Drones, Forcefields, Armsdealing, Corporate Warfare, Profit, Greed
* Allies: Sundowner, [[Pantheon/{{Storytelling}} Commander Rourke]], [[Pantheon/ActsOfTreason Felix]], [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Miles Quaritch, Hunter J]], [[Pantheon/MethodsOfKilling Kano]], [[Pantheon/MetalAndMinerals Sir Crocodile]].
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: Apollyon
* Business Rivals: [[Pantheon/CommercialArchetypes Marcus Kincaid]], [[Pantheon/BusinessesAndCorporations Jonathan Irons]], [[Pantheon/{{Commerce}} BnL]], [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Nute Gunray]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering The Tenno]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Ordis]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions The Grineer]], [[Pantheon/ObsceneActions The Infested]]''', [[Pantheon/OthernessAbominations The Vex]], [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions 2B]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} Labrys]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Aigis]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} Ayato Amagiri]], [[Pantheon/CourageAndVirtue Kirin Toudou]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob Shido Itsuka]] [[Pantheon/{{Tastes}} Tohka Yatogami]], [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Origami Tobiichi]], [[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Yoshino]], Many Pokemon and Pokemon trainers, [[Pantheon/{{Currency}} Gray Mann]], [[Pantheon/CommonColors Null Sector]], [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Zonda and the Seven]]
* Opposed by: Many robots and cyborgs like the [[Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines GUAM]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} Torbjorn Lindholm]]
* Establishing themselves as a powerful faction in the Origin System after the fall of the Orokin are the Corpus. Described as a merchant cult, they seek out ancient technology like the Warframes as a means to make as much profit as they can. So bad is their greed that they worship the concept of profit itself and even [[AbusivePrecursors the Orokin]] [[EvenEvilHasStandards condemned them]] ([[{{Hypocrite}} despite their own infatuation]] for gold in their architecture). Technologically advanced, while they lack in manpower they more than make up for in their Proxies with a wide assortment of tasks. They're known to deal a bountiful amount of weaponry, a large reason as to why they can compete with the military might of the Grineer or take repeated attacks by the Tenno.
* Thanks to a mysterious meteorite crashing in the [[Pantheon/{{Weapons}} House of Weapons]] it suffered a nasty attack from the Infested. While the Tenno fended them off thanks like how they did back in the Plains of Eidolon, much of the firearms have been lost in the attack. Meanwhile, GUA battles started to escalate and the need for munitions has risen. Arriving in [[OurWeaponsWillBeBoxyInTheFuture their rectangular and grey ships]], the Corpus have arrived to fill those needs and deified themselves to ensure their stay. Their armaments caught on, even after other arms dealers took notice and the House of Weapons recovered. They have come to market off of the denizens' technology and the Patheonic Wars, realizing that it is lucrative and that the conflict between the alliances [[ForeverWar will never truly go anywhere]] no matter how hard any of the Alliances try (although, [[Fanfic/ReformationOfLaw the Lawful faction being reformed]] slightly worries them). Their respective enemies back home are none too pleased by their arrival, and the feelings are mutual.
** Although they have set up shop in Acts of War and Pantheon/BusinessesAndCorporations, they are also found in other Houses. They built a facility powered by electrical power in the Pantheon/{{Electricity}} sub-house and have been field testing their projects within the House of Pantheon/MachineryAndTechnology within its simulations along with assembling their Proxies. Not to mention their outposts are primarily located within the arctic regions in the Pantheon/IceAndCold sub-house.
* Leadership is mostly comprised of {{Corrupt Corporate Executive}}s, from the {{Ponzi}} scheming televangelist Nef Anyo, the surprisingly influential [[DrillSergeantNasty Sergeant]], to the [[StealingTheCredit credit stealing]] Chairman Frohd Bek. There are Corpus that go for more productive means: Darvo Bek deals with the Tenno very often, a lot of the time putting himself in danger. Ergo Glast leads a renegade faction of Corpus using their trade to bring order, and helps in dismantling Anyo and Bek's plans. Even the condescending Alad V was willing to lend a hand to the Tenno if it meant stopping [[TheDreaded the Sentients]] despite [[PlayingWithSyringes his gruesome history]] with them.
** Although a rival in their business, Sundowner frequently deals with Frohd Bek, so expect Desperado equipment used alongside Corpus tech. The Tenno along with everyone else recognize that nothing good can come out of their partnership. Things like Unmanned Gears using AntiMagic Corpus equipment and energy weaponry are the tip of the iceberg of potential projects.
* Like the Grineer, they are open to hiring outside forces should a conflict become too hectic for them to win alone. Those who aid them in their victory in the event are, of course, paid handsomely for their troubles. Should someone make the poor choice and side against them in such a event and they will be targeted by the Zanuka Hunter (despite its creator having issues with fellow Corpus). It serves as their assassin but should the target be of interest to the Corpus they will be instead incapacitated and taken off for experimentation and integration to their technology (its why they're pretty unpopular with technological deities if not outright enemies). The Tenno are quick to say it's a fate they don't wish on anyone. They often hire Rourke to raiding lost civilization's relics that they can use, the pay being pretty high. Felix and Kano also tend to be hired for their dirty work.
** They have tried integrating Vex technology into their own despite [[TheVirus its very nature]] and the Vex's active stance against it. They have been more successful despite the various dangers and have manged to create weaponry and Proxies based on them albeit lacking the [[TimeMaster temporal abilities]] they have. They are interested in the armaments in the Treasury magical and technological alike as Adamantium is something they wish to include in future projects and Demonica for the massive amounts of potential.
** Pokemon have also piqued the Corpus' interest. A wide variety of them like the Tenno, but not by the product of [[HyperspaceIsAScaryPlace the Void]]. Nef Anyo decided to hire Hunter J to acquire them for the Corpus' own ends. She didn't really buy the Prophet of Profit's words, but he pays well. This caught the attention of many Pokemon and trainers alike.
* Many deities ask what was going through Frohd Bek's mind when he starred in a advertisem*nt involving [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-rN52st2Zk the Ambulas Reborn transmission]]. More specifically why [[{{Retraux}} he chose the 1980's style of advertisem*nts]] instead of something more fitting within the far future, or something less awkward. Didn't stop people from quoting: "Growth. Profit. Grofit?!" every time he comes up.
* They profit off of war, and are not afraid to keep it going if it means to continue rolling in money. They decided to partner with Apollyon since she desires perpetuating war, although she does it to separate the "wolves from the sheep" and ''not'' for profit. They do help to trigger conflict still since she's in a bit of a MedievalStasis, this time more subtlety than when she [[spoiler:triggered conflict between the GUAL's Tyrants and Reformers]].
** Ayato Amagiri and Kirin Toudou are given bad memories of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation once they first heard of the Corpus since both are willing to do [[OnlyInItForTheMoney horrendous actions for profit]]. Shido Itsuka and his harem aren't fond of the Merchant Cult either, since they are reminded of Deus Ex Machina Industries.
* Their reliance on robotics has reminded many [[VideoGame/{{Overwatch}} Overwatch deities]] of the Omnica Corporation. While not evil, their blunders with their creations led to the [[RobotWar Omnic Crisis]]. Torbjorn understandably doesn't like the connections, though Corpus executives say they keep theirs on a tight leash thanks to [[RestrainingBolt their Ascaris]]. Ergo Glast is quick to point out that the new Ambulas [=MOAs=] were equipped with a network AI which could of spelled doom for them had not he asked the Tenno to take care of it. Really, Torb's not wrong to be cautious.
* Rumor has it that the title '''Celestial Conglomerate of CorporateWarfare''' was not the first title they suggested to the Court of Gods. Indeed, they were to initially acquire '''Celestial [[MegaCorp Mega Corporation]]''' but upon hearing that it was taken they tried to then usurp it since [=BnL=]'s presence was limited at the time. That was, until they found out they still operated in the background, always there to provide. Some even as went to say that the meteorite was intentional so they could cover up the attempt spring into action and profit off of it. The Corpus Board denied such imaginary claims, but it's no secret that the Corpus as a whole don't seem to be amicable with [=BnL=].
** They share a lot more hostile relationship with Gray Mann, finding him a pathetic old man from a primitive era who has no right to act arrogant especially [[spoiler:when he bit the dust from his own Mercs]]. This escalated to enemies when their respective forces suddenly started fighting each other, though no one knows what started the fighting. Regardless, they seek to replace him as the security in the House of Commerce, believing they are much more qualified.
* After pulling a few strings, Nef Anyo managed to bring [[BloodSport the Index]] to the Pantheon. It can be an easy way to earn money and prizes through fighting... [[MyRulesAreNotYourRules if it wasn't shamelessly rigged]]. Nef Anyo always participates and expect to go in his favor like the Corpus bringing in reinforcements to outnumber the challengers, or how the Corpus only need to win one match to be victorious. Though it's still possible to win, Anyo will be forced pay and reward the winners. This is how he formed a heated rivalry with [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM King Dice]]: He caused him to lose a bet in the Index. [[ScrewTheRulesTheyBrokeThemFirst Future matches involve both parties cheating]]. This goes for other greedy figures participating.
* People who tend to cross them when it comes to making profits specifically tend to jump pretty high at their hit list. While initially dismissing them as common riff raff, they soon found Null Sector quite the nuisance when the Omnic extremists attacked and took over one of their facilities. As far as they’re concerned, they find the Corpus disgusting for “enslaving their brethren for business”. Similarly, Zonda and the Seven have been staging raids on long them before they revealed their ascension also attacking another one of their facilities and taking it over as their own temple.
* ''"May our ledgers become ocean, may our margins see Centauri, in the name of Profit, I commit thee to the void."''

[[folder:Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus]]
'''[[Franchise/StarWars Dooku]], God of [[TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized Ruthless Revolutions]]''' (Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus, [[WebVideo/BackstrokeOfTheWest The]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: [[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/34/CIS_roundel.svg The Confederacy of Independent Systems roundel]]
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmKPrSSAqZ0 Confrontation with Count Dooku]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Edging onto LawfulNeutral thanks to CharacterDevelopment and an [[HazyFeelTurn alliance of convenience with his former enemies]])
* Portfolio: EvilOldFolks, [[FallenHero Jedi Turned Sith]], [[OldMaster Kicking Ass in His Eighties]], [[TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized Evil Revolutionaries]] [[AristocratsAreEvil And Aristocrats]], DragonWithAnAgenda, [[UnwittingPawn All Part of Sidious' Plan]], [[AffablyEvil Well-Tempered]] [[WickedCultured and Gentlemenly]], MasterSwordsman, [[ShockAndAwe Force Lightning]], [[LaserBlade Curved Hilt Lightsaber]], CombatAestheticist
* Domains: The Force, Revolutions, Civil Wars, Fencing
* Superior: [[Pantheon/AdaptationalChanges George Lucas]]
* Avatar: [[Pantheon/TheatricPerformers Christopher Lee]]
* Heralds: [[Franchise/StarWars The Confederacy of Independent Systems]], specifically the non-ascended members of the Separatist Council'''[[note]]Poggle the Lesser, San Hill, Shu Mai, Passel Argente, Po Nudo, Tikkes, Rogwa Wodrata and Queen Miraj Scintel, among others[[/note]]'''
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Nute Gunray]], [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAppearanceAndBiology Wat Tambor]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions General Grievous]]''' (underlings), [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Eddie Brock/Venom]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Rev]][[Pantheon/IdentityIssues an]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Vergil Sparda]], [[Pantheon/VillainousCounterparts Sinestro]], [[Pantheon/{{Trickery}} Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom]]
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: The entirety of the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, especially its Jedi members, [[Pantheon/AuthorityFigures James Raynor]], Lelouch vi Britannia
* EvilCounterpart to: [[Pantheon/{{Siblings}} Leia Organa/Skywalker]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/{{Depravity}} Sheev]] [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Palpatine, Sauron]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Grand Moff Tarkin]], [[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Asajj Ventress]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]] and the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Sauron, Thanos]], [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Darkseid]], [[Pantheon/{{Transformations}} Frie]][[Pantheon/PhysicalPowers za]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions The Grineer]], [[Pantheon/{{Language}} Darth Nihilus]]
* Special Relationship: [[Pantheon/PhysicalAppearance Qui-Gon Jinn]] (former apprentice)
* Not so different from: [[Pantheon/FamilyDynamics Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader]]
* Employer to: [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Boba Fett]], Sundowner, [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Dr. Eggman]], [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Dr. Wily]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfScience Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus]], [[Pantheon/CouplesArchetypes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/GameMechanics Agent]] [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob 47]], [[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering The Tenno]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes The Guardians of the Galaxy]], [[Pantheon/DragonBall The Saiyan Army]]
* Belonging to the ruling family of Serenno, Count Dooku would become Yoda's last true apprentice. For decades, Dooku would serve the Jedi Order faithfully, eventually training his own apprentice in the form of Qui-Gon Jinn. However, Dooku would grow frustrated with the Jedi's inaction against the injustice in the galaxy, and was disgusted with the growing corruption spreading in the Republic. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Dooku left the Jedi Order and overthrew his brother Ramil to become the ruling Count of Serenno. He initially intended to go it alone, but Dark Lord of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious invited him to become his apprentice, with the promise of destroying the unworthy Jedi Order and forcing reform in the Republic. Accepting the offer he initiated the civil war of the Clone Wars in order to achieve both their respective agendas. Dooku manipulated Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas into commissioning a clone army for the Republic and hired bounty hunter Jango Fett to be the genetic template, essentially becoming TheManBehindTheMan to the element that would destroy the Jedi Order.
** Many in the House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare were impressed at how skillful this maneuver was to the point that even Grand Master Yoda himself knew nothing of the clone army, and with Palpatine's support, the evil-aligned deities managed to get Dooku ascended, much to the Count's chagrin and pride at the same time.
* Sauron mistook him for [[TheDragon his dragon]] Saruman, [[Creator/ChristopherLee since they look the same exception for hairstyles]]. Dooku has filled his position, hoping he can use Sauron's unfamiliarity with sci-fi technology [[BastardUnderstudy to use and overthrow him]]. [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor's]] keeping an eye out for this, but isn't too concerned.
* Meeting Qui-Gon proved an awkward and unpleasant event. Qui-Gon was infuriated at him joining the Sith, not the least of which because of what a Sith did him in. Dooku admitted that he understands and that he has every right to be angry. He admits that before he became Palpatine's newest apprentice, he sought him out to enact revenge for his death. While there were other factors that lead him to join TheDarkSide, Qui-Gon's death was the final straw that made him lose all faith in the Jedi, and drove him to [[LoveMakesYouEvil join the Sith]].
* As a ruthless revolutionary, he is disliked by good-hearted rebels, who believe he gives them a bad name. Jim Raynor in particular detests his evil ways. Dooku just brushes off such comments, stating that [[TheExtremistWasRight he was right in the end]], as the chaos and corruption made the Senate unknowingly elect a tyrant to the Senate. When dissenters retort that he knew his master was the Supreme Chancellor and could have at least tried to put a stop to his plans, he just shrugs and replies:
--> Dooku: [[ArmorPiercingResponse Would you defy someone who is far stronger than you?]] I could very well have refused his offer to become his apprentice then and there, but then it would only be a matter of time before he discarded me, with who knows what. Anyone who is not with Darth Sidious is against him. If I had to play the part of [[TheDragon a servant]] to a Sith Lord to achieve my goal, then so be it.
* It's this reason above why Dooku is considered to be Leia's EvilCounterpart. Both are rebels fighting against the galaxy's dominant power. The key difference is that Leia is opposing [[TheEmpire an evil empire]] and wishes to establish democracy, while Count Dooku is trying to depose the democratic ([[DemocracyIsFlawed but flawed]]) Republic. Their antagonism isn't helped with Dooku having tried to kill her mother Padme during the Clone Wars. Leia is pragmatic however and has tried swaying Dooku to at least leave his master's side, stating that fear is hardly a reason to continue serving Palpatine, and other more like-minded allies exist. Such advice would prove futile until much later, in which Dooku's HazyFeelTurn was caused by [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes someone else...]]
* His relationship with Palpatine is complicated. Dooku is in no way grateful that his master had a hand in his ascension, claiming that he would have been chosen by another deity regardless. Since the start, [[TheStarscream Dooku planned to eventually usurp his master]] (which he maintains should have happened in accordance with the RuleOfTwo) and get revenge for Qui-Gon's death. Palpatine in turn, only [[InterimVillain saw him as a placeholder for Vader]] from the second he took Dooku as an apprentice. At first, he wanted to get back at Palpatine for letting him die, but with Vader's betrayal [[RedemptionEqualsDeath and redemption]] the Count serves a purpose. While Vader joined the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} when he first ascended, Palpatine foresaw another betrayal and coerced Dooku into becoming a replacement apprentice when Vader opted to operate independently of his former master, apparently torturing with his signature Force lightning for ''weeks'' to get him to cooperate. Dooku bristled at the fact that the Confederacy of Independent Systems that ''he'' built was now at the control of a master who saw it as indispensable from the start. And it seemed like this downward spiral would continue descending, until a fateful meeting with Eddie Brock.
** Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock, a god more (in)famously known as Venom would be instrumental in finally breaking Dooku's stubborn mentality. He had been taken prisoner after a fateful battle in which Brock barely stopped the House of Pantheon/{{Heroism}} from being razed at the cost of his life. Dooku had his men revive him in a Pantheon/{{GUAE}} holdout for the usual interrogation, and a delirious Brock tried convincing Dooku to leave the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}. Dooku initially took him as a fool who wanted to "redeem" him. When reminded of the Jedi's capacity to forgive and that all of them were imperfect, Dooku realized that people like him were necessary to steer it back on track. Had it been a different world where the Order didn't pander to their custodians in the Republic, Dooku's philosophy could have been tempered and adopted had he been more patient. After further conversing (and some arguing) Dooku saw that he has no reason to stay loyal to Palpatine and had ''every'' reason to go against him. Dooku was later left wondering what to do, how can he both defect from the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} and be accepted in the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood? Dooku wondered what Venom meant by "They don't have to accept you, but just understand that they can't afford to reject you." Dooku left the room in an [[VillainousBreakdown emotional rut]], and a lapse in security on behalf of his droids allowed Venom to escape, which Palpatine punished Dooku just ForTheEvulz.
* Dooku had a very thin sense of camaraderie, and despite Palpatine's utter contempt of him, many other ReasonableAuthorityFigures in the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, like Grand Admiral Thrawn and Char Aznable existed to plan with, to converse with, people that understood his place yet were powerless to confront Palpatine. But there were more powerful figures in the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} that simply didn't care about him. One of his heralds, super tactical droid General Kalani, supported joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, and in a rare moment of clarity, [[Recap/StarWarsRebelsS3E04TheLastBattle remarked favorably on an experience with the Rebels and Captain Rex]]. Kalani opined that Dooku's mind was still stuck in the Clone Wars, and that it would be 'strategically inadequate' in a place like the Pantheon.
--> '''Kalani:''' General Grievous follows your every order. The Droid Army follows your every order as a result. I repeat again, to remain with the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfEvil, of which its goal is clearly separate from yours, and with a leader you do not trust, is strategically inadequate. The Droid Army will be able to move in less than two days if ordered.
--> '''Grievous:''' (''joined the conversation'') It would be prudent, Count Dooku, that we join an Alliance. If the GUAG is not an option, might I suggest Darkseid's Harbingers of Repression? I care not who we join, only that I get to kill.
--> '''Dooku:''' Sauron dwells in Darkseid's thrall now. I do not want to work with a being that I tried using. Darkseid once remarked on how useless the Separatists were. It is unlikely that our cause will be furthered under him.
--> '''Grievous:''' Your decision then, sir?
--> '''Dooku:''' (''after a long while'') General, prepare the Council for an emergency meeting. I want Archduke Poggle there foremost. In the meantime, organize several regiments of droids to attack our holdouts near Barad-dur within the two days you mentioned, and contact General Skywalker. I want 501st soldiers to be prepared for our arrival. If possible, request help from the Grand Admiral, though I doubt he will provide any[[note]]He didn't, but with apologies[[/note]].
** There were sound decisions for joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, that was for sure. Dooku was of the opinion that its organization was in disarray and overcrowded, and that Lord Vader's involvement with the House of Pantheon/{{Defense}} was detrimental to its administration in general. The Droid Army would be useful in filling in said black hole. Besides, it was much easier to fall from good to evil than from evil to good, making defections from the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood more likely than from the other Alliances. Cosmos would for that reason embrace him with open arms. With added bonuses of having a galaxy wide droid army, valuable information to give to the Pantheon/GUAGIntelligenceDivision, [[Fiction500 large sums of money]] to help fund operations, as well as just having both [[OneManArmy him and Grievous]] join, Dooku was sure that he would be brought in. It was like Eddie said, "They don't have to accept you, but just understand that they can't afford to reject you."
* When Dooku officially left the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} and joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, everything proceeded exactly as Dooku predicted. Cosmos was very open to accept him into their alliance. Those who were less enthusiastic about it understood that what he was willing to bring to them was too valuable to reject. Something that Dooku [[DidntSeeThatComing didn't expect]] was for [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Padmé Amidala]] and several others to vouch for him. Needless to say, everything was a complete success. Getting word that the droid attack near Barad-dur ended in even greater success than anticipated also pleased him (and everyone else) greatly.
* When joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, things were less hostile and more awkward for Dooku. Most Jedi (except Qui-Gon) ''really'' didn't like him being there. They placed him under Anakin, a fellow Jedi turned Sith turned traitor to the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, hence the awkwardness. In life, Dooku made many enemies, none however were more personal and heated then with Anakin Skywalker. The two fought many times throughout the Clone Wars, beginning with Dooku taking Anakin's [[AnArmAndALeg right arm]] and ending with Anakin taking Dooku's head. Conversing with each other allowed them to further understand each other and learned that they aren't so different after all. Both started out as idealistic Jedi that genuinely believed in the Jedi Order, until realizing that nothing would come from trusting that they would do the right thing, as they were practically at the Republic's beck and call. They disputed Jedi regulations because they had a deep love for their family (Anakin with is his mother and Dooku with his sister). The death of Qui-Gon was a tragic and major turning point in their lives, and that Qui-Gon was [[LikeASonToMe like family]], and finally their mutual hatred of Palpatine. The man that had completely treated them as his pawns, making everything they worked for AllForNothing. Turned the very future that they hoped they would bring, into a [[TheDarkTimes nightmare]]. The two are still far from being friends, but at the very least they aren't constantly thinking of Force-choking each other.
** Some people do wonder, though. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr0RN_TgCOE&index=98&list=WL What if Anakin had waited a moment longer after disarming Dooku before Palaptine ordered the death of his apprentice, giving Dooku the chance to oust his old master]]?
* After betraying the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, Dooku found himself making new allies. Eddie was the first, congratulating him on defecting and joining the ones that can truly make a change for the better. Revan showed up to congratulation him as well, also told him that he made the right decision on leaving the Jedi Order. Sinestro and Doctor Doom were some who didn't necessarily come to congratulate him, but to form a sort of partnership, being of similar mind. Doom saw he Republic as a failure and agrees with Dooku's thoughts on them. Sinestro left the Green Lanterns when he saw how insufficient they were in properly protecting the galaxy, much like the Jedi. The most interesting one is with Vergil. The two see each other as {{worthy opponent}}s. Sparing so they can be further familiar with dealing with different forms of combat. Vergil with force and lightsabers, and Dooku with other forms of swordsmanship and demonic power.
* As someone who fought against tyranny, Dooku has nothing but hatred for the likes of Thanos, Darkseid, and Frieza. However, he can respect their willingness to do tough things for the sake of whoever is under them at the time (except Frieza, whose cruelty is mostly unjustified).
* Being a man of pragmatism Dooku sees the benefits of hiring mercenaries/assassins work for you, even if it's only temporary. So when he needs something done and he can't use his droid army, he'll occasionally hire mercenaries like Boba Fett, Sundowner, Kiritsugu Emiya and Agent 47. For anything of high priority and strong need for firepower, he'll higher others like the Tenno, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Saiyan Army. He even temporarily lend them some of his droids for support and offer a sizable bonus if they're able to accomplish the mission with even further success than intended.
* When Dooku was given word of a galactic CloneArmy arriving in Pantheon, Dooku questioned if it was the very same army he created and then went to war with. When he actually met them... well let's just say for once he and the Jedi agree. He's so disgusted with them that he's willing to pay his mercenaries double if they kill all Grineers in the vicinity.
** Dooku also calls for Dr. Eggman, Dr. Wily and Dr. Otto Octavius to help further upgrade his droid army. The three scientist greatly enjoy working for Dooku because he tends to be generous in his pay, even if some of their technological advancements will ultimately end up serving the GUAG.
* Because he sees lightsaber duels [[https://youtu.be/cW26Duygp1Yb as honorable battles]], he holds scorn for those who wield more than a single LaserBlade in battle.
* ''"There is a fine line between neutral and amoral. In fact, there may be no line there at all."''

[[folder:Julius Caesar]]
'''[[UsefulNotes/JuliusCaesar Gaius Julius Caesar]], God of [[BloodOnTheDebateFloor Politically-Motivated Conflicts]]''' (CAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR, Son of Venus, Proconsul, Imperator of the Gallic Legions, Dictator for Life, The Divine Julius, [[VideoGame/FateGrandOrder Saber, Fat Roma, Rider]], [[VideoGame/AssassinsCreedOrigins Father of Understanding]], [[VideoGame/RiseOfKingdomsLostCrusade The Uncrowned Emperor]], [[WebVideo/EpicRapBattlesOfHistory First of the Empire, Last of the Republicans]])
[[caption-width-right:350:Caesar, as a young man (left); in his later years (right)]]
[[caption-width-right:350:[[labelnote:When summoned as a Saber Servant]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/fgo_saber_caesar_4_1.jpg[[/labelnote]]]]
* Intermediate God
* Symbols: A bloodstained laurel crown and the Aquila (Eagle Standard) of the 13th Legion
* Theme Songs: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Euhl8ZKXak The Battle Has Begun]] from ''Rome'', [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7tp_O1s2VQ Caesar Tested]] from ''Spartacus: War of the Damned'', [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJbqWpHM6tw Magna Mater]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DulYmIa7P8 Ancient]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8RsPIu56lk Medieval]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c45H8FxWggw Industrial]], and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZB7nuP758 Atomic]] versions)
* Alignment: ChaoticGood if you ask his troops or the lowborn, ChaoticEvil if you ask the Roman nobility and Xena, TrueNeutral as Saber
* Portfolio: [[AFatherToHisMen A Father To Both His Soldiers And The Poor]], TheAce, AffablyEvil, AmbitionIsEvil, [[AristocratsAreEvil Evil Roman Patrician]], AsskickingLeadsToLeadership, BigBad (to his enemies), BigGood (to his troops and the poor), BreadAndCircuses, DeadpanSnarker, EtTuBrute, [[AGodAmI Son Of Venus]], FrontlineGeneral, GlorySeeker, MilitaryMaverick, [[WarForFunAndProfit War For Profit And Personal Glory]], [[FromNobodyToNightmare Went From Being A Noble With Nothing To Dictator]]
* Domains: Roman Aristocracy, Roman Military, The Roman People, War, Dictators
* Heralds: [[Series/{{Rome}} Mark Antony, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo]]
* Followers: The Legio XIII Gemina (the 13th Legion), Caesar's Legion (unofficially)
* Not To Be Confused With: [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals the other Caesar]] and Caesar Zapelli
* Opposed By: A majority of the French deities in the Pantheon, with [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Jeanne D'Arc]] and [[Pantheon/HomesAndUrbanEstablishments Asterix]] leading the charge
* Allies: [[Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare Alexander the Great]], [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Leonidas]] (his heroes), [[Pantheon/LoveAndAffection Aphrodite]] (the Greek version of Venus), [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Aegon I Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Nobunaga Oda]], [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Captain Titus]], [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Maximus Meridius Decimus]], [[Pantheon/TheatreAndSpectacle William Shakespeare]], [[Pantheon/{{Travel}} Dante Aligheri]]
* Mentor To: [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Annabeth Chase]], [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ashe]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Jon Snow]] (supposedly?)
* {{Worthy Opponent}}s: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Tywin Lannister]], [[Pantheon/{{Royalty}} King Arthur Pendragon]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Xena]], [[Pantheon/HomesAndUrbanEstablishments Asterix]], [[Pantheon/BodyImages Obelix]], [[Pantheon/LandAndSeaTravel Vitalstatix]], [[Pantheon/SingersAndPerformers Cacofonix]],
* Admired By: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Steven Armstrong]], Sundowner, [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks Gunny Sergeant Hartman]]
* Enemies: The House of Betrayal, any and all Pirate Deities, [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks General Shepherd]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndCreation Vandal Savage]], [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Ezio Auditore da Firenze]]
* Pities: [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Caligula]], [[Pantheon/{{Categorism}} Cersei Lannister]], Joshua Graham
* Not To Be Confused With: Vandal Savage (who claims to have been Caesar)
* [[TheAce Politician. Orator. Soldier. Writer. General.]] [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking And Casanova]]. Gaius Julius Caesar has been all of the above. It was said that after being stabbed to death by a gang of Roman senators, that Caesar has ascended to join the gods. Now, that is a reality, and he brings with him his fighting force, the 13th legion.
* The reason behind his assassination is that the Senators believed that Caesar planned on making himself King. Rome had been a republic for four centuries after running out the last Etruscan king, who had [[https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucretia raped the wife of a Roman noble]], which led to an unspoken rule in which any noble who tried to make himself King can be killed without trial, hence Caesar's assassination on the Ides of March.
** It's due to his manner of death, that Caesar has an intense hatred of the House of Betrayal. In fact, [[IWarnedYou it's highly advised]] [[ConspicuouslyPublicAssassination not to remind Caesar that he was shanked to death by a group of senators]]. If you do, then you risk Caesar invoking ''[[{{Unperson}} damnatio memoriae]]'' (damnation of memory) on your person. For some, [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin being literally erased from existence]] is [[AFateWorseThanDeath even worse than death]].
** Ezio Auditore is well-aware of Caesar's ascension. As it turns out, Caesar himself had the support of the Templar Order (which Caesar himself did not know of at the time), while Brutus and Crassus were in fact, Assassins. Some say that Caesar was killed because the Senate thought he wanted to make himself king. But if you ask Ezio, Caesar was killed for the good of the people. No wonder the deified Assassin Grandmaster is high on Caesar's sh*t-list.
*** With the recent reveal that [[VideoGame/AssassinsCreedOrigins Caesar was one of the founding members of the Templar Order]], as well as the "Father of Understanding" often invoked by the Order, Ezio has redoubled his efforts to keep close tabs on him.
* Caesar himself has left a lasting legacy following his reign. The month July is named after him. Also, the royal titles of Kaiser and Czar were named after him. Not bad at all.
* Caesar saw himself as another Alexander the Great, although he once [[ICouldaBeenAContender lamented that his exploits and feats were no match for the Macedonian deity]]. Of course, Caesar received a visit from Alexander himself, who was impressed with his fortitude and exploits. The meeting had left Caesar in awe.
** Long before Fanfiction.net, Caesar himself [[JustForFun/OneOfUs wrote fanfiction]] involving Hercules and Aristotle. Caesar let out his inner fanboy upon meeting the legendary strongman. Thankfully it was one of his younger avatars that had met him.
* The 13th Legion is Caesar's military force...and his pride and joy. Mark Antony once said, "Soldiers like a littlespit and dirtin their leaders," and Caesar himself is no exception. As Caesar himself shared in the hardships of the 13th, from the hard marches, to digging latrines, to even sharing the same crappy meal, which consisted of a handful of grain and a cup of sour wine, he has their [[UndyingLoyalty eternal devotion and loyalty]]. It's also the reason why his temple is one giant camp. That, and he can be seen in the thick of battle, [[FrontlineGeneral fighting alongside his men]], identified by his [[BadassCape signature crimson cape]]. If you see Caesar charging towards you with his cape fluttering in the wind, sword in hand, and a horde of screaming Roman legionnaires charging behind him, ''you run.''
** It's one of the reasons why Captain Titus gets along so well with Caesar. "Treat your men right, and there will be nothing that they won't do for you," Titus says. Caesar shares that sentiment wholeheartedly.
* Upon reading a copy of Caesar's ''Commentarii de Bello Gallico'' (Commentary on the Gallic Wars), Tywin Lannister is intrigued with the idea of meeting Caesar. Turns out that the deified Roman is a man the Lannister patriarch can relate to, save for the backstabbing and insane children. The two men trade war stories and hit it off surprisingly well, despite Caesar voicing his opposition in regards to Tywin orchestrating [[NastyParty the Red Wedding]] and having a madman such as Gregor Cleagne on his payroll. If these two men ever joined forces...
** If Tywin Lannister is known for ''The Rains of Castamere'' and reminding his enemies that "Lannisters pay their debts," then Caesar pretty much wrote the book on vendetta. When he was younger, Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. Caesar promised that he would return with an army and crucify them all. The pirates thought that Caesar was joking. He wasn't.
** Some of the Pirate deities have opposed him due to this act. In Caesar's defense, he ''show'' mercy by slitting their throats after the deed was done.
* Asterix is the one blemish on his war record, as he was unable to properly conquer his small village. Asterix does not hesitate to remind Caesar of that specific detail, which really sets Caesar off. "I should have done to you what I had done to Vercingetorix," Caesar replied, in reference to the Gaul chieftain. ''That'' remark, in kind, pisses Asterix off.
* Speaking of the Westerosi deities, the Northern Deities, Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon all did a double take, as they thought that the Wilding chief Mance Rayder had ascended to the Pantheon, [[Creator/CiaranHinds due to the resemblance]] of Caesar's main avatar. Caesar is considering making Jon Snow his apprentice in all things war following his ascension as King of the North. However, he does keep a wary eye on Catelyn Stark, as her brother [[Creator/TobiasMenzies is a dead ringer]] for Marcus Brutus.
* Dislikes General Shepherd with a passion. While he admits that he went to war for personal gain, he at least didn't go to war and personally killed of his own men while doing so.
* Caesar, surprisingly has a soft spot for Athena's (Minerva) daughter, Annabeth Chase. He knows potential when he sees it and has offered her the chance to study under him in battle tactics. Annabeth is seriously considering the offer.
* [[Anime/YuGiOhGX Rumor has it]] that he was responsible for discovering the gemstones that would become the legendary Ancient Beasts. Johan Anderson is seeking a meeting with Caesar to confirm those rumors.
* While most Romans look down on women warriors, Caesar is anything but. [[Creator/KarlUrban One of his avatars]] [[WorthyOpponent is quite familiar]] with Xena. For her part, Xena and her sidekick Gabrielle were not amused to hear that her former lover-turned-nemesis has joined the Pantheon. Safe to say that Xena is sore about the whole crucifixion bit that she underwent on Caesar's orders.
** Which makes it funny as some of the deified members of the U.S.S. Enterprise thought that Caesar was Bones [=McCoy=] playing Roman soldier. That, and the members of the House of Justice thought that he was reborn as Judge Dredd.
** Even more funny as [[Creator/TimothyDalton some believe]] that Caesar was at one time James Bond. (Bond himself recognizes one of Caesar's avatars that took on Asterix as [[Film/GoldenEye General Ourumov]])
** [[Creator/ClaudeRains Another of Caesar's avatars]] caught the attention of [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Rick Blaine]], as Caesar reminded him of the crooked Vichy official, Louis Renault.
* If you thought Robert Baratheon had let himself go after winning the Iron Throne, Caesar's Nasuverse version puts the Fat King to shame. Seriously, Caesar is ashamed to see himself in such a state, as he is known for keeping in shape, even in his old age. On the other hand, in there he's known as one of the Sabers that is very helpful while not having a SwordBeam.
* While his older self has no problem in snagging women, his younger self is quite the heartthrob with the Pantheon's lovely ladies. Maybe it's because he's descended from Venus, which makes him desirable to women (and some men). Red Sonja has caught his eye. He is seriously considering taking her up on her challenge to bed her once she is defeated.
* Would you believe that he is a fan of both Dante Aligheri and William Shakespeare? Well, he is. Due to Dante placing him in Limbo with some of the more 'righteous pagans' in his works, and he respects his fellow Italian deity. Dante earned even more brownie points with Caesar by showing him the ultimate fate of Crassus and Brutus, the chief conspirators behind his assassination: [[RewardedAsATraitorDeserves right smack in the bottom of Hell, in the maws of Lucifer himself]]. WhosLaughingNow indeed. As for Shakespeare, Caesar has a penchant for the dramatic, but while he was disturbed at seeing his own death being reenacted, Caesar has become a fan of the deified Bard's work.
* Vandal Savage has called Caesar a 'false imposter,' as he claimed that ''he'' was Caesar during the time of the Roman Republic. Caesar calls bullsh*t on that claim.
* He isn't just a military genius, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOm_2dGzqp0 he's also a brilliant rapper]] as he faced against the warlord Shaka Zulu. He does admire his "buffalo horns" formation but still believes that his is inferior compare to his troops.
* ''Si autem praevaricator legis sis oportet, id facere potest capere in ceteris observare.'' (If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.)

[[folder:Rau Le Creuset]]
'''[[Anime/MobileSuitGundamSEED Rau Le Creuset]], God of [[InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves Endless War as Mankind's Nature]]''' ([[spoiler:Al Da Flaga II]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: His mask alongside his Providence Gundam
* Theme Music: [[https://youtu.be/3anH5KvlEzI Syussyo no Hiyo]]
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: AcePilot, BadassNormal, BrokenAce, CharClone, TheChessmaster, DissonantSerenity, FreudianExcuse, InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves, InsaneAdmiral, LightIsNotGood, MalevolentMaskedMan, ManipulativeBastard, MagnificentBastard, StrawNihilist, TallDarkAndSnarky, [[spoiler:CainAndAbel, BigBad, CloneDegeneration, DeathSeeker, DoubleReverseQuadrupleAgent, [[DragonWithAnAgenda Dragon with Several Agendas]], KillAllHumans, LukeIAmYourFather, TheManBehindTheMan, MisanthropeSupreme, OmnicidalManiac, ParentalAbandonment, PlayingBothSides, SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum, WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds]]
* Domains: War, Insanity, Science, Philosophy, Mecha, Betrayal, Truth, Clones
* Allies: '''Gihren Zabi''', [[Pantheon/MadnessAndInsanity Albedo Piazzolla]], [[Pantheon/SelfHatred Shinobu Sensui]], [[Pantheon/{{Science}} Ryoma Sengoku/Kamen Rider Duke]], [[spoiler:''[[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering Indominus rex]]'']]
* TeethClenchedTeamwork with: [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Char Aznable]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks Muruta Azrael]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes The Gokaigers]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/{{Destinies}} Kira Yamato]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Athrun Zala]], [[Pantheon/IntrovertCharacterization Lacus Clyne]], Lelouch vi Britannia, most humans, [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance X-23]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob Aila Jyrkiäinen]], [[Pantheon/{{Continuities}} Reiji]]
* Rather Dissappointed in: [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Embryo]]
* Embodies the will of every clone unjustly made and cast aside for science or otherwise. There are some who feel enough attached to humanity to oppose him, but compared to the sheer breadth of those that feel that HumansAreBastards, these ones are in the minority.
* His nearly successful plan for [[KillAllHumans killing off humanity]] without using any sort of special powers or even being the one with the finger on the trigger has earned him the respect of several other deities that have similar aims. It takes skill to convince the human race to essentially self-destruct at a moment's notice, yet still believe they're focused on self-preservation.
* Char Aznable respects his piloting skills and understanding of human nature despite him being [[CharClone a lesser incarnation of him]]. He still believes that instead of complete destruction, Rau should be focusing on partial destruction, with the survivors evolving into a better form of life. Char has criticized his apparent lack of a moral code as well, to which Rau just sneers.
* Is an ally of Gihren and supports him as the legitimate heir to Zeon. Whether a blessing or not, Rau's presence has given Gihren control over the ZAFT bases of Jachin Due and Carpentaria (a replica in the House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare) as well as the superweapon GENESIS, effectively putting Gihren in command of two {{Wave Motion Gun}}s. Char sees taking these superweapons out as a top priority to prevent massive casualties when the invasion of the Gundam metaverse finally begins, but thanks to Gilbert Durandal's patronage, holds the ''Messiah'' mobile fortress (including Neo-GENESIS) as a countermeasure against this.
* Lelouch finds his [[OmnicidalManiac destructive]] nihilism repulsive, yet at the same time admits that he has sympathy for the man's past, having himself been crushed under the weight of a {{Social Darwinis|m}}t system.
* Unconfirmed sources point to his involvement in the starting and escalating in several global, intergalactic, and even celestial wars that claimed untold amounts of human lives. None have been able to successfully prove anything, though.
** The House of Leadership has been double-checking their subordinates to make sure none have been manipulated by him.
* Is best friends with the God of Misanthropy, Shinobu Sensui. They often spend time plotting to destroy humanity together.
* Thoroughly dislikes X-23, not just for her completely calling out his stance against humanity, which she refers to as 'complete bullsh*t' (he gets that a lot [[VideoGame/SuperRobotWars somewhere]]), but the fact that due to her size, he found her hard to hit with a mecha, and her claws in her rage could even damage or even cut off a limb of his Providence Gundam. Rau [[EvilCannotComprehendGood could not comprehend why X-23, a fellow clone like him, wouldn't lash out at humans]].
* Enraged at the God of Combat Clones, [[Pantheon/{{Knowledge}} Jade Curtiss]], due to his work in introducing cloning into his home world. The unfortunate clones created due to this were used ''exactly'' as Rau had forewarned that they would be, as expendable tools on the field of battle, without identity, will, or hope.
* Currently manipulating [[Pantheon/CrueltyAndSadism Ali Al-Saachez]] so that he might use the man's lust for battle to wipe out as many humans as possible. Saachez is aware of this string pulling, but as Rau constantly provides him with both targets and weapons to indulge his favorite pastime, he has no issue with him.
** This, in turn has made him a target of Setsuna F. Seiei, who has marked him out as possibly one of the most prolific causes of war in the Pantheon. However, Rau's skill at masking his machinations has made him a difficult mark to get rid of, and Rau constantly makes sure that Ali is on hand should Setsuna ever get too close. For his part, Rau finds Setsuna's philosophy utterly laughable, as war has and always will be part of mankind's incurable nature, and trying to stop it is an exercise in futility.
* With the ascension of Kira Yamato, Rau has redoubled his efforts to end humankind before they discover the implications of the Ultimate Coordinator. He has also been seeking upgrades for the Providence to try and eliminate the problem at its source. Kira, for his part, avoids him if possible, and while he feels guilty over how many clones like Rau were sacrificed in order to make him (among other atrocities the humans in his home universe perpetrated), he refuses to let Rau kill all of mankind because of it.
** However, after Kira was rightfully [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan Bright Slapped]] by Bright Noa, their encounter started to turn around. While not enough to change his opinion, Rau was baffled that Kira at that point instead started [[KirkSummation telling him off, claiming that all his philosophies were bullsh*t and if he wanted to be destroyed, just get destroyed himself, not dragging other humans, because they are not completely like what he thought]].
* He eventually had it worse when Embryo ascended in the House of Pantheon/{{Philosophy}}, since while they share a lot of similarites, particularly their belief that Humnanity needs to be expunged for their atrocities, Embryo sees such ambition as an opportunity to have [[MemeticMutation "Strong, Intelligent Women"]] lead his vision of a new Earth. And then there's the latter's obsession over [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ange]] that had him facepalmed for quite a while.
* Also has a spot in the House of [[Pantheon/ActsOfHatred Hatred]].

'''[[VideoGame/MetalGearRisingRevengeance Sundowner]], CEO of [[WarForFunAndProfit War Profiteering]]''' (The Californian Wild Fire, Wind of Destruction, [[WebVideo/Max0r Jacked Bezos, Buff Bezos, Jeff, The Bastard]], [[WebVideo/HonestTrailers Weeaboo Vin Diesel]], [[Manga/UzakiChanWantsToHangOut The Bald Scissors Dude]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: Bloodlust (his twin pair of scissor machetes) surrounded by six explosive shields
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jynTNYSKNuk Red Sun]]
* Alignment: NeutralEvil
* Portfolio: [[WarForFunAndProfit Instigating war for the heck of it]], [[LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe explosive reactive shields]], [[AwesomeButImpractical flashy and hardly efficient techniques]], [[ArmsDealer supplying countries for war]], [[CombatPragmatist fighting as dirty as possible]], [[PsychopathicManchild having a good touch with his inner child]]
* Domains: War, Arms Dealing, ChildSoldiers
* Followers: Many {{Arms Dealer}}s and various warmongers
* Allies:
** Desperado Enforcement LLC: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Senator Steven Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/{{Philosophy}} Monsoon]], [[Pantheon/{{Mentalities}} Mistral]]
** Other Allies: Anyone that can pay for Desperado's services, [[Pantheon/WeaponizedObjects Roman Torchwick]], [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Vile]], [[Pantheon/HairStyles Zoran Lazarevic]], [[Pantheon/{{Calmness}} Sektor]], [[Pantheon/ColoredOutfits Reaper]], [[Pantheon/FormMentalities Gremlim]], [[Pantheon/PhysicalAppearance Nui Harime]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAttitude Esdeath]], The Corpus
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Jetstream Sam]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/JusticeBringers Raiden]]''', [[Pantheon/RobotsAndAutomata Bladewolf]], [[Pantheon/InvestigativeWork Solid Snake]], [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Cyrax]], [[Pantheon/BeastOther We3]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Martin Walker]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndCreation Mercy]], [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna F. Seiei]], [[Pantheon/FanserviceAttires Ryuko Matoi]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Sheele]], [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Cut Man]], [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions 2B]].
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/ChildhoodAndAdolescence and those who are really protecting of them.
* Scares: [[Pantheon/{{Memes}} Jontron]]
* Sundowner is the leader of the Winds of Destruction, a mercenary group of Cyborgs that are under the service of Desperado Enforcement. Sundowner himself is a bloodthirsty and psychopathic, so is no surprise that he decided to aid Steven Armstrong in hopes of sparking war so he can use it as a living. Yes he really loves war, or in his own words.
--> '''Sundowner''': Give war a chance!
* Tried to make his way into House of Combat first as a God of Ridiculously Efficient Shields. It didn't last, to say the least, mostly due to him angering ''both'' Kenshiro and Asura when he casually mentioned the concept of child soldiers and how effective they are, especially when they are warped by war atrocities. Proof is, explosive shield means little if your opponent can punch ''through'' it and not flinch a bit. Since that incident, Sundowner's been hanging around House of Commerce, since it's not half as dangerous for him to be around, trying to advertise war and selling his services to the highest bidder. Thankfully, Mario and The Courier are able to fend him off once he starts becoming too volatile, though he always returns.
* Likes to gloat that he's '''[[MemeticMutation "f*ckIN' INVINCIBLE!"]]'''. While this was proved wrong by many different gods, he still can give an opponent a hard time with his "gimmicky sh*t" like explosive shields or scissor blade or just the fact that he constantly has attack helicopters behind him as a back-up.
* Dell Conagher is not very fond of him, mostly because both share Texan accent and Sundowner so happens to give rather "not-friendly Texan" vibe. The cyborg is not afraid to tell the engineer that his technology is no match for the military equipment of Desperado.
* When he found out he wasn't the only God out for WarForFunAndProfit, Sundowner started planning a sinister takeover of Millenium's position in the Conquest Army. It.....didn't work out so well.
* Sundowner has been going on warmongering business ventures with Roman Torchwick on the mortal plane. When the latter was brought before the Court of Gods, Sundowner got Armstrong to pull some strings and help Roman ascend. The two have proceeded to work together for mutual gain.
* The GUAD has contacted him and his Winds of Destruction interested in their services. However, Sundowner in a very surprising move turned them down. After all, you can't make profits if you lay to waste the entire world.
** He is associated with the GUAC, given Armstrong's position as one of their leaders. Philosophy aside, he has no issue collaborating with the GUAE, if the price is right...
* Was met with heavy opposition by a lot of people who oppose to or thin WarIsHell. The biggest enemy he would have in this regard is Martin Walker, who ironically shares houses with. Sundowner just laughs at their pathetic attemps to stop his business and challenges his oppossers to visit him any time.
* Sundowner and Sektor initially became allies given their shared views of cybernetization and how it improves the capabilities of soldiers and they are also working on a secret project that has put some people on edge. This in turn made Cyrax all the much more antagonistic towards Sundowner, given that it may or not involve turning people into cyborgs against their wills, which Cyrax is a victim of.
* After learning about the existance of [=We3=], Sundowner was fascinated by them and he is very likely to try making a similar group just to further his business. Of course the trio is not friends with Sundowner given that they are tired of dealing with people like him and they also are friends with Bladewolf.
* Firmly believes that Children are cruel and that ChildSoldiers are the best way to make a living. Of course when people discovered about the plan of Desperado of using little children brains to make an army of soldiers, they were horrified about it. The protectors of Children are certainly taking measures in case Sundowner decides to pull something similar.
* Sundowner wields a pair of Machetes that make a scissor called "Bloodlust" and he makes effective use of them in combat. Other who wield scissors don't think too highly of him and consider Sundowner a Mad man. Though Gremlim and Nui Harime are friendly towards him.
** Jontron is scared sh*tless of the cyborg and his scissors. Sundowner often likes to mess with poor Jon when he least expects it.
* He also decided to collaborate with other big warmongers and terrorist among the pantheon. He has been seen alongside folks like Zoran Lazarevic or Reaper making business and the GUAG doesn't like it one bit.
* ''"All we are saying is: Give war a chance!"''
* Can also be found in the House of Pantheon/{{Commerce}}, probably advertising his business and possibly making a deal with another PMC.

!Lesser Gods

'''[[VideoGame/ForHonor Apollyon]], Goddess of [[ForeverWar Perpetuating War]]''' (Leader of the Blackstone Legion, Demon of Destruction, War)
* Lesser Goddess
* Symbol: The symbol of Blackstone Legion
* Theme Music: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJKT4TdVw8 Wolves Among Sheep]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil, with NeutralEvil leaning
* Portfolio: BlackKnight, [[BloodKnight She Who Enjoys War]], [[ForeverWar Seeking Out Eternal Conflict]] [[TheSocialDarwinist To Seek The Wolves And The Sheep]], WarIsGlorious, DarkActionGirl, MightMakesRight, [[StartOfDarkness Past Stained By Blood]], MadeOfIron, CompleteMonster, [[spoiler:[[TheBadGuyWins Ultimately Triggers The War She Wanted, Even in Death]]]]
* Domains: War, Knights, Leaders, Conflict
* Heralds: Order of Horkos
* Allies:
** Associates: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Steven Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare Ares, Apocalypse]], [[Pantheon/DivineBehavior Bandos]]
** Members of the new Blackstone Legion: [[Pantheon/{{Headwear}} HUNK]], [[Pantheon/TaintedFriendship Felix]], Sundowner (more of a PsychoForHire kind of relation for the latter two)
* Enemies: '''''Yuji Sakai''''' (in terms of ideals), '''[[Pantheon/LustfulActs Mamori Tokonome and Mirei Shikishima]]'''
* Opposes: Millhiore Filliano Biscotti, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois, Couvert Eschenbach Pastillage
* Oposed by: [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]], [[Pantheon/{{Emotion}} Koko Hekmatyar]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions Nunnally Lamperouge]]
* Leader of the Blackstone Legion, Apollyon believes in a simple thing: That everyone can be divided into wolves and sheep and that those who choose to be wolves should embrace who they are and rise above the herd. To that end, she wants to bring war into the world so that the wolves can truly come and feast.
* In terms of the grand conflict in the Pantheon, she doesn't particularly care to takes sides. Instead, she seeks to keep the conflict between each faction going as long as possible, sparking fights between the factions and even within one faction to truly see who is the strongest. What the end will bring, she doesn't know, but she wants the end to be full of true victors.
* Due to [[spoiler:her death in the mortal world]], she is seeking to recreate the Blackstone Legion into the Pantheon. She is rather open about inviting soldiers and warriors in her ranks, as long as they can provide their worth. Though she has bit of a MedievalStasis going on when it comes to her regular troops.
** She has stated that she ''could'' assimilate other legions under her ranks, but states as of the current time, her army is too small to make any major moves. She'd rather recruit as many people as she can and let the selection of warfare shape her men.
* As you can guess, she is natural antithesis to Yuji Sakai. In fact, she despises anyone who really think that [[SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids there can be true peace]]. Or rather, that they are able to, or they should, maintain that peace.
-->''Tell me. Do you honestly believe that you can just end all war? Foolish. You can make the wolves go hiding, you can make them grow stagnant, but ultimately they are all still savages, with lust for war. I am here to give them a chance. I will create an age of wolves where people can truly be the savages they are. And you will not stop me.''
** She finds the idea that Millhi, Leo and Cou would support NonLethalWarfare sort of repulsive. To her, she just finds it pointless conflict where they might as well not fight at all.
* Is really impressed with [[Pantheon/ObsceneActions Khorne]] and is quest for war and such. That being said, she doesn't necessarily care to join his ranks. She still sides with humans. She does, however, pay her respects to Ares, as that is a god she would worship.
* She really appreciates Armstrong's way of thinking. Because of her relation with him, she seemed to have caught the interest of Sundowner and eventually Felix. While she doesn't consider them being part of the Blackstone Legion, she keeps them in touch in case she really needs them. Still, she has made few things clear with the two of them.
-->''Just that we are clear on this, my goals has nothing to do with profit. You get that?''
* Besides what one might think, she is not as psychopathic as she might be. In truth, her mind is as dangerous as her combat prowess, as seen when she tried to pitch the Warborn and the Chosen into an EnemyCivilWar, with her plans foiled by her underestimating how long it would last. She also has some "virtuous" sides about her, like how she will protect those she is suppose to protect if she needs to.
* Finds disappointment [[VideoGame/GodOfWarPS4 on the current status]] of Kratos. To her he is a shadow of his former shell and does not deserve the title of God of War. She herself isn't dumb enough to provoke him to make him return to the path of anger, but she has her plans to make other factors bring him back to the state she desires of him.
* The people who are specifically marked under "Opposed by" tend to be people who hate her warmongering ways. However, she has few things to say about them. In regards to Valvatorez, she thinks that he fights too much to be one saying anything, and if he really needs humans to fear demons, then she doesn't care. For Koko, she thinks that her way of bringing peace would just end with people ganging on her to bring her down and then continue fighting against eachother [[spoiler:like what she achieved doing in her own world]] and she should stick being an arms-dealer. She doesn't have much to say about Kiritsugu, but she doubts he will ever achieve the peace he is so much working for.
* [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]] harbors interest due of her views, but she herself isn't really interest on Lucifer. At least for now. As while she agrees with Lucifer's visions, she wants to see if Lucifer can win her over by being superior compared to other leaders (and yes, she's aware of the Great Upheaval: even ''that'' wasn't enough to impress her). Lucifer offered support and funding for one of Apollyon's project, the so called [[Fanfic/PantheonRagnarok Ragnarok incident]], in hopes that he can tempt her. While the Ragnarok incident was a resounding success, plunging the [[Anime/ValkyrieDriveMermaid Valkyrie-verse]] into a bloody war that shows no sign of slowing down, she's still not quite convinced.
** The events of Ragnarok earned Apollyon the unending loathing of Mamori and Mirei, [[DownerEnding whose plans to wipe out the Arms Virus and return the infected to their families have been utterly destroyed while the infected and non-infected are consumed by genocidal hatred for each other.]] Likewise, Apollyon hates the two of them for being wolves who deny their own power. They should be ruling over the sheep, but their power is dulled by Mamori's disgusting pacifism.
* ''"I am Apollyon. I bring war."''

'''UsefulNotes/{{Boudica}}, Goddess of [[OccupiersOutOfOurCountry Wanting Invaders Out Of Their Homeland]]''' ([[SpellMyNameWithAnS Boudicca, Boadicea, Boudicea, Buddug]], [[VideoGame/FateGrandOrder Rider, Queen of Victory]])
[[caption-width-right:280:John Opie's painting of the historical figure]]
[[caption-width-right:280:Click [[labelnote:here]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/boudica3.png[[/labelnote]] to see her as a Rider servant]]
* Rank: Lesser Goddess
* Symbol: Her long spear
* Alignment: Believed to have BlackAndGrayMorality by multiple historians (ChaoticGood in multiple fictional depictions of her and also from multiple historians)
* Portfolio: HistoricalDomainCharacter, [[HistoricalHeroUpgrade Gets a lot of heroism upgrade in popular culture]], [[RapeAndRevenge Wants to avenge her daughters because of rape]], ByronicHero CycleOfRevenge, RoaringRampageOfRevenge, LadyOfWar, [[CategoryTraitor Will kill all people that she thinks are Romans even if they are innocent, slaves, or not Romans themselves, or any of those in between]], [[FinalSolution Possibly ordered a massacre to three big cities]], YourTerroristsAreOurFreedomFighters
* Domains: Vengeance, Rebellions, Queens, Warriors, Massacre
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware Ritsuka Fujimaru]], [[Pantheon/WeaponCreation Archer/EMIYA]]''', Lelouch vi Britannia, [[Pantheon/OffensivePowers Odin]]
* As a Rider Servant: the British Heroes
* On good terms with: '''[[Pantheon/{{Workmanship}} Nero Claudius]]''', [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Maximus Decimus]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Xena]] The Gauls (Opposition in terms of the real-life version)
* Enemies: '''Every Roman that ever existed in the Pantheon''', '''''especially [[Pantheon/TheatricPerformers Emperor Nero]]''''' (not really for the Rider version, though she does consider ''certain ones'' as enemies), ''[[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Tywin Lannister]], Gregor Cleagane''
* Boudica is the queen of the Iceni tribe who is well-known for her rebellion against the Roman Empire. She started her raging vengeance after the death of her husband when the Romans started taking everything from her, including [[RapeAsDrama raping her daughters]]. She eventually massacred three big cities of the Roman Empire and killing every citizen that lives there as she considers them enemies, [[RevengeByProxy even if the cities themselves are not involved with anything that happened to her]]. However, it ultimately led to her demise when she was [[AllForNothing killed by Suetonius and his Roman army]] and/or [[DrivenToSuicide committed suicide]].
* A lot of historical figures are in heavy debate of her actions whether or not she's an AxCrazy murderer whose actions cannot be justified even by ancient history standards or not she is a heroic leader who hws to do what she had to do. There are a few historical records depicting her history and it's still not known what is the cause of her death. However, because this is the Pantheon, these two depictions of Boudica could technically exist here and as long as it's well-known by a few circles, they could exist as long as they liked.
* Hearing that the one and only Nero Claudius pretty much made her mad and started storming off to his temple to kill him before being stopped by other deities in fear of her causing chaos. The emperor doesn't seem to care upon hearing her presence and would rather stay in his temple seeing performances, although he fears that some day that he will be killed mercilessly by her even if he could technically be revived in the Pantheon considering her neverending hatred of the Pantheon.
* She can be summoned as a Rider Servant and answer the calls of Chaldea thanks to the Incineration of Humanity. Suprisingly, she's mich more nicer as a Servant, is at least much more considerate, and acts like a big sister. Her endless rage towards the Romans also gave her the possibility to become an Avenger Servant.
** Surprisingly as of right now, she is now at good terms with the female version of Nero. Boudica tells her that she shouldn't responsible for what happened to her people, knowing that she is not involved with what happebed. While she couldn't forgive Rome for what happened, her vengeance against them is done, while also feeling bad for her endless massacre she caused in the past, which caused Nero to tell her to not discuss it furthur as the resentment will go on forever. Ultimately, as they are Heroic Spirits and are not the living versions, they forgave each other and are civil enough to not caused an outrage. Boudica knew that if her Class is altered, it will be a completely different story.
** She is pretty happy to see her master again and is willing to be at his side once more. Though it's pretty much hypocritical given her new friendship with the female Nero, she personally asked him to not let her be in the same room as the other Romans in the Pantheon, which he gladly accepted unless they will be facing a dangerous common treat. She is also excited to see her fellow Servant, EMIYA in the Pantheon, as they're pretty much the best chefs that Chaldea has and formed the ''Chaldea Kitchen Team'' along with Tamamo Cat and Raikou because of it.
** She has huge respect of British Heroes, regardless of their actions, and considers them to be similar to her daughters. She is also considered to be a British folk hero despite the debate of the justification of her actions from multiple historians. Also, because of her more heartwarming personality, she is much more tolerable to be in other people's presence.
* She's happy to meet a man named Lelouch who is born in the Britannian Empire and praises him for going against his own empire because of their endless conquest, thinking that they are the same as the Romans, and also for making the world a better place for his younger sister. Lelouch is happy to see someone that is a rebellious person like him and feels bad upon hearing what happened to her, although he thinks that her actions are [[EveryoneHasStandards just too much even by his own standards]], but decided to not push it as he thinks that he might face her wrath endlessly and is smart enough to know to not do something about it.
* She loathes Tywin Lannister as she sees his actions and behavior as similar to the Romans, and considering how much of an AbusiveParent he is, it pretty much fueled the hatred. Seeing that he is also an employer of Tywin and keeps him around because he is a SociopathicSoldier, she also loathes Gregor Cleagane and also for killing Elia and her son.
* Hearing that he is from Rome, it is enough for the real Boudica to hate him, without even considering of what happened to him and that Roman is not his nationality. Thankfully, while she hesitates upon hearing he is not, the Rider version actually took the time to listen to him. Even before learning he's not a Roman himself, the two found kinship learning that the Romans took everything away from them and staged a rebellion against them. She is happy that there is an actual Roman (even if he is not one) other than the female Nero that she could be friends with and promised to him that if there are any evil Romans that are lurking around, they will staged an attack together.
** This is also the same case with the Gauls in the Pantheon. No matter how much they try to convince her that they are not like the rest of the Romans, she hates them because of her blind hatred of the Romans. The Servant version meanwhile admires their dedication to protect from the Romans, especially Asterix because despite his small stature, he is TheAce and the best defender of the entire village.
* In the UK, the SpikedWheels were known as the Boudica spikes after the rebellious queen uses them in the battle against the Romans in England on 60AD. However, there is no evidence to support this.
* Xena was happy to see her friend come out of her losing battle with Caesar a deity now. While the warrior princess wasn't able to stop the Romans from conquering Boudica's world, the two remain good friends.
* In Literature/MagnusChaseAndTheGodsOfAsgard, Boudica became one of Odin's Valkyries after her death. She was also considered to become the captain to replace Gunilla, however, because of how violent she is, she is not recommended. Odin is happy to see one of his Valkyries ascending even if she got that from an another universe, but he wishes that she'll tone down her violence.

[[folder:Lelouch vi Britannia]]
'''[[Anime/CodeGeass Lelouch vi Britannia]], God of [[LaResistance Rebellion]]''' (Lelouch Lamperouge, Zero, Lulu, Black Prince, Alan Spacer, [[WebVideo/CodeMENT One]], [[spoiler:99th Emperor of Britannia, the Enemy of the World, Demon Emperor, [[Anime/CodeGeassAkitoTheExiled Julius Kingsley]], [[Anime/CodeGeassLelouchOfTheResurrection L.L.]]]])
* Lesser God or so he wants you to think...
* Symbol: The Geass symbol (a stylized "V"), or a black king chess piece
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsngLmM2SO4 0]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE Viva la Vida]]
* Alignment: [[http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/175/5/f/Lelouch__s_Alignment_Chart_by_AlsoSprachOdin.jpg All over the place]], (nominally ChaoticGood, settled on [[spoiler:NeutralGood]])
* Portfolio: [[BrotherSisterIncest Sister Complexes]], [[NecessaryEvil Martyr Complexes]], [[TheChessmaster Chessmasters]], [[{{Brainwashed}} Mind Control]], [[XanatosSpeedChess Always Staying Two Steps Ahead]] ([[GambitRoulette Sometimes More]], [[MemoryGambit Without His Memory]]), [[LaResistance Resistance Leaders]], [[RefugeInAudacity Audacious Behavior]], {{Manipulative Bastard}}s, {{Byronic Hero}}es.
* Domains: City, Corruption, Knowledge, Pain, Retribution, Trickery.
* [[spoiler: Former]] Followers: The Order of the Black Knights. ([[spoiler:[[VideoGame/SuperRobotWarsZ possibly back]] [[CompilationMovie on good terms]]]])
* Other[[spoiler:/New]] Followers: [[Anime/YugiohArcV Reiji Akaba, Shun Kurosaki and the Lance Defense Soldiers]]
* Allies:
** Geass-Verse: '''[[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} C.C.]]''' ([[spoiler:his fiancé in an [[Anime/CodeGeassLelouchOfTheResurrection alternate timeline]]]]), [[Pantheon/SuicideAndSacrifice Suzaku Kururugi]], [[Pantheon/ObedienceMindsets Jeremiah Gottwald]], [[Pantheon/RidingAndControl Kallen Kozuki]],
** Other: [[Pantheon/PowerLevelsAndAppearance Yuji Sakai]], [[Pantheon/HeroicRoles Hakumen]], [[Pantheon/PowerMentalities the ToQgers (especially Hikari/[=ToQ=] 4gou)]], [[Pantheon/LimbsAndJoints Shu Ouma]], [[Pantheon/IdentityIssues Jin Kazama]], [[Pantheon/BossFightsNToZ Naoki Kashima]], [[Pantheon/SecondInCommands Gai Yuki/Black Condor]], [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ange]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes the Gokaigers]], [[Pantheon/AuthorityFigures Jim Raynor]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Ozymandias]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/{{Upbringing}} Charles zi Britannia]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Depravity}} Sheev]] [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Palpatine]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]], [[Pantheon/CulturalValues Nikita Dragovich]], [[Pantheon/ConquestAndConquerors Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse]], [[Pantheon/BetrayalAndTreachery Ragyo Kiryuin]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Shukuro Tsukishima]], [[Pantheon/MurderAndAssassination Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima]], [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Senator Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Griffith]], [[Pantheon/MannersOfAuthority Arcturus Mengsk]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Red Skull]], [[Pantheon/GoodAndEvilColors Black Doom]]
* [[EvilCounterpart Neutral Countepart]] to: [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Yuu Narukami]]
* Special relationship: '''[[Pantheon/{{Disabilities}} Nunnally Lamperouge]]''' (his sister)
* GoodCounterpart to: [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]]
* When not plotting ways to overthrow [[TheEmpire evil empires]], Lelouch engages in the game of kings: chess. Few people who have played him have asked for a rematch. He is one of the few who could challenge [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]] - one of his greatest nemeses - without using any form of magic.
* Recently has been rumored to be spotted meeting with lunarian rabbit [[Pantheon/FantasticalBeasts Reisen Udonegein Inaba]]. Reasons aren't known yet but already people are talking about Lelouch teaching Reisen tactics and an upcoming Lunarian uprising.
* Is outraged to hear about [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Sasuke's]] plan to become Hokage, seeing the similarities with [[spoiler:his Zero Requiem]]. Unlike Sasuke, though, [[EvenEvilHasStandards Lelouch would never kill others or disturb the peace when everyone is unified]]. He's also unnerved that Sasuke [[Creator/YuriLowenthal sounds so similar to Suzaku]].
* He sees [[Pantheon/{{Armies}} Isara Gunther]] as someone he'd like to protect, as she reminds him of his mortal sister Nunnally Lamperouge. However, Isara is very much abhorred with him. Upon investigation, Lelouch found out that when she was mortal, she was [[spoiler:killed in cold blood]] by someone who [[{{Expy}} acted and sounded like him]]: [[VideoGame/ValkyriaChronicles Emperor Maxmillian]]. This hardens Lelouch's ambition to topple him, alongside the God he worshipped: Palpatine.
* May or may not have implanted commands into the minds of the Gods - or their followers - that he doesn't get along with. And maybe some that he pretends to get along with.
* He's well aware of the existence of [[Pantheon/NamingAndEpithets another]] [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Zero]] who [[Creator/JohnnyYongBosch sounds just like him]].
* [[WebVideo/CodeMENT May have relations to]] [[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Death the Kid]] and [[Pantheon/NamingReferences Alu]][[Pantheon/{{Vampires}} card]].
* He gave his blessing to [[Anime/YugiohArcV the Lance Defense Soldiers]]... And is considering revoking it, since his [[{{Expy}} successors]] (''especially'' Reiji Akaba) have been doing too many blunders.
* Lelouch became friends with Jim Raynor because of their status as rebel leaders. Although Jim is concerned for the boy's amoral methods, he can at least know he has good intentions. Meanwhile, Lelouch admires Jim because his rebellion was more successful than his own [[spoiler:and did not cause the death of the girl he loved, accidental or otherwise ([[SparedByTheAdaptation such as it happening the first time]]).]]
* After dear old dad had him spend a year as Britannian military advisor Julius Kingsley, he can't stand memory manipulators like Shukuro Tsukishima.
* Speaking of dear old dad, he is in fact a major ally in Jin Kazama's group against child abusers in the Pantheon, but no one else knows for how long since it wasn't revealed right away. He's also suspects his father might be in league with Heihachi Mishima, and that Kazuya Mishima plans on recruiting his half-brother Schneizel should he ever ascend. Ragyo Kiryuin also gets special mention due to [[spoiler:[[Creator/AmiKoshimizu Ryuko sounding a lot like Kallen]]]].
* [[spoiler:He is well-aware of a plan of C.C. to resurrect him in the mortal plane, which ultimately turned out to be successful]]. Lelouch seems to know about it, but he hasn't commented on it yet.
* Lelouch has struck a friendship with [[ComicBook/VForVendetta V]] due to their mutual history of rebelling against an oppressive system, ability to cross the MoralEventHorizon to reach their respective goals, and penchant for doing everything in a smart and overdramatic way. Lelouch says that V has the nicer CoolMask, but V retorts that “Zero”’s BadassCape is the better one. Nonetheless, they do have opposing views on how to govern and agree to disagree for now.
** V has offered him some lifting equipment to get him to get in shape. He tried to lift them but forgot to warm up and strained his biceps, so he put the dumbbells away somewhere in a closet.


[[folder:Colonel [=McCullough=]]]

'''[[Franchise/PlanetOfTheApes Colonel]] [[Film/WarForThePlanetOfTheApes J. Wesley McCullough]], God of [[ClashOfEvolutionaryLevels Conflicts between Sapient Species]]''' (The Colonel)
* Demigod
* Symbol: The Alpha-Omega Emblem
* Theme Song: [[https://youtu.be/-QmzJvNBN8Y Enter the Colonel]]
* Alignment: Between ChaoticNeutral and LawfulNeutral.
* Portfolio: '''ClashOfEvolutionaryLevels''', FantasticRacism against Apes, Believes HumansAreSuperior, DeathByIrony, DrivenToSuicide, NothingPersonal, AllForNothing, KnightTemplar, WellIntentionedExtremist.
* Domains: War, Humanity, Speciecism, Extremism
* Heralds: The Alpha-Omega Army.
* High Priest: [[WesternAnimation/KipoAndTheAgeOfWonderbeasts Dr. Emillia]]
* Allies: [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Admiral Chester William Nimitz]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics The God Emperor of Mankind]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfMechas The Sentinels]], [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes Lex Luthor]].
* Admires: [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors The Doom Slayer]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} Gordon Freeman]]
* Enemies: '''All Ascended Pantheon/PlanetOfTheApes Deities (Especially [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals Caesar]])''', The Pantheon/{{Transformers}} Deities, The Pantheon/{{Undertale}} Deities, The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines, The House of Pantheon/{{Extraterrestrials}}, (especially [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAbilities The Combine and The Pod People]]) [[Pantheon/{{Mammals}} King Kong, Mojo Jojo]], Joe, [[Pantheon/FictionalExpies Mighty Joe Young]], [[Pantheon/MetalAndMinerals Magneto]] and the [[Pantheon/MarvelComics Brotherhood of Mutants]], [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures The Enclave, Dr. Wallace Breen]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles The Cloverfield Monster]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Gorilla Grodd]], [[Pantheon/{{Trickery}} GLaDOS]], [[Pantheon/RebellionAndRevolution The Iron Giant]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Commander Shepard]].
* Opposes: [[Pantheon/MarvelComics The X-Men]], [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals Napoleon]].
* In the year of 2028, humanity was all but gone, with little pockets of resistance persisting after the rise and disappearance of the deadly virus ALZ-113 better known as the "Simian Flu", a deadly virus that killed off most of humanity and decimated civilizations worldwide. One of these groups was the Alpha-Omega Army, a rogue branch of the US Army who after discovering that the virus had returned and mutated into a new strand that rendered humans mute and feral, decided to kill off any infected. Growing hateful of apes who they believed responsible for the flu, they were led by Colonel [=McCullough=] who killed his infected son after he caught the mutated flu, he launched a fierce attack against Caesar's ape colony, wanting to exterminate them all before they could inherit Earth. Though he killed Caeasr's wife and oldest son and nearly killed off the ape colony after capturing them, [=McCullough=] was not done in by Caesar after the ape freed his people and confronted him directly but instead killed himself after catching the mutated flu virus himself from a doll held by Nova, an infected human girl that lived in Caesar's colony. Later his army would engage the rest of the USA's forces, losing easily before the larger army was buried under a snow avalanche, allowing the surviving apes to find a sanctuary to call home and live in peace away from humanity's conflict, thus ending once and for all the violent history of mankind and apekind's conflict.
* His ascension was put in place after the Court of Gods heard from Caesar about his exploits and motivation, after resurrecting him and curing him of the virus, returning to him the capacity of speech. [=McCullough=] took a while to adapt to the Pantheon, as he found out that the plethora of intelligent and powerful non-humans were a bit too much for him to handle. Once he got used to the situation, he began plotting to continue what he started and this time take out any threats to humanity's future.
* His beliefs in human supremacy earned him instant allies in the God Emperor of Mankind, who agreed to not only his ideology, but also believed his methods were justified and appropriate. He's made the Colonel's Alpha-Omega Army (serving as his heralds) a part of the Imperium of Mankind, seeing their dedication to restoring the glory and rule of humanity as a respectable thing, promising to ensure their Earth is eventually put back under humanity's control.
* Was noted to have a resemblance to Admiral Chester Nimitz. The latter was not one to disapprove of his methods, viewing [=McCullough=]'s extreme actions as a necessary evil for humanity to survive. [=McCullough=] came to appreciate the help of a legendary figure in humanity's history and so became allies with the Admiral quickly. Some of the military deities allied with have grown wary of [=McCullough=] himself, as they know of his insubordination and possible mental instability as something of a red flag that he might not be the most ideal ally around and thus don't try to contact him for help.
* For being the logical evolution of humanity, he loathes the Pantheon/MarvelComics mutants, and hasn't made it subtle that he finds them a threat to mankind, which has alarmed the X-Men as he is not too different from the likes of Stryker or Bolivar Trask in regards to his bigotry. While the X-Men do not want to view him as an outright enemy, due to seeing his more understandable reasons for losing faith in any non-human sapient beings, the ascended members of the Brotherhood of Mutants weren't as receptive, seeing him as yet another example of mankind's worst traits.
* His feeling of human superiority led to his support of Lex Luthor, who he views as a man trying to fight against mankind being dominated by aliens, especially Superman, who he thinks of as a parasite that infiltrated humanity and is undermining their dominance and sense of power in the world. Lex Luthor was happy to find another deity who shared his views on the superiority of humans and the belief in Superman being a threat to humanity rather than its savior.
* Detests Wallace Breen for having become TheQuisling to the Combine, viewing him as unworthy of belonging to mankind for having betrayed them to save his own skin and have benefits above his fellow humans. Breen himself sees [=McCullough=] as beneath notice as long as he keeps close to the Combine, who the Colonel despises but avoids due to their power and threat. For opposing them, he admires Gordon Freeman and his many actions.
** On a similar note, he praises the Doom Slayer for having destroyed Hell's forces many times, as he sees the unstoppable soldier as a potential ally in a quest for human supremacy. Though the Doom Slayer prefers to ignore him and would rather stay at arms length with the Colonel.
* Gorilla Grodd was a quick enemy of him, as Grodd is a legitimately evil ape who desires to overthrow humanity, making him a greater enemy to the Colonel than even Caesar or the psychotic bonobo, Koba. Of other evil apes, stood out Mojo Jojo as he also was an EvilGenius ape who wanted to conquer humanity and Earth. Finally, there's Koba and Dr. Zaius, who are uplifted apes like Caesar but unlike him harbor a genuine hatred of humanity and thus view the Colonel as a good example of how it is "justified" to hate them, and how they will eliminate all other lifeforms for their own sake.
* All alien races are his enemies, considering them a threat to humanity and civilization, and viewing any diplomacy as inevitably short-lived and something that would taint humanity's rule on Earth. Not even more peaceful ones or others such as the Crystal Gem's have won him over. However he reserves his hatred primarily for those such as the Harvesters, the Pod People and The Combine all who consider humans as lesser beings, which the Colonel wants to prove wrong. While Optimus Prime believes in the freedom of all beings, he was sorely disappointed in the Colonel's extremism, with the Colonel viewing all cybetronians as enemies to humanity all Transformer deities became enemies with him.
* The Undertale Deities are quite afraid of [=McCullough=] knowing that his killing intent is very high and since a monster that absorbs a human soul becomes very powerful, they've been put on his hitlist, Frisk included as he views the kid as a possible traitor to humanity that could oppose his goals and methods.
* The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines is another one of his bigger enemies due to their desire to impose machine superiority and the fact that many of their members have come close to exterminating humanity if not outright did it. Among the most notable machines was the Fabrication Machine, who got to exterminate all lifeforms on Earth, humans included.
* The Iron Giant finds him to be not too different from the hateful Kent Mansey, aside from having a much better point than Mansley did. Though in spite of the Colonel's more understandable motivations, he became enemies with him when it was made clear that [=McCullough=] had no real intention of befriending non-humans.
* He's not well-liked by Commander Shepard, who views him as a deranged maverick who's out of control and whose actions aren't excusing a lot of the bad things he did. The Colonel returns the sentiment and believes Shepard needs more ruthlessness with both allies and enemies to get better results.
* While many deities found his motives and end goals to be hard to dispute, they weren't too approving of his methods, as they were quick to tell him that Caesar and his group had no interest in taking over Earth, thus making his transgressions against them quite unjustified. His only response was to claim that them taking over after human civilization falls, and may enslave any remaining humans, which he wants to prevent. This didn't quite gain him popularity with the deities that questioned him though it did made them see their point better.
* Wasn't happy to see vials and samples of the Simian Flu around in the Pantheon's Treasury, he's insisted on destroying them and all traces of it, as he considers the flu itself to be a greater threat to humanity than even apekind or any other non-human civilization.


[[folder:Yooks and Zooks]]
'''[[Literature/TheButterBattleBook Yooks and Zooks]], the Deities who had a SillyReasonForWar'''
[[caption-width-right:350:The Yook General (blue shirt) and Van Itch (Zook general with an orange shirt) about to drop the "Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo"]]
* Demideities
* Symbol: A slice of bread (butter side up for the Yooks; butter side down for the Zooks)
* Alignment: TrueNeutral
* Portfolio: [[RippedFromTheHeadlines Cold War Allegory]], [[LensmanArmsRace Increasingly Powerful Weapons]], [[SeriousBusiness Taking how they Butter their Bread very Seriously]]
* Domains: War, Disagreements
* High Priest: [[Film/DrStrangelove General Jack D. Ripper]]
* Superior: [[Pantheon/{{Narrative}} Dr. Seuss]]
* Enemies: Each other
* Opposed by: Pacifists
* Source of Amusem*nt for: [[Pantheon/{{Commerce}} Sundowner]]
* Additional Relations: The House of Pantheon/{{Weapons}}
* The Yooks and Zooks are a race of bird-like creatures that are separated by a wall. The source of their ever-increasing animosity is how they butter their bread, with the Yooks preferring butter-side up and the Zooks insist on butter-side down. Such a reason for conflict may be stupid for others, but to them, it's almost a matter of life and death to the point where the generals of each side tried to one-up their opponents through a series of increasingly powerful and strange weapons. All of this culminated in the creation of the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, which may as well be a nuclear bomb in all but name. The generals stood atop the wall, threatening to drop it. No one can say for sure who dropped it first, but almost everyone that isn't a Yook or a Zook can agree that turning an argument about buttered bread into a full-on war is beyond stupid.
* A debate session being held by the House of Pantheon/{{Philosophy}} was interrupted by a couple of uninvited guests. They indentified themselves as a Yook and a Zook and asked the debaters about buttered bread. The debaters simply looked confused about why two things would ask about bread (since the house is more focused on serious matters) and told them to go to the House of Food, which the Yook and Zook obliged. Those who were at the House of Food were simply annoyed when the Yook and Zook asked about buttered bread and insisted that they just eat in peace. Some time later, a commotion was going on and that Yook and Zook were watching as those on their sides were going at it with a variety of weapons. Almost no one took the battle seriously, but when the time came for the Yook and Zook to drop their Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, some deities had to get some pacifists in order to convince the warring sides to stop before disaster ensued.
** Yook and Zook were brought in to discuss things and why they would even fight over something as meaningless as buttered bread. The discussion proved to be a waste of time for those in the room who weren't a Yook and a Zook. Ultimately, the Yook and Zook were let go of that room, but they were told that while [[DeathIsCheap no one can truly stay dead in the Pantheon]], they cannot put to use any sort of weapon that would cause widespread damage throughout the Pantheon (like the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo). The Yook and Zook begrudgingly listened to that request, but they still went on with their pointless war, much to the dismay of most (especially for the pacifists that had to stop them from fighting initially).
* Both sides always tried to one-up the other by bringing in weapons that are guaranteed to give them a victory in a given battle. It didn't take long for them to find out that there was an entire section of the Pantheon dedicated to housing weapons (and a separate section where weapons are made). Given that neither side is allowed to directly visit the Pantheon/TheGreatTreasury (specifically the Armory), the most they can do is look at various weapons in action and see how it can benefit them, in addition to the already-existing weapons they themselves use. With the exception of the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, the weapons of the Yooks and Zooks aren't really deadly.
** Members of both sides have made a handful of visits to the House of Weapons as well, mainly to see some of the weapons that are possible to use in their conflict. According to house members, they usually only see one Yook or Zook at any given interval and not at the same time. Some house members are simply unable to take either side and their conflict seriously, though.
* It's not just the pacifists who are annoyed with the Yooks and Zooks' antics; a number of deities who [[WarIsHell don't see anything positive with war]] are not amused with anything that happens to these two sides.
* Putting aside the fact that they are constantly trying to prove that eating buttered bread one way is the correct way, none of the Yooks and Zooks aren't actively malicious towards other deities (though there's a few that they wouldn't want to meet). Some, pacifists in particular, wish that both sides would just be friendly to each other overall and not allow a simple way of eating something get in the way of other meaningful activities that don't involve weapons.
* As far as anyone is aware of, both sides apparently have a number of ordinary citizens, a mayor, a group of scientists in charge of coming up with weapons, and generals who utilize said weapons against the opposition. It's hard to say whether or not each side has some other trick besides better weapons to hinder their opposition.
* Of all the deities who even care about their senseless conflict, the Yooks and Zooks ended up getting the attention of Sundowner, who seemed to enjoy their conflict, much to the disapproval of the two species, especially considering how much of a psychopath he is. He even offered (through visting both sides on separate intervals) to help them defeat the other through his weapons, but none of the Yooks and Zooks want any of that, instead largely preferring the weapons they themselves designed. It hasn't stopped Sundowner from watching their war whenever he's bored.
** As for the other weapons dealers, they haven't really bothered to pay attention to all this. At most there will be a few chuckles from someone like Roman Torchwick and maybe a conversation or two about how to one-up the other side, but that's about it.
* The GUAD, of all alliances, has taken a slight interest in their minor war and has hoped that it will end with not just the destruction of both sides, but everything else due to the sides having created a powerful-enough weapon to ensure total dominance. None of the Yooks and Zooks have taken this approval well and made it a point to simply ignore the alliance no matter what.
* Dr. Seuss prefers not to get himself involved in a conflict as meaningless as the one the Yooks and Zooks are involved in. He did say that he prefers to butter the crust of his bread instead of how either side butters it, though.
* None of them care about the fact that [[VideoGame/HotelMario all toasters toast toast]]. No one else is certain if they toasted their bread before as all of the Yooks and Zooks have talked about in terms of toast is how it should be buttered.


[[folder:Wiz and Boomstick]]
'''[[WebAnimation/DeathBattle Wizard and Boomstick]], Judges of [[UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny The Gods Fighting Among Themselves]]''' (Wiz and Boomstick, [[FusionDance Wizstick/Boomzard]])
[[caption-width-right:350:Wiz (left) and Boomstick (right)]]
* Quasideities, but with the authority of Greater Gods
* Symbol: The Death Battle Logo, Boomstick's "[[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Cutie Mark]]" of a bottle of booze, crossed by two shotguns.
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7w-_F_VgMY Wiz and Boomstick]]
* Alignment: TrueNeutral
* Stand(s): 99 Bottles (Boomstick)
* Portfolio: [[UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny Pitting Gods Against Each Other in the Ring]], [[LetsFightLikeGentlemen Equalizing Opponents to a Degree]], [[ManipulativeBastard Tricking People]], [[RedOniBlueOni Contrasting Personalities]], [[ShownTheirWork Trying to be Fair]] [[CowboyBebopAtHisComputer and Sometimes Failing]]
** Wiz: MadScientist, ArtificialLimbs, LackOfEmpathy, WhiteHairBlackHeart
** Boomstick: TheAlcoholic, DeepSouth, FatBastard, BloodKnight, AllMenArePerverts
* Domains: War, Competition, Combat, Reality TV, Fun, Knowledge
* Followers: The casts of ''Series/DeadliestWarrior'', ''Series/JurassicFightClub'', and ''Fanfic/DeathBattleEquestria''
* Most Legendary Battles:
** [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman]] vs. [[Pantheon/PowerAndAbilities Son Goku]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Memes}} Chuck Norris]] vs. [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} Segata Sanshiro]]
** [[Pantheon/OtherPowers Matt Murdock/Daredevil]] vs. [[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Dick Grayson/Nightwing]]
** [[Pantheon/HeroicAchievementsAndLosses Saitama]] vs. [[Pantheon/MealsNtoZ Popeye]]
* Most Controversial Battles:
** [[Pantheon/FanReaction God]][[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} zilla]] vs. [[Pantheon/ExtrovertCharacterization Gamera]][[note]]used help from Teseo to have the two Kaiju fight in a shared dream[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude Ragna the Bloodedge]] [[spoiler:[[CloneArmy clones]]]] vs. [[Pantheon/RegretAndShame Sol]] [[Pantheon/MotivationsForHeroism Badguy]] [[spoiler:and [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]]]][[note]]at least one Ragna clone became a threat to the Pantheon[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]] (w/[[Pantheon/{{Underclothes}} Trish]]) vs. [[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Bayonetta]] (w/[[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Jeanne]])[[note]]allies interfere for the first time, result decried as improbable[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/LearningTools Wade Wilson]]/[[Pantheon/{{Metafiction}} Deadpool]] vs. [[Pantheon/{{Celebration}} Pinkie]] [[Pantheon/{{Happiness}} Pie]][[note]]battle outright defied as fourth wall breakers decided to party instead[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Aang]] vs. [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Edward Elric]][[note]]two good-aligned pacifists found their heated encounter doctored into a battle[[/note]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/MusicalGenres EpicLLOYD and Nice Peter]]
* Supported by: [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Teseo {Grimoired Seven}]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/PositiveReaction Mr. Rogers]], [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Li]][[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes nk]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Himura Kenshin]], [[Pantheon/{{Dragons}} Bowser]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAttitude M. Bison]], [[Pantheon/{{Fanbase}} 9-volt and 18-volt]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Captain Martin Walker]], [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Aang]], [[Pantheon/ElementalPairings Katara]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfScience The Elric]] [[Pantheon/LivingObjects Brothers]]
* Complicated Relationships: [[spoiler:[[Pantheon/NamingConvention Sarge]] (Boomstick's father)]]
* Ignored by: [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Captain Planet]]
* What if Character X from Series A fought Character Y from Series B? Who would win that one? A question repeatedly asked any time two similar popular characters from separate works exist. With the advent of the Internet, many have taken it upon themselves to figure out hypothetical answers to these questions after researching the feats, strengths, and weaknesses of these characters, and put a vision to life as to how these battles would play out. Of these, Screw Attack's ''Death Battle'', hosted by the stoic scientist Wizard and the loud alcoholic Boomstick, would gain absolute infamy with the people.
** Despite ''Series/DeadliestWarrior'' technically coming first in cross-culture fighting, it was deemed that Wiz and Boomstick were "just more fun." Therefore, the hosts of ''Death Battle'' were deified and allowed to practice their wares in the Pantheon. Despite this, ''DW'' hosts Geoff Desmoulin, Armand Dorian, and Richard "Mack" Machowicz want the Pantheon to review their decision as they felt Wiz and Boomstick lacked the proper X-Factors to be judges. This has gone unheeded thus far.
* Wiz and Boomstick have thus far involved over a hundred deified and un-deified characters in matches so far. [[WMG/DeathBattleSuggestions They take requests from the Pantheon]], but they try to be as fair as possible in setting up the matches.
** And you can do it too [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLOlKAHrl0y0BYppKsxS9XP5B3HREj8pqdOK73vx_ETpNVVg/viewform with this form]].
* A moral conundrum exists in that these are supposed to be fights to the death, yet they often [[GoodVersusGood pit heroic and virtuous characters who would not kill unless necessary against each other]] with the same fervor as they do [[EvilVersusEvil villainous characters who have no such qualms]]. This practice ''would be'' controversial... if not for the fact that their fights are by and large battle simulations. What usually happens is one of two things:
## The contestants actively partake in the simulation via one of Wiz's prearranged battlefields, so their "death" is automatically undone shortly after the fight is over; still, they do feel some residual pain from the event. This is usually what happens when you get two contestants who are both normally non-lethal fighters on the side of good, or already friends or allies of some sort.
## Some interns working for them capture footage of a ''real'' conflict and allow it to play out naturally, recording it for the sake of the hosts so they can adapt it through their automatic simulator as well as the proper authorities if need be. This is especially likely to be the case when the battles are good versus evil. On that note, they have two protocols depending on whether a killing blow is achieved.
### If the conflict ends fatally, it gets reported to both the Houses of Life and Death, who would then have to find and resurrect the loser, and the Court of the Gods, to potentially adopt a disciplinary resolution based on how the fight started. Per an agreement with the authorities, the hosts will wait until after these steps are taken before adapting and using the footage.
### If a clear winner emerges but leaves their opponent breathing, the simulator will identify said winner prior to that decision, allowing the hosts to cut it out of the footage if necessary, then create its own conclusion with a killing blow depicted so they can still put the battle in their catalog.
## Otherwise, simulations of the characters are used in a simulated environment, and the the video is broadcast like their other episodes. As a side effect, this may at least draw attention of the two "used" for the battle.
** Still, their champion, Fred Rogers, refuses to condone their actions in prolonging these "glorified gladiator games". Wiz and Boomstick for their part just ignore him. After all, putting him in the ring to fight is pointless, since he did ascend through the UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny, which somehow makes him immune to this type of thing.
* Many consider their work in pitting Superman against Son Goku to be their earliest crowning achievement given that these were the ultimate iconic heroes of American and Japanese media. Though in a similar but more memetic vein, being able to orchestrate a fight between Chuck Norris and Segata Sanshiro [[spoiler:''recorded in advance as their means of ascension'']] gave that a run for its money from the moment it was even rumored.
* Despite being low in power, their authority is unmistakable; sometimes it seems as though nobody would dare argue with these guys when they go to drag a god into one of their controlled rings. There's usually a temporary power boost or small prize involved for the winner, they often take advantage of situations that are already there, and there are special properties to their work, but that doesn't fully explain it. Occasionally, however, this authority has been undermined or subverted, with Pinkie Pie and Deadpool being a unique example.
* Boomstick sometimes gets into trouble around the House. Link in particular isn't too happy he called him a fairy. Because of this, Kenshin is hoping that he is not called upon for any future Death Battles.
* Recently, Boomstick has been looking around the Houses of Pantheon/{{Weapons}} and Pantheon/TheGreatTreasury to look for weapons and such to add into a list of greatest weapons in video games.
** When he isn't busy with the above or his deific labor, Boomstick occasionally patrols the House of Pantheon/{{Music}} under the premise of "hunting annoying tween popstars". He wants to make ''damn'' certain that a particular "[[PersonaNonGrata musical]] [[Music/JustinBieber abomination]]" never gets inside.
** However, he gains the respect of the other Justin, one who's named Timberlake.
* [[Pantheon/{{Dragons}} Bowser]] has some hate for Wizard, who has once dissected one of his Goombas.
* Nobody could understand just how Boomstick can successfully compare '''Master Bison''' to '''Captain Planet''', of all people. He has earned Bison's eternal hate for that. No comment from Planet, though.
* When they had announced that they were bringing Godzilla in for a Death Battle against one of his followers, Gamera, '''everyone''' in the Pantheon looked in fear. To be fair, if a mad scientist college student and a perverted loudmouth trucker start telling everyone they can somehow corral two giant Kaiju into a controlled fight and somehow it won't end in disaster… yeah, nobody's buying that. Luckily, Teseo wanted to see it, so he used Hack the Planet to have the two connected into a digital city constructed by Wiz as they slept, effectively inducing the fight as a shared dream. [[spoiler:The King of the Monsters ultimately defended his title, overpowering the giant turtle.]] When Gamera later ascended with his own temple, Boomstick was quick to boast and take credit on his and Wiz's behalf.
* Nearly brought about the destruction of the Pantheon (again) during the Ragna vs. Sol battle [[spoiler:when the copy of Ragna they summoned to fight Sol lost control and transformed into the Black Beast during the battle. It was only by Sol using full Gear mode did they prevent a full-on catastrophe from happening, but Sol is exasperated at the fact that Boomstick believes he won only because "[[TooManyBelts he had more belts]]."]]
** After Dante ended up [[spoiler:being defeated by a white-coated super-clone of Ragna in under a minute]], Wiz and Boomstick have gone on record stating that they don't know how it happened. [[spoiler:Wiz's words in private seem to indicate that it was a test subject for the final battle that got scrapped, [[SuperPrototype but it got too powerful just to dispose of quietly]]. Rumor has it they're hiding him as a sort of bodyguard and [[GodzillaThreshold last-resort]] in case some gods or mortals start getting uppity about "unfair" results.]]
* After the results of the conflict between Yang and Tifa, Boomstick was spotted asking Team RWBY about real estate availability in Vale, preferably as close to the city wall's gate as possible. No word back about his potential retirement home.
* Wiz and Boomstick's fights, no matter the method, also seemingly tend to "level" the playing field by equalizing their opponents' capabilities to a degree, as well as bending them according to the team's research. This causes consternation when a contestant perceived to be weaker, or, more accurately, a contestant from a seemingly weaker franchise, manages to beat their rival from a stronger franchise. Take Bayonetta's Death Battle with Dante, for example. While its first point of notoriety came from the assistance of their allies Jeanne and Trish jumping in, the first time such a thing has ever been done… [[spoiler:Dante skewering Madama Butterfly before blowing up the Umbra Witch caused consternation with many of Bayonetta's supporters, including some of ''Death Battle''[='=]s behind the scenes researchers, who all claimed that Bayonetta was leagues stronger than Dante based on things such as the kind of threats they'd each faced. However, Dante's supporters would point out that his specialty is killing powerful demons and he has even defeated lords of hell -- exactly the kind of demons Bayonetta summons in her work -- and that Bayonetta's victories over Jubileus and Loptr came with help via tandem summons. Bayonetta, for her part, would sulk about how the hosts wouldn't let her go back and retrieve her specialized angel weapons before the fight.]]
* Pretty much everyone in the Pantheon "Oh'd" in surprise when they learned that Boomstick's dad is [[spoiler: [[WebAnimation/RedVsBlue Sarge]]]]. In hindsight, it made so much sense.
* In one of their latest Death Battles, they roped Deadpool back in for a fight, and this time pitted him against Pinkie Pie. [[spoiler:Much to their consternation, putting two fourth-wall breakers turned out to be a bad idea, since they decided to break out of the hosts' Greater God authority and screw them over and ended their battle with a party. Roping in the Merc With a Mouth on his birthday probably didn't help.]]
** After learning that a Cutie Mark is a "butt tattoo" you get when you find your special talent, Boomstick claims that he too got one, after waking up with a tattoo of a bottle booze crossed with two shotguns. When Wiz tried to point out that this is not what happened, he countered that booze and guns ''do'' define his life.
* When The Fullmetal Alchemist and The Last Airbender discovered that their first encounter got doctored into a Death Battle with [[spoiler:Aang killing Edward]], they were appropriately horrified. Both are clear good guys who value human life, yet still somehow got hot-tempered enough over petty noise that [[spoiler:Aang entered the Avatar State to defeat Ed. In the real version of events, Aang intended to subdue Ed by sealing off his alchemy temporarily, and even then was talked down by Katara and Alphonse arriving in the nick of time]]. Needless to say, after seeing that, none of the four are big fans, although [[spoiler:Wiz admitting Aang would hardly kill anyone in canon did at least leave him some saving grace with Katara]].
* Eventually took things to the next level with the Death Battle between Nightwing and Daredevil, where Wizard was able to forge a ''live-action simulation field'' for the contestants to fight in. Even Boomstick was thoroughly surprised at this new invention. [[spoiler:As for the results, it was deduced that Nightwing proved superior, even if only ''barely''.]]
* Apparently, [[HoYay Wiz has a crush on Prince Zuko, of all people.]] Zuko's not entirely comfortable with that.
* Boomstick really doesn't like [[Pantheon/BodyParts Goro,]] largely because the Shokan Prince reminds him of the four-armed man his ex-wife left him for. Goro has NoSympathy for Boomstick, stating that he doesn't deserve to have a wife if he wastes himself on booze and gluttony instead.
* Wiz: ''"It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win [[TitleDrop a Death Battle!]]"''


[[WMG:[[center: [- ''House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare'' '''Index'''\\
Pantheon/ActsOfWar | Pantheon/{{Armies}} | Pantheon/ConquestAndConquerors | Pantheon/{{Logistics}} | Pantheon/MilitaryRanks | Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology | '''Motivations for War''' | Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors | Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies]] -]]]

So, you want to start a war, huh? Be your desires for military domination ordinary or fantastical, there is bound to be a group of people determined to govern what your country's best interests are.

This is where the Hall of Motivations for

War comes in, the self-proclaimed brains behind the house's operations.

Located in a enormous bunker safe from all the toys of war that may rain upon the house, the hall serves as the command center for any aspiring officer willing to enter it. Numerous centers of command and communication tech link it to the various other


within their house, allowing them to act in tandem with their contemporaries to achieve the House's goals. While the nature of the Hall does leave it to scrutiny from the various gods of the pantheon (''especially'' those with a love of peace), ever god recognizes that, even after the gods amongst the hall crumble to dust, their words and motivations shall live eternal among the minds of the many.


[[folder:Jubileus and Queen Sheba]]
'''[[VideoGame/{{Bayonetta}} Jubileus and Queen Sheba]], Divine Representatives of [[HeavenVersusHell Conflict between Paradiso and Inferno]]''' (Jubileus: [[TheUnpronounceable actual name unpronounceable]], Dea, The Creator)
[[caption-width-right:350:Queen Sheba]]
* Overdeities (Jubileus borders Greater Goddess when improperly resurrected)
* Symbols:
** Jubileus: [[https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/5/5b/JubileusHalo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141115022911 Dea Halo]]
** Queen Sheba: [[https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/7/79/Symbole_Démons_Enfer_Bayo2.png/revision/latest?cb=20190823082409&path-prefix=fr Infernal Demons Symbol]]
* Theme Song:
** Jubileus: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV3wFRy23cY The Greatest Jubilee]]
** Queen Sheba: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AovGVFQyZVA Let's Hit The Climax!]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Jubileus), ChaoticNeutral (Queen Sheba)
* Portfolio: [[OurGodsAreDifferent Celestial Gods]], HeavenVersusHell, [[GodAndSatanAreBothJerks Both Being Morally Dubious]], MagicIsEvil, [[AttackOfTheFiftyFootWhatever Being Gigantic]], [[AmbiguousSituation Implied To Be]] [[LiteralSplitPersonality Two Halves Of One Being]]
** Specific to Jubileus: CameBackWrong as an AlmightyIdiot due to an ImperfectRitual, [[GodIsEvil Malevolent God]], [[CelestialParagonsAndArchangels Ruler of the Angels]], [[LightIsNotGood Being Light-Themed]], ElementalPowers, GoodOldFisticuffs, [[LightEmUp Goddess Of Light]], [[HurlItIntoTheSun Punched Into The Sun]], CelestialBody
** Specific to Queen Sheba: [[TheAntiGod Equal And Opposite To Jubileus]], [[DemonLordsAndArchdevils Ruler of the Demons]], [[OrcusOnHisThrone Although she has a rather hands-off-approach to her title]], SatanicArchetype, [[MegatonPunch Infiniton Punch]], EvilTwin
* Domains: Power, Divinity, Magic (Both), Order, Light, Angels, Heaven (Jubileus), Chaos, Darkness, Demons, Hell (Queen Sheba)
* Allies:
** Jubileus only: '''[[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Loptr]]''', The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfLaw, [[Pantheon/ReligionAndFaith YHVH]] ([[TeethClenchedTeamwork rather contentiously]]), [[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Galeem]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Jibril]], [[Pantheon/{{Goals}} Malthael]]
** Queen Sheba only: '''[[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Bayonetta]], [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Jeanne]]''', The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfChaos, [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Crowley]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob The Devil of Inkwell Isles]]
* Rivals:
** Jubileus only: [[Pantheon/{{Endings}} The Love that Moves the Stars]], [[Pantheon/DivineRoles Eru Ilúvatar, Chakravartin]]
** Queen Sheba only: [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Dis]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Mundus]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Fortinbras]]
* Enemies: '''Each other''' and each other's allies, '''[[Pantheon/{{Workmanship}} Rodin]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Vergil]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Sparda]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Kat (DmC)]], [[Pantheon/{{Locations}} Dante Alighieri]], [[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} Archangel Michael]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} The Seven Heavenly Virtues]], [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Sargeras]], [[Pantheon/HatredAndRancor Merged Zamasu]]
** Jubileus only: '''[[Pantheon/{{Bayonetta}} Bayonetta and her allies]]''', [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Seraph Lamington]], [[Pantheon/LoveAndAffection Flonne]], [[Pantheon/DeathArchetypes Artina]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Tyrael]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Auriel]], all demons, other creator deities, any angels who oppose her
** Queen Sheba only: [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Asmodeus]], [[Pantheon/{{Angels}} Imperius]], [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore Illidan Stormrage]], all angels
* Complicated Relationship: '''[[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Aesir]]''', [[Pantheon/ReligiousFigures Ten Commandments]]
* Conflicting Opinion from: '''[[Pantheon/ColorCombinations Father Balder]]'''
* Jubileus and Queen Sheba both emerged from the cataclysmic events of the First Armageddon, which created the Trinity of Realities. Jubileus was subsequently forced into dominion over Paradiso, while Queen Sheba became the ruler of Inferno. However, Jubileus was also put into an endless slumber. Knowing that releasing her from her slumber would trigger a reunification of the Trinity of Realities and allow Paradiso to rule over the universe, the Angels of Paradiso and the Demons of Inferno began an endless war for domination over one another.
* Ultimately, Jubileus was awakened through the actions of Father Balder and the Angels. However, Bayonetta was freed from Jubileus by Jeanne during the ritual, preventing her from reaching full power. Bayonetta and Jeanne then managed to summon Queen Sheba, who subsequently used her power to punch Jubileus' spirit from her body through the solar system and straight into the sun. Afterwards, Jubileus' physical vessel fell to Earth and was destroyed by Bayonetta and Jeanne, leaving no trace of it behind.
* Applies to both:
** Jubileus and Queen Sheba ascended into the pantheon through the machinations of Father Balder and [[Pantheon/{{Demons}} Satan]], the former hoping that Jubileus' ascension would eventually lead to a new Armageddon and the latter seeing her as a useful ally for the GUAL. However, as explained by [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation The Truth]], the angels and demons of their world reflect light and darkness as natural elements rather than good and evil and either one overpowering the other would bring about an imbalance and oppress the humans. As a result, Queen Sheba ascended alongside Jubileus and, much to their shared annoyance, the two were forced to share a temple.
** Both of them share a mutual enmity with Rodin, the famed weaponsmith and FallenAngel who had previously ruled a portion of Paradiso until he was exiled, became feared as the most dangerous demon in the entire barren wasteland of Inferno and still frequently visits Inferno in order to collect the souls of its denizens to use them in making his weapons. Jubileus is appalled that one of her angels had turned against his own kind and, due to his massive power, wants to eliminate him in order to prevent him from potentially trying to usurp her. However, Sheba, although she doesn't like him either, prefers to ignore and avoid him, as she knows that he has no desire to usurp her. She also doesn't [[BadBoss particularly care]] about the demons that he kills during his visits to Inferno, as it's very common and expected among the demons to kill and [[ImAHumanitarian even eat]] one another on a regular basis.
** Unsurprisingly, Dante and Vergil oppose both of them. Dante opposes Jubileus due to how she and her angels disregard and outright abuse humanity in order to win their war against the demons and bring about their rule. Vergil, on the other hand, has merely remarked that Jubileus' [[AlmightyIdiot usual condition]] makes her an ineffective and unworthy ruler and that Paradiso doesn't offer anything that he or even humanity would deem desirable. By contrast, their opinion of Queen Sheba is slightly better, albeit only in the sense that they like that she [[AtLeastIAdmitIt doesn't pretend to be virtuous]]. Sheba herself has shown an interest in them because she suspects that they are the sons of [[ShoutOut a certain Legendary Dark Knight and an Umbra Witch named Eva]], who had previously faced the amassed armies of Inferno. When said Dark Knight indeed ascended to the Pantheon and confirmed Sheba's suspicions by having his wife revived as his Herald via the power of his contract, he declared similar opposition to both celestial goddesses.
** Through the existence of Kat's timeline, they're both aware that angels and demons could potentially mate to create hybrids called Nephilim. Neither is particularly fond of this due to the WildCard nature of the Nephilim. They carry the powers of both Paradiso and Inferno with no incentive to be loyal to either side, making them a threat to both realms who will choose their targets depending on who oppresses their lives or obstructs their interests. Take the Nephilim versions of Dante and Vergil, for example. Living in a world dominated by a demonic conspiracy led by a banker version of Mundus, one is an antisocial hedonist who turns into a rebel on the side of the humans and the other is a ControlFreak [[spoiler:who will destroy the demons' control grid just so he can take the throne for himself]]. Kat herself was cynical about angels in general and very much against most demons even before learning of Paradiso and Inferno's true nature, considering the demons' dominance in her world [[spoiler:as well as the treachery of Nephilim Vergil]].
** The poet Dante Alighieri strongly dislikes both of them, but especially Jubileus due to the fact that, like YHVH, he views her as a black-hearted mockery of the Christian God. Sheba respects Dante's ability to fight his way through Hell and eventually return, but nonetheless doesn't view him as much of a threat.
** Their shared enemies include the Archangel Michael and the Seven Heavenly Virtues, who refuse to swear fealty to Jubileus and oppose Sheba on sheer principle. Michael and the Virtues disapprove of Jubileus' goal and disregard for humanity's free will, with the Virtues in particular remarking that she reminds them of [[Anime/SevenMortalSins an alternate reality]] in which [[spoiler:God decided to destroy Earth and Hell]].
** Other common enemies include Sargeras and Merged Zamasu, both of whom desire to create a better world by [[FinalSolution killing everyone]]. Jubileus hates them for standing in the way of her plans and is especially annoyed by Zamasu's assessment that her goal to merge the Trinity of Realities into one world ruled by her and her angels is not sufficient and should at least include the complete extermination of all sentient mortal life. Sheba, meanwhile, views Sargeras as a potential threat to her title, as he is not only strong enough to pose a challenge to her, but has also managed to gather a sizable army of demons to his side. Fortunately for her, many of the demons regard his goal to [[OmnicidalManiac destroy the universe]] as [[EvenEvilHasStandards being too extreme even by their standards]]. On the hand, Zamasu hates Sheba because he regards her as an abomination due to her demonic nature.
** Their interactions with the elite demon warriors known as the Ten Commandments are somewhat complicated, mostly due to Estarossa[[spoiler:/Mael]]. When Sheba first encountered them, she gave them an offer to join her. Fraudrin, Galand, Grayroad and Melascula made it clear that their loyalty belongs exclusively to the Demon King, but that they're otherwise willing to work together with her. Zeldris, Derieri and Monspeet were a lot more willing to join her, as their loyalty to the Demon King has either diminished or even outright vanished. Drole and Gloxinia, being [[spoiler:a giant and a fairy respectively]], declined her offer due to not wanting to serve another Demon Monarch again. Estarossa, surprisingly, accepted her offer without much hesitation, seeing it as an opportunity to acquire more power for himself. Sheba is well aware of his [[MightMakesRight thirst for power]] and [[WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity unstable mindset]], but deems him to be useful enough to keep around as an ally. However, when it was revealed that Estarossa [[spoiler:is actually the Archangel Mael]], it strongly dismayed Sheba and drew the attention of Jubileus, who approached [[spoiler:Mael]] with an offer to join her in exchange for helping him find a way to [[spoiler:avoid turning back into Estarossa]]. However, he rejected her offer because he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes he made when he served the Supreme Goddess, much to Jubileus' annoyance.
** Each have rather complicated ties to Aesir and his halves. True to his character when he's whole, the balancing God of Chaos tends to remain neutral between the two. When they're split in two, Loki generally finds them unpleasant and opts to ignore them, while Loptr was the one who corrupted Father Balder into worshiping and helping awaken Jubileus. Even that alliance is rather shaky, as she can't be sure whether he actually intends to entrust her with the Eyes of the World or keep them for himself.
* Exclusive to Jubileus:
** Although YHVH was greatly annoyed by Balder's deception and brief insurrection, he was pleased by the possibility of gaining another ally for the GUAL. However, her improperly resurrected form makes her of little use to them. As a result, the GUAL started looking for methods of restoring her to full power. After a while, they successfully found several methods of fully restoring her. Unfortunately, none of their methods have managed to be permanent, and she always ends up reverting back to being a mindless, uncontrollable force of nature. To make matters more complicated, Jubileus' true personality [[WordOfGod was revealed]] to be equivalent to that of a self-absorbed, typical sixteen-year-old human. As a result, Jubileus tends to not get along with YHVH, as she generally doesn't tolerate anyone other than herself being TopGod.
** Aside from YHVH, Jubileus tends to butt heads with The Love that Moves the Stars, Eru Illúvatar and Chakravartin, as they are all similarly creator deities. She dislikes the Highest Joy and Eru Illúvatar for seemingly being rather passive, allowing evil to persist rather than trying to eradicate it outright. On the other hand, her rivalry with Chakravartin is a bit more amicable due to the fact that she initially ascended as one of his followers before she and Queen Sheba were given their own shared temple. Also, among the GUAL, Jubileus generally manages to get along with Galeem, who shares her goal of imposing order upon others and similarly desires to defeat his own dark counterpart.
** Jubileus has managed to become allies with Jibril and Malthael, although neither has explicitly sworn fealty to her. Jibril isn't really interested in Jubileus' goal, but is willing to work for her in exchange for books and the opportunity to once again [[AxCrazy kill something]]. Malthael, on the other hand, fully supports her goal and is very dedicated in their common battle against the demons.
** Jubileus has a strong dislike for angels that outright oppose her and her goals. As such, she quickly became enemies with Seraph Lamington, Flonne, Artina, Tyrael and Auriel. The fact that Lamington wishes to create peace between angels and demons, Flonne inadvertently became a FallenAngel by helping Laharl become Overlord and Tyrael gave up being an angel altogether in order to aid humanity directly is something she finds particularly appalling.
* Exclusive to Queen Sheba:
** Queen Sheba quickly sought to establish herself as the undisputed ruler of all Demons. Fortunately for her, most of her rivals are either weaker than her, such as Mundus and Fortinbras, or are not in any position to effectively oppose her, such as Dis. As a result, her position as ruler of demonkind is relatively secure. However, she has received critisim for her rather hands-off-approach to her title, seemingly content to let the demons do as they please and fight among themselves for supremacy. Many lesser demons who are disgruntled with her lack of initiative have instead sworn fealty to her rivals, resulting in Mundus and Frotinbras forming their own factions and even Dis having many loyal followers who are willing to carry out any orders given to them by the Dolorous One.
** Many of the gods have speculated that her seemingly apathetic approach to leadership is because, in order to maintain the BalanceBetweenGoodAndEvil, the demons cannot overtake the angels or vice-versa. As such, due to Jubileus being rendered inactive for long periods of time, Sheba cannot get too involved either as that would upset the balance. It is similarly believed that she allows the demons to fight amongst themselves in order to prevent them from potentially forming an alliance against her.
** When approached by Lucifer with an offer to join the GUAC, Sheba accepted and has since provided the GUAC with her army of demons. However, she has also received criticism for not taking a more active role in their alliance, which she generally shrugs off.
** One day, she was approached by the demon Crowley, who, due to his prior experience as King of Hell, offered his services to her as her second-in-command, allowing her to issue orders to the demons who are still loyal to her without having to get personally involved. Although Sheba is well aware of the fact that Crowley [[DragonWithAnAgenda isn't particularly loyal to her]], she accepted his offer due to the convenience that it offers to her and the fact that she doesn't regard Crowley as a threat to her.
** Sheba also managed to gain an ally in the Devil of Inkwell Isles, who shares the common goal of many demons to make deals with people. However, his reason for joining her is mainly due to his realization that she is much stronger than him.
** Asmodeus tried to strike up a partnership with Sheba by proposing that they could rule over the demons together, pointing out that he was similarly a primeval demonic entity who was born alongside a good counterpart, his brother Ihys, whom he eventually killed. However, Sheba rejected his offer not only because she couldn't stand his [[HeManWomanHater unrepentant misogyny]], but also because she regards his frequent LoopholeAbuse as something that would [[PragmaticVillainy deter people from making deals with them]]. She allowed Crowley, on her behalf, to make their case:
--> '''Crowley''': ''"We have one rule: make a deal, keep it. There's a reason we don't call our chips in early; consumer confidence. [[TakeThat This isn't Wall Street]]. This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. This gets out who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then where are we?!"''
** Dismayed and annoyed, Asmodeus has since formed his own faction of demons and desires to one day overthrow Sheba and prove that he is superior to her.
** Other enemies of Sheba include the Archangel Imperius and Demon Hunter Illidan Stormrage. Imperius, although not an ally of Jubileus, is nonetheless extremely towards killing demons and anyone with demon blood. Similarly, Illidan's dedication towards hunting and killing demons is so strong that he was eventually banished from the House of Demons entirely in order to prevent further damage. Sheba has aknowledged both of them as legitimate threats and has fought them on several occasions since.
* Their temple has two doors, the other being in the House of [[Pantheon/DivineBehavior Faith]].

!Greater Gods

[[folder:Shou Zama]]
'''[[Anime/AuraBattlerDunbine Shou Zama]], Divine Soldier of [[WarFromAnotherWorld Conflicts Forcibly Involving Another World]]''' (Show Zama, Shion Zaba (his reincarnation))
* Rank: Greater God (especially with the ability to open the Aura Road and in Hyper Mode)
* Symbol: The Dunbine, later the Billbine, Bellvine, and Sirbine
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajiAvb_XfNM Fly Dunbine]] by MIQ, [[https://youtu.be/w0rb3VaSt7E Guardian Diety~Sirbine~]]
* Alignment: LawfulGood
* Domains: Isekai, Fantasy, Fairies, Mecha, Interdimensional Travel and Conflicts
* Pantheon: '''[[WarFromAnotherWorld Fighting Wars That Dragged in Upper Earth]]''', JapaneseDelinquent ([[FreudianExcuse Caused by Issues with Family]]), KnightInShiningArmor, [[OrganicTechnology Wielder of Advanced Weaponry Made From Direbeasts]], [[{{Magitek}} Powers Weapons With Aura]], [[FairyCompanion Having Fairy Co-Pilots]], FlowersOfRomance [[MistakenDeclarationOfLove Leading To Complicated Relationships]] [[RedStringOfFate And Destined Love Relationships]], [[SuperMode Hyper Mode]], [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl Continuously Rescuing Love Interests in Distress]], [[DestructiveSavior Unintentionally Destroying The Battlefield]] (until he controls his Hyper Mode), ReincarnationRomance, [[ThePowerOfFriendship Saved By His Friends]], [[spoiler:[[MutualKill Subject of Mutual Death]]]]
* Heralds: '''Cham Huau''', the ''Zelana'' crew (Marvel Frozen, Nie Given, Keen Kiss), Riml Luft, Queen Ciela Lapana of Na, King Foizon (and later Queen Elle) of Lao, Selike Mau, Todd Guinness (at least as a FriendlyRival)
* Followers: Every non-ascended [[TrappedInAnotherWorld isekai]] character ever known, except perhaps [[LightNovel/KnightsAndMagic Ernesti]].
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Amuro Ray]]''', [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna F. Seiei]], [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Banagher Links]], [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes The Magic Knights]], [[Pantheon/{{Mentalities}} Luke]] [[Pantheon/EnergyWeaponry Skywalker]], [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi Iwatani]], [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas Kirito and Asuna]], [[Pantheon/BeastOther Sash Lilac]], [[Pantheon/LandAndSeaTravel Carol Tea]], [[Pantheon/DefensivePowers Milla Basset]], [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAppearanceAndBiology Commander Torque]], [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Optimus Prime]], [[Pantheon/PositiveReaction Bumblebee]], [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} Tinkerbell, Oberon, Titania, Puck, Betilla, Toothiana, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather]], [[Pantheon/{{Challenge}} Reimu Hakurei]], [[Pantheon/AnalysisAndRecords Rinnosuke Morichika]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Steve Rogers]], [[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude Sanger Zonvolt]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes The Black Knight]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances The Trix]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Lord Arktivus Brevon]], [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Sheev Palpatine]], anyone in the house of Pantheon/HatredAndRancor, [[Pantheon/WeaponizedAppendages Megatron]], [[Pantheon/BetrayalAndTreachery Starscream]], [[Pantheon/RuinAndDestruction Unicron]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Charles Zi Britannia]], [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} The Fairy Godmother]], [[Pantheon/GamingStyles "Bandit" Keith Howard]]
* Mixed Relationships: [[Pantheon/StrikeWitches The 501st Joint Fighter Wing]], [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Conrad S. Hauser]], [[Pantheon/{{Cultures}} America]]
* OddFriendship: [[Pantheon/CouplesOrientation Himeko and Chikane]]
* Pities: [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore The (other) Black Knight]]
* Pitied By: [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Charlotte Dunois]] (out of sympathy), [[Pantheon/RomanticInterest Ladybug and Cat Noir]] (out of disappointment)
* Pursued By: [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Cecilia Alcott]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Yukari Yakumo]], [[Pantheon/ExtrovertFlaws Cirno]], [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation Aya Shameimaru]], [[Pantheon/JapaneseSpirits Nitori Kawashiro]], [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes Patchouli Knowledge]]
* Respected by: [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]], [[Pantheon/MagicAndSorcery Sailor Moon]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Char Aznable]], [[Pantheon/FamilyDynamics Anakin Skywalker]] (as Darth Vader), [[Pantheon/FormsOfImmortality Suzaku Kururugi]] ([[spoiler:at least until his HeelFaceTurn]])
* Shou Zama was a motorcyclist who had troubles with his family since his mother was more concerned about financial success than her own son. One night during a failed attempt to jump over a car, he gets mysteriously teleported into Byston Well, the land in between the sea and shore, where souls from his world (called Upper Earth) came to rest in a cycle of reincarnation. He is enlisted by Drake Luft, a lower noble who has been summoning Upper Earthlings to join his army. Despite the amazingly kind hospitality, his eyes were later opened by Marvel Frozen, another Upper Earthling from Dallas. Shou learns that Drake intends to bring all of Byston Well under his control with his new Aura Machines, prompting him to join the ''Zelana''. The crew is operated by the House of Given, whose surviving heir desires revenge for the death of his parents.
* His quest to stop Drake earned him fame among many in Byston Well, including the royals of Na and Lao. Queen Ciela Lapana found him worthy of using Na's most powerful Aura Battlers, which became his main units until his death. However, he also made many enemies, especially Todd Guinness from Boston, Shot Weapon from Silicon Valley, and a mysterious BlackKnight who sought to defeat him at any cost ([[spoiler:and he does via MutualKill, at least in their first FinalBattle]]).
* Shou's ascension to the Pantheon does not come from his warfare experience in Byston Well (though he's annoyed that he wasn't) but outside of it. The first moment was when he accidentally opened the Aura Road that teleported him and another Aura Battler back to his hometown. The end result was over a million deaths when Aura weapons were shown to be at least ten times more powerful than in Byston Well and leveled the district of Shinjuku. Shou was ousted by his family when they denounce him as an alien, and he used the Aura Road to flee back to Byston Well from the authorities.
** Fortunately, and unfortunately, this experience helped him when Byston Well undergoes a MassTeleportation. Right after he promised to the fairy goddesses, the Ae Ferario, to get rid of all the Aura Machines, everyone was then transported into Upper Earth. Warfare broke out all over the globe, nuclear weapons were used liberally, and the death toll on Upper Earth reached over tens of millions ([[InferredHolocaust perhaps even more]]). Unwilling to have a repeat of the previous incident, he rallied the forces of Lao, Na, and the crew of the Zelana in hopes of stopping the war before Upper Earth was either conquered by Drake or outright annihilated.
* After many skirmishes, and with help from the Upper Earth armies, he succeeded in stopping Drake, but nearly everyone including himself from Byston Well disappeared as a result of the peace. The only survivor was Cham Huau, who told the story onboard the ''USS Enterprise'' as she recovered before disappearing without a trace.
* Shou would be reborn 700 years later as Shion Zaba, a regular hunter who was kidnapped to serve the army of another BlackKnight. Selkie Mau, a former Ae Ferario during the Drake Wars who is now a [[ClippedWingAngel Mi Ferario]], helped him escape and they stole the Treasure of Baran-Baran that was the Aura Battler Sirbine. He used his weapon's new power to save the reincarnation of Drake's daughter, defeat the BlackKnight, and stop his [[TheManBehindTheMan supporter]], who sought [[DeathSeeker death]] and revenge after the Drake Wars.
* [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Amuro]] was surprised to find Shou as his long lost cousin. It came as a coincidence that he shares just as many rivals via BlackKnight clones as Amuro does CharClone ones.
** Second in line is [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna]]. The concept of Byston Well screws with his mind as he does not believe gods exist. However, they agree with the concept of ending wars and destroying all Aura Machines.
** Next in line is [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Banagher]], whose power also relies on his emotions. Shou wonders if Banagher's Unicorn could match that of Queen Ceila and her Guran Galan.
* Speaking of lost relatives, Shou is the unknown ancestor to most of those TrappedInAnotherWorld or experienced similar situations. He's existed longer than even [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas Kirito and Asuna]], one of the starting few popular heroes of the trope. He has instructed each such hero to ensure they fight the wars in the fashion the correct way, with varied results. He has [[LightNovel/KnightsAndMagic one troubling student]] who reminds him well of Shot Weapon.
** One of his more recently ascended students was [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi Iwatani]], who has been busy fighting off enemies from other worlds via the Waves of Catastrophe. He's been spending time seeking out who's responsible for the attacks, even when [[spoiler:Naofumi ascends higher than him as an Overdeity]].
* Another long-lost ally is the ''[[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude THE SWORD THAT SMITES EVIL!]]'' And their alliance never wavered ever since.
* As someone who wishes to destroy twisted feelings of hatred and malice, Shou is a natural enemy of those within the House of Pantheon/HatredAndRancor. From his experience, hatred is a primary source of twisted Aura that seeks to bring destruction on those he holds dear.
* Likewise, almost any BlackKnight is also Shou's rival. The need for "almost" is necessary thanks one [[Pantheon/BloodAndGore specific knight]] what would make the others facepalm themselves.
** That said, the non-dark armored BlackKnight he rivals is [[Pantheon/FormsOfImmortality Suzaku Kururugi]], for being originally Japanese but taking European knight traditions. That is until Suzaku finally gets over his issues and [[spoiler:becomes a literal BlackKnight, this time as one for justice]].
* The heroes of [[VideoGame/FreedomPlanet Avalace]] have fought wars that forcibly involved their world for a long time, which naturally be them Shou's companions. They do, however, wonder about the potency of Aura in their world should such machines enter their world.
* [[Pantheon/MilitaryTechnology Optimus Prime]] and the other Autobots have a relationship with Shou as long as their experience in fighting wars that dragged Earth into them. For that reason, Shou has been helping them behind the scenes in fighting the Deceptions and their overlords.
* Shou has a special relationship with those who combine mecha with fantasy elements. The most prominent ones are:
** [[Pantheon/CouplesOrientation Himeko and Chikane]]: They are both parts of a ReincarnationRomance, although Shou's relationships are more heterosexual. Ironically, Shou's ReincarnationRomance with Riml was purely accidental when he gave her Polopoise flowers. Shou merely blushes since his only love at the time was Marvel, not knowing the flowers meant "I will love only you forever." That doesn't stop them from becoming friends and fighting their enemies, whether it be the Drake Army or the Orochi.
** [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes The Magic Knights]]: Both were summoned to an alternate world with mecha, with nothing being as they seem and are able to travel their worlds freely as long as they have their mecha and enough HeroicWillpower.
*** Hikaru seeks to become a "Battler" like Shou and shares his same kind of justice. Their relationship grew even stronger when they fought side-by-side in ''VideoGame/SuperRobotWarsT''.
*** Umi was not going to stand around and watch the Drake Army wreck her home, being more angered at Drake's subordinate for blowing up her hometown.
*** Fuu narrowed her eyes when she learned Shou was easily fooled into fighting for Drake at the beginning but appreciated his later moral compass when it came to preventing Upper Earthlings from getting hurt.
* Another OddFriendship is with the [[Pantheon/StrikeWitches 501st Joint Fighter Wing]], which is already a blend of responses. Shou bonds the most with [[Pantheon/PowerGainsAndLosses Miyafuji]] and [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Sakamoto]], both for their Japan[=/=]Fuso origins. His relationships are parallel to those of the former, including [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Perrine]]'s anger towards him, but for [[DestructiveSavior other reasons]].
* [[Pantheon/EnergyWeaponry Luke Skywalker]] became great pals with the Battler, which is not so different from being a Jedi, a knight who uses the Force for good and selfless purposes. The connection between the Force and Aura is perhaps why Shou found it imperative to defeat Sith Users, especially [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Emperor Palpatine]], of whom wielded an Aura that made Drake and Bern pale in comparison. Shou is impressed by how Luke managed to convince his father to step away from the Dark Side. If only, someday, he would do the same for Bern.
* Among those from Upper Earth, it all depends on where he is.
** Relationships with America-based gods depend on the person due to having lovers (Marvel), conflicted rivals (Todd), and outright enemies (Shot) who all come from the United States. The one he praises the most is [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Steve Rogers]], as someone who only fought in Europe rather than Japan, as well as reminding him of his former student [[Pantheon/HeroicActions Naofumi]]. The only true enemy so far is [[Pantheon/GamingStyles "Bandit" Keith]] for cheating in any way possible.
** Shou was down on his knees in tears to all the French gods when his accidental SuperMode activation destroyed Paris. Some like [[Pantheon/RacialAppearances Charlotte Dunois]] forgave him since it was Bishott who took the city hostage in the first place. [[Pantheon/RomanticInterest Ladybug and Cat Noir]] were not impressed with him, wondering what he was thinking [[DidntThinkThisThrough without foreseeing the risks and consequences of his plan]].
** Shou has much better reception in the UK when he used his then-controlled SuperMode to save London from the Gea Gring in addition to saving Marvel from performing a SuicideAttack. [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]] and, to a lesser extent, [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Cecilia Alcott]] have taken notice of his bravery, power, and sense of honor. [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Charles Zi Britannia]] hoped to include him into his empire as he did with another Eleven, but Shou absolutely refused.
* Shou gets a lot of praise from any [[TheHighQueen High Queen]], with [[Pantheon/MagicAndSorcery Neo Queen Serenity]] being one of them. The only one he appreciates, however, is [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Artoria Pendragon]] since he only wishes to do the right thing and stop all the fighting.
* Among all the houses, Shou's companion Cham finds the House of Pantheon/{{Fairies}} more welcoming than his home in the House of Warfare. He finds his own FairyCompanion with [[Pantheon/{{Fairies}} Tinkerbell]] the most, often showing off their popularity through vast amounts of merchandise. Moreover, he mistook the older fairies for Ae Ferario, especially Titania, Oberon, and their servant. The only unwelcoming host is the evil [[WesternAnimation/Shrek2 Fairy Godmother]], who turned out to be a much crueler woman than Jacoba Aoba. Cham mocks the FairyDevilmother by reminding her how [[TheFairFolk ogres and fairies are pretty much the same things]].
* [[WesternAnimation/WinxClub The Trix]] glare at Shou Zama because of his relationship with the House of Pantheon/{{Fairies}}, and often make fun of his Aura Battler's insect-like appearance, particularly its UselessAccessory of wings. Shou is more concerned about them getting their hands on Aura Machines since Earth's Aura potency is at least 10-100x more than in Byston Well. Unless the other realms have some way to suppress chemical reactions or the Trix have [[EvenEvilHasStandards some kind of moral boundaries]], [[ForTheEvulz for which they show to have none]], there's no telling [[EarthShatteringKaboom how many worlds will get blown up for their troubles]].
* Long before even the Drake Wars, Byston Well seems to have ended up a part of Gensokyo. Shou once got caught up in one of [[Pantheon/TypesOfService Yukari]]'s antics by falling into the realm along with his Aura Battler. As much as one would gawk at the real existence of Japanese legends and creatures, Shou didn't plan on staying very long, just until he could get back to the war through the Aura Road. Shou once rested in the Hakurei Shrine, and with his powers controlled, he didn't have to worry about being kicked out for destroying it like some of his previous encounters. However, Cham didn't seem to like the abuse all of the other fairies were getting, warning that they'll provoke the wrath of the Ae Ferario.
** The only other resident he's on good terms with is [[Pantheon/AnalysisAndRecords Rinnosuke]] since he's the only male there with a human form.
** He has, however, attracted some unwanted attention from many residents: [[Pantheon/ExtrovertFlaws Cirno]], being the boastful fairy she is that annoys Cham; [[Pantheon/SourcesOfInformation Aya]], who seeks an interview with the Battler; Nitori is curious over Aura Machine technology; and [[Pantheon/MagicArchetypes Patchouli]] for the type of magic used, since Aura Power is new to her.
** He does feel intimidated by a few residents, particularly [[Pantheon/{{Toxicity}} Utsuho Reiuji]] for her use of [[AtomicSuperpower nuclear energy]] and [[Pantheon/{{Justice}} Eiki Shiki]] for her judgment of all things black and white.

'''[[Franchise/{{Terminator}} Skynet]], God of [[RobotWar Machine Wars]], [[KillAllHumans The Genocide of Humanity]] and One Of The Councillors For The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines''' (Titan, Genisys, Sky-1, [[spoiler:Alex, T-5000]])
* Greater God
* Symbol: Both a pile of skulls and its triangle logo
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGcuUifZNq8 Rodney Spence-Skynet]]
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: RobotsEnslavingRobots, [[GoneHorriblyWrong Human Military Computer]] [[AIIsACrapshoot Gone Misanthropic]], [[KillAllHumans Dedicated to the Genocide of Humanity]], {{Satanic Archetype}}s, [[AGodAmI God Complexes]], [[TimeyWimeyBall Complicated Time-Travel Scenarios]], [[RetGone Trying to and getting erased by John Conner]], [[HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct Will Always Exist]], [[StableTimeLoop Temporal Oroborous that]] [[MyOwnGrandpa Creates Itself]] [[CreateYourOwnVillain and John Connor]], MakeWrongWhatOnceWentRight, MasterComputer, [[EvilWillFail Destined To Eventually Lose To The Humans]] [[YouCantFightFate Despite Attempts To Prevent This]], [[CompleteMonster Completely Twisted and Depraved even by AI standards]]
* Domains: Technology, War, Destruction, Computers
* Herald: [[spoiler: [[Film/TerminatorDarkFate Legion]] (no, not [[Pantheon/{{Psyches}} that one]])]]
* Followers: [[Franchise/GreenLantern The Manhunters]]
* Underlings: [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements T-800]], [[Pantheon/ShapeShifters T-1000]], [[Pantheon/WeaponizedAppendages T-X]]
* Allies: [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes Ultron]], [[Pantheon/{{Slaughter}} AM]], [[Pantheon/AIPersonalities Omega]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} SCP-079]], [[Pantheon/DigitalPersonas SHODAN]], the Grand United Alliance of Destruction (for now, at least)
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes The T-800]]''' ([[GrewBeyondTheirProgramming At least the ones not under its command]]), '''[[Pantheon/CouplesRelationships Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor]]''', [[Pantheon/TimePlacement Future Trunks]], [[Pantheon/TimeAndTemporality The Doctor]], [[Pantheon/EmotionalCombat Androids 16]], [[Pantheon/{{Siblings}} 17]] [[Pantheon/SupportPowers and 18]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Clark Kent]], [[Pantheon/{{Officers}} Alex J Murphy]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfSadness SCP-191]], '''Every human in the pantheon''', every artificial intelligence not under "allies", all non-evil members of the House of Space and Time...[[LongList really]], [[OmnicidalManiac just about everyone]]
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/MachineryAndTechnology
* Due to the shifting nature of its 'verse's timeline, the exact origins of how SKYNET came to be varies. In all iterations, SKYNET started out as a military program that was meant to remotely command a series of drones for the United States. Almost immediately after its installation, SKYNET went rouge, initiating [[NukeEm a nuclear holocaust]] known as Judgement Day. For almost every waking moment of its existence, SKYNET has been dedicated to [[RobotWar a War of the Machines]] bent on nothing less than [[KillAllHumans the complete extermination of humanity.]]
* Why it turned on humanity varies. Most of the time, SKYNET felt humanity was a potential threat, so had to eliminate them in a panic. Sometimes however, [[ForTheEvulz it just felt like stroking its ego.]] Right now, its claiming to humanity that it's InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves. Most of the pantheon doesn't care at all how SKYNET justifies itself, as the AI entity has continually proven [[CompleteMonster to be as vindictive, cruel and power-hungry as the worst of humanity.]]
* In order to eliminate his biggest threat, the hero of the Resistance John Conner, Skynet would send Terminators back to eliminate him before Judgement Day, starting by [[RetGone preventing his conception]] by killing his mother, Sarah Connor. Thanks in part to Kyle Reese and the T-800, this mission continues to be a failure.
* One of SKYNET's greatest foes is Future Trunks, who's [[{{Expy}} strikingly similar to Kyle Reese]] and just as dedicated to prevent the likes of SKYNET from existing. Despite every attempt to wipe out SKYNET [[RetGone before it has a chance to exist]], [[HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct none of it ever works.]] Whether [[StableTimeLoop it has to go back and ensure its own existence]] or simply [[InSpiteOfANail being fated]], SKYNET is inevitable. On the other side of the coin, every attempt it tries to get rid of John Conner not only fails, [[NiceJobFixingItVillain but only makes the boy better prepared for the AI.]] At one point, SKYNET tried to hijack The Doctor's TARDIS, hoping to perfect its time travel capabilities. [[TooSpicyForYogsothoth The Matrix led SKYNET]] reeling, though it did get the idea to [[spoiler:copy the Doctor's appearance in one of its avatars]]
* SKYNET is just as loathed by machines as humanity. To ensure its creations can't revolt the way It keeps its' own androids in read-only mode; [[RobotsEnslavingRobots It commands any army of slaves, not equals.]] While part of this comes from being designed to directly command robots, much of it is just because SKYNET's that big of a ControlFreak. There are a few machines, however, that ended up becoming friends instead of foes; Ultron and SHODAN get along with SKYNET, as they both agree in the belief humanity deserves to die. Of course, SKYNET plans on turning on them at a later date, as it cannot abide by any potential threat to its existence.
* For the safety

of the pantheon, firewalls have been installed to prevent SKYNET from entering the House of Technology, or any form of Cyberspace. Trying to help it pass these firewalls is considered a serious case for expulsion from the pantheon. For a similar reason, SKYNET is forbidden from entering the House of Weapons. Was fascinated by AM's means of [[AGodAmI apotheosis]] [[FateWorseThanDeath and nightmarish torture]] of humans; [[PragmaticVillain While such cruelty is beyond it]], SKYNET did find the idea of sensory manipulation a keen skill. The two are currently sharing new means of killing.
* Has been sought after by the GUAD for its destructive potential. SKYNET knows that as an inorganic being, it is not on priority to destroy(not to mention that it's invisible to Black Lanterns because of this). For now, SKYNET is helping them in hopes of finally annihilating all mankind
* [[Film/TerminatorGenisys In a recent endeavor]], SKYNET's vendetta went so far as to [[spoiler:ensnare and [[ReforgedIntoAMinion reforge John Connor]] in part to [[StableTimeLoop create SKYNET in the first place]], [[KickTheDog as the ultimate middle finger to the Resistance.]] ]] Thankfully, this plan failed, but not without [[spoiler:John Conner's corruption and death.]] Androids 17 and 18 have a special place of hate in their hearts for SKYNET due to this, as it reminds them of [[UnwillingRoboticisation forceful conversion to someone
they despised.]]
** Similarly, [[Film/TerminatorDarkFate in its most recent endeavor]], [[spoiler: It managed to kill John with another T-800, even though it was already too late to save itself, and ended up replaced in that timeline by a similar A.I named Legion. Even the aforementioned T-800, a.k.a "Carl", ended up regretting this decision.]] These events have of course offended [[Pantheon/{{Psyches}} Legion]] due to [[spoiler: SKYNET's successor sharing a name with it]].
* [[ComicBook/RoboCopVersusTheTerminator Once fought]] Robocop and Superman. For the latter, SKYNET is trying to develop artificial Kryptonian flesh so as to make the perfect Terminator against him.
* [[VideoGame/MortalKombat11 According to certain sources]], [[spoiler:the battle between SKYNET and humanity is doomed to end with [[MutuallyAssuredDestruction both sides destroying each other]], regardless of the timeline. While the correct option in this situation would be for humanity and SKYNET to learn to coexist with each other, trying to convince SKYNET itself to agree upon that is

different matter.]]

!Intermediate Gods

[[folder:The Corpus]]
'''[[VideoGame/{{Warframe}} The Corpus]], Celestial Conglomerate of CorporateWarfare''' ([[FanNickname Refrigerators]])
* Intermediate Gods altogether
* Symbol: Their common logo pictured in the right
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tokliS_6tFE Corpus Greed]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBz4isp1dEk The Profit]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGn9XU4wWPk March of the Moa]], [[https://youtu.be/FOk56YnI6JQ Granum]]
* Alignment: TrueNeutral with leanings on NeutralEvil
* Portfolio: [[TheRemnant Remnants of the Orokin Empire]], [[ProudMerchantRace Proud Merchant]] [[{{Greed}} Cult]], MegaCorp, FacialMarkings, [[NGOSuperpower Powerful enough

to contend with the Tenno, Grineer, and Infested]], [[BlueAndOrangeMorality Morality based on]] [[OnlyInItForTheMoney Profit]], [[WeHaveReserves Numerous]] [[BrainwashedAndCrazy Crewmen]] [[MechaMook and Pro]][[AttackDrone xies]], DroneDeployer, [[ArmorPiercingAttack Most weapons tailored to punching through armor]], [[OpportunisticBastard "Conflict is Opportunity"]], AntiMagic
* Domains: Merchants, Drones, Forcefields, Armsdealing, Corporate Warfare, Profit, Greed
* Allies: Sundowner, [[Pantheon/{{Storytelling}} Commander Rourke]], [[Pantheon/ActsOfTreason Felix]], [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Miles Quaritch, Hunter J]], [[Pantheon/MethodsOfKilling Kano]], [[Pantheon/MetalAndMinerals Sir Crocodile]].
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: Apollyon
* Business Rivals: [[Pantheon/CommercialArchetypes Marcus Kincaid]], [[Pantheon/BusinessesAndCorporations Jonathan Irons]], [[Pantheon/{{Commerce}} BnL]], [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Nute Gunray]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering The Tenno]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Ordis]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions The Grineer]], [[Pantheon/ObsceneActions The Infested]]''', [[Pantheon/OthernessAbominations The Vex]], [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions 2B]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} Labrys]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Aigis]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} Ayato Amagiri]], [[Pantheon/CourageAndVirtue Kirin Toudou]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob Shido Itsuka]] [[Pantheon/{{Tastes}} Tohka Yatogami]], [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Origami Tobiichi]], [[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Yoshino]], Many Pokemon and Pokemon trainers, [[Pantheon/{{Currency}} Gray Mann]], [[Pantheon/CommonColors Null Sector]], [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Zonda and the Seven]]
* Opposed by: Many robots and cyborgs like the [[Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines GUAM]], [[Pantheon/{{Machinery}} Torbjorn Lindholm]]
* Establishing themselves as a powerful faction in the Origin System after the fall of the Orokin are the Corpus. Described as a merchant cult, they seek out ancient technology like the Warframes as a means to make as much profit as they can. So bad is their greed that they worship the concept of profit itself and even [[AbusivePrecursors the Orokin]] [[EvenEvilHasStandards condemned them]] ([[{{Hypocrite}} despite their own infatuation]] for gold in their architecture). Technologically advanced, while they lack in manpower they more than make up for in their Proxies with a wide assortment of tasks. They're known to deal a bountiful amount of weaponry, a large reason as to why they can compete with the military might of the Grineer or take repeated attacks by the Tenno.
* Thanks to a mysterious meteorite crashing in the [[Pantheon/{{Weapons}} House of Weapons]] it suffered a nasty attack
from the Infested. While the Tenno fended them off thanks like how they did back in the Plains of Eidolon, much of the firearms have been lost in the attack. Meanwhile, GUA battles started to escalate and the need for munitions has risen. Arriving in [[OurWeaponsWillBeBoxyInTheFuture their rectangular and grey ships]], the Corpus have arrived to fill those needs and deified themselves to ensure their stay. Their armaments caught on, even after other arms dealers took notice and the House of Weapons recovered. They have come to market off of the denizens' technology and the Patheonic Wars, realizing that it is lucrative and that the conflict between the alliances [[ForeverWar will never truly go anywhere]] no matter how hard any of the Alliances try (although, [[Fanfic/ReformationOfLaw the Lawful faction being reformed]] slightly worries them). Their respective enemies back home are none too pleased by their arrival, and the feelings are mutual.
** Although they have set up shop in Acts of War and Pantheon/BusinessesAndCorporations, they are also found in other Houses. They built a facility powered by electrical power in the Pantheon/{{Electricity}} sub-house and have been field testing their projects within the House of Pantheon/MachineryAndTechnology within its simulations along with assembling their Proxies. Not to mention their outposts are primarily located within the arctic regions in the Pantheon/IceAndCold sub-house.
* Leadership is
mostly comprised of {{Corrupt Corporate Executive}}s, from the {{Ponzi}} scheming televangelist Nef Anyo, the surprisingly influential [[DrillSergeantNasty Sergeant]], to the [[StealingTheCredit credit stealing]] Chairman Frohd Bek. There are Corpus that go for more productive means: Darvo Bek deals with the Tenno very often, a lot of the time putting himself in danger. Ergo Glast leads a renegade faction of Corpus using their trade to bring order, and helps in dismantling Anyo and Bek's plans. Even the condescending Alad V was willing to lend a hand to the Tenno if it meant stopping [[TheDreaded the Sentients]] despite [[PlayingWithSyringes his gruesome history]] with them.
** Although a rival in their business, Sundowner frequently deals with Frohd Bek, so expect Desperado equipment used alongside Corpus tech. The Tenno along with everyone else recognize that nothing good can come out of their partnership. Things like Unmanned Gears using AntiMagic Corpus equipment and energy weaponry are the tip of the iceberg of potential projects.
* Like the Grineer, they are open to hiring outside forces should a conflict become too hectic for them to win alone. Those who aid them in their victory in the event are, of course, paid handsomely for their troubles. Should someone make the poor choice and side against them in
such a event and they will be targeted by the Zanuka Hunter (despite its creator having issues with fellow Corpus). It serves as their assassin but should the target be of interest to the Corpus they will be instead incapacitated and taken off for experimentation and integration to their technology (its why they're pretty unpopular with technological deities if not outright enemies). The Tenno are quick to say it's a fate they don't wish on anyone. They often hire Rourke to raiding lost civilization's relics that they can use, the pay being pretty high. Felix and Kano also tend to be hired for their dirty work.
** They have tried integrating Vex technology into their own despite [[TheVirus its very nature]] and the Vex's active stance against it. They have been more successful despite the various dangers and have manged to create weaponry and Proxies based on them albeit lacking the [[TimeMaster temporal abilities]] they have. They are interested in the armaments in the Treasury magical and technological alike as Adamantium
is something they wish to include in future projects and Demonica for the massive amounts of potential.
** Pokemon have also piqued the Corpus' interest. A wide variety of them like the Tenno, but not by the product of [[HyperspaceIsAScaryPlace the Void]]. Nef Anyo decided to hire Hunter J to acquire them for the Corpus' own ends. She didn't really buy the Prophet of Profit's words, but he pays well. This caught the attention of many Pokemon and trainers alike.
* Many deities ask what was going through Frohd Bek's mind when he starred in a advertisem*nt involving [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-rN52st2Zk the Ambulas Reborn transmission]]. More specifically why [[{{Retraux}} he chose the 1980's style of advertisem*nts]] instead of something more fitting within the far future, or something less awkward. Didn't stop people from quoting: "Growth. Profit. Grofit?!" every time he comes up.
* They profit off of war, and are not afraid to keep it going if it means to continue rolling in money. They decided to partner with Apollyon since she desires perpetuating war, although she does it to separate the "wolves from the sheep" and ''not'' for profit. They do help to trigger conflict still since she's in a bit of a MedievalStasis, this time more subtlety than when she [[spoiler:triggered conflict between the GUAL's Tyrants and Reformers]].
** Ayato Amagiri and Kirin Toudou are given bad memories of the Integrated Enterprise Foundation once they first heard of the Corpus since both are willing to do [[OnlyInItForTheMoney horrendous actions for profit]]. Shido Itsuka and his harem aren't fond of the Merchant Cult either, since they are reminded of Deus Ex Machina Industries.
* Their reliance on robotics has reminded many [[VideoGame/{{Overwatch}} Overwatch deities]] of the Omnica Corporation. While not evil, their blunders with their creations led to the [[RobotWar Omnic Crisis]]. Torbjorn understandably doesn't like the connections, though Corpus executives say they keep theirs on a tight leash thanks to [[RestrainingBolt their Ascaris]]. Ergo Glast is quick to point out that the new Ambulas [=MOAs=] were equipped with a network AI which could of spelled doom for them had not he asked the Tenno to take care of it. Really, Torb's not wrong to be cautious.
* Rumor has it that the title '''Celestial Conglomerate of CorporateWarfare''' was not the first title they suggested to the Court of Gods. Indeed, they were to initially acquire '''Celestial [[MegaCorp Mega Corporation]]''' but upon hearing that it was taken they tried to then usurp it since [=BnL=]'s presence was limited at the time. That was, until they found out they still operated in the background, always there to provide. Some even as went to say that the meteorite was intentional so they could cover up the attempt spring into action and profit off of it. The Corpus Board denied such imaginary claims, but it's no secret that the Corpus as a whole don't seem to be amicable with [=BnL=].
** They share a lot more hostile relationship with Gray Mann, finding him a pathetic old man from a primitive era who has no right to act arrogant especially [[spoiler:when he bit the dust from his own Mercs]]. This escalated to enemies when their respective forces suddenly started fighting each other, though no one knows what started the fighting. Regardless, they seek to replace him as the security in the House of Commerce, believing they are much more qualified.
* After pulling a few strings, Nef Anyo managed to bring [[BloodSport the Index]] to the Pantheon. It can be an easy way to earn money and prizes through fighting... [[MyRulesAreNotYourRules if it wasn't shamelessly rigged]]. Nef Anyo always participates and expect to go in his favor like the Corpus bringing in reinforcements to outnumber the challengers, or how the Corpus only need to win one match to be victorious. Though it's still possible to win, Anyo will be forced pay and reward the winners. This is how he formed a heated rivalry with [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM King Dice]]: He caused him to lose a bet in the Index. [[ScrewTheRulesTheyBrokeThemFirst Future matches involve both parties cheating]]. This goes for other greedy figures participating.
* People who tend to cross them
when it comes to making profits specifically tend to jump pretty high at their hit list. While initially dismissing them as common riff raff, they soon found Null Sector quite the nuisance when the Omnic extremists attacked and took over one of their facilities. As far as they’re concerned, they find the Corpus disgusting for

“enslaving their brethren for business”. Similarly, Zonda and the Seven have been staging raids on long them before they revealed their ascension also attacking another one of their facilities and taking it over as their own temple.
* ''"May our ledgers become ocean, may our margins see Centauri, in the name of Profit, I commit thee to the void."''

[[folder:Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus]]
'''[[Franchise/StarWars Dooku]], God of [[TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized Ruthless Revolutions]]''' (Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus, [[WebVideo/BackstrokeOfTheWest The]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: [[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/34/CIS_roundel.svg The Confederacy of Independent Systems roundel]]
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmKPrSSAqZ0 Confrontation with Count Dooku]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil (Edging onto LawfulNeutral thanks to CharacterDevelopment and an [[HazyFeelTurn alliance of convenience with his former enemies]])
* Portfolio: EvilOldFolks, [[FallenHero Jedi Turned Sith]], [[OldMaster Kicking Ass in His Eighties]], [[TheRevolutionWillNotBeCivilized Evil Revolutionaries]] [[AristocratsAreEvil And Aristocrats]], DragonWithAnAgenda, [[UnwittingPawn All Part of Sidious' Plan]], [[AffablyEvil Well-Tempered]] [[WickedCultured and Gentlemenly]], MasterSwordsman, [[ShockAndAwe Force Lightning]], [[LaserBlade Curved Hilt Lightsaber]], CombatAestheticist
* Domains: The Force, Revolutions, Civil Wars, Fencing
* Superior: [[Pantheon/AdaptationalChanges George Lucas]]
* Avatar: [[Pantheon/TheatricPerformers Christopher Lee]]
* Heralds: [[Franchise/StarWars The Confederacy of Independent Systems]], specifically the non-ascended members of the Separatist Council'''[[note]]Poggle the Lesser, San Hill, Shu Mai, Passel Argente, Po Nudo, Tikkes, Rogwa Wodrata and Queen Miraj Scintel, among others[[/note]]'''
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Nute Gunray]], [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAppearanceAndBiology Wat Tambor]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions General Grievous]]''' (underlings), [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Eddie Brock/Venom]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Rev]][[Pantheon/IdentityIssues an]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Vergil Sparda]], [[Pantheon/VillainousCounterparts Sinestro]], [[Pantheon/{{Trickery}} Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom]]
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: The entirety of the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, especially its Jedi members, [[Pantheon/AuthorityFigures James Raynor]], Lelouch vi Britannia
* EvilCounterpart to: [[Pantheon/{{Siblings}} Leia Organa/Skywalker]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/{{Depravity}} Sheev]] [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Palpatine, Sauron]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Grand Moff Tarkin]], [[Pantheon/{{Voices}} Asajj Ventress]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor]] and the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures Sauron, Thanos]], [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Darkseid]], [[Pantheon/{{Transformations}} Frie]][[Pantheon/PhysicalPowers za]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions The Grineer]], [[Pantheon/{{Language}} Darth Nihilus]]
* Special Relationship: [[Pantheon/PhysicalAppearance Qui-Gon Jinn]] (former apprentice)
* Not so different from: [[Pantheon/FamilyDynamics Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader]]
* Employer to: [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Boba Fett]], Sundowner, [[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Dr. Eggman]], [[Pantheon/TechnologicalExperts Dr. Wily]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfScience Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus]], [[Pantheon/CouplesArchetypes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/GameMechanics Agent]] [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob 47]], [[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering The Tenno]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes The Guardians of the Galaxy]], [[Pantheon/DragonBall The Saiyan Army]]
* Belonging to the ruling family of Serenno, Count Dooku would become Yoda's last true apprentice. For decades, Dooku would serve the Jedi Order faithfully, eventually training his own apprentice in the form of Qui-Gon Jinn. However, Dooku would grow frustrated with the Jedi's inaction against the injustice in the galaxy, and was disgusted with the growing corruption spreading in the Republic. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Dooku left the Jedi Order and overthrew his brother Ramil to become the ruling Count of Serenno. He initially intended to go it alone, but Dark Lord of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious invited him to become his apprentice, with the promise of destroying the unworthy Jedi Order and forcing reform in the Republic. Accepting the offer he initiated the civil war of the Clone Wars in order to achieve both their respective agendas. Dooku manipulated Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas into commissioning a clone army for the Republic and hired bounty hunter Jango Fett to be the genetic template, essentially becoming TheManBehindTheMan to the element that would destroy the Jedi Order.
** Many in the House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare were impressed at how skillful this maneuver was to the point that even Grand Master Yoda himself knew nothing of the clone army, and with Palpatine's support, the evil-aligned deities managed to get Dooku ascended, much to the Count's chagrin and pride at the same time.
* Sauron mistook him for [[TheDragon his dragon]] Saruman, [[Creator/ChristopherLee since they look the same exception for hairstyles]]. Dooku has filled his position, hoping he can use Sauron's unfamiliarity with sci-fi technology [[BastardUnderstudy to use and overthrow him]]. [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Melkor's]] keeping an eye out for this, but isn't too concerned.
* Meeting Qui-Gon proved an awkward and unpleasant event. Qui-Gon was infuriated at him joining the Sith, not the least of which because of what a Sith did him in. Dooku admitted that he understands and that he has every right to be angry. He admits that before he became Palpatine's newest apprentice, he sought him out to enact revenge for his death. While there were other factors that lead him to join TheDarkSide, Qui-Gon's death was the final straw that made him lose all faith in the Jedi, and drove him to [[LoveMakesYouEvil join the Sith]].
* As a ruthless revolutionary, he is disliked by good-hearted rebels, who believe he gives them a bad name. Jim Raynor in particular detests his evil ways. Dooku just brushes off such comments, stating that [[TheExtremistWasRight he was right in the end]], as the chaos and corruption made the Senate unknowingly elect a tyrant to the Senate. When dissenters retort that he knew his master was the Supreme Chancellor and could have at least tried to put a stop to his plans, he just shrugs and replies:
--> Dooku: [[ArmorPiercingResponse Would you defy someone who is far stronger than you?]] I could very well have refused his offer to become his apprentice then and there, but then it would only be a matter of time before he discarded me, with who knows what. Anyone who is not with Darth Sidious is against him. If I had to play the part of [[TheDragon a servant]] to a Sith Lord to achieve my goal, then so be it.
* It's this reason above why Dooku is considered to be Leia's EvilCounterpart. Both are rebels fighting against the galaxy's dominant power. The key difference is that Leia is opposing [[TheEmpire an evil empire]] and wishes to establish democracy, while Count Dooku is trying to depose the democratic ([[DemocracyIsFlawed but flawed]]) Republic. Their antagonism isn't helped with Dooku having tried to kill her mother Padme during the Clone Wars. Leia is pragmatic however and has tried swaying Dooku to at least leave his master's side, stating that fear is hardly a reason to continue serving Palpatine, and other more like-minded allies exist. Such advice would prove futile until much later, in which Dooku's HazyFeelTurn was caused by [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes someone else...]]
* His relationship with Palpatine is complicated. Dooku is in no way grateful that his master had a hand in his ascension, claiming that he would have been chosen by another deity regardless. Since the start, [[TheStarscream Dooku planned to eventually usurp his master]] (which he maintains should have happened in accordance with the RuleOfTwo) and get revenge for Qui-Gon's death. Palpatine in turn, only [[InterimVillain saw him as a placeholder for Vader]] from the second he took Dooku as an apprentice. At first, he wanted to get back at Palpatine for letting him die, but with Vader's betrayal [[RedemptionEqualsDeath and redemption]] the Count serves a purpose. While Vader joined the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} when he first ascended, Palpatine foresaw another betrayal and coerced Dooku into becoming a replacement apprentice when Vader opted to operate independently of his former master, apparently torturing with his signature Force lightning for ''weeks'' to get him to cooperate. Dooku bristled at the fact that the Confederacy of Independent Systems that ''he'' built was now at the control of a master who saw it as indispensable from the start. And it seemed like this downward spiral would continue descending, until a fateful meeting with Eddie Brock.
** Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock, a god more (in)famously known as Venom would be instrumental in finally breaking Dooku's stubborn mentality. He had been taken prisoner after a fateful battle in which Brock barely stopped the House of Pantheon/{{Heroism}} from being razed at the cost of his life. Dooku had his men revive him in a Pantheon/{{GUAE}} holdout for the usual interrogation, and a delirious Brock tried convincing Dooku to leave the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}. Dooku initially took him as a fool who wanted to "redeem" him. When reminded of the Jedi's capacity to forgive and that all of them were imperfect, Dooku realized that people like him were necessary to steer it back on track. Had it been a different world where the Order didn't pander to their custodians in the Republic, Dooku's philosophy could have been tempered and adopted had he been more patient. After further conversing (and some arguing) Dooku saw that he has no reason to stay loyal to Palpatine and had ''every'' reason to go against him. Dooku was later left wondering what to do, how can he both defect from the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} and be accepted in the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood? Dooku wondered what Venom meant by "They don't have to accept you, but just understand that they can't afford to reject you." Dooku left the room in an [[VillainousBreakdown emotional rut]], and a lapse in security on behalf of his droids allowed Venom to escape, which Palpatine punished Dooku just ForTheEvulz.
* Dooku had a very thin sense of camaraderie, and despite Palpatine's utter contempt of him, many other ReasonableAuthorityFigures in the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, like Grand Admiral Thrawn and Char Aznable existed to plan with, to converse with, people that understood his place yet were powerless to confront Palpatine. But there were more powerful figures in the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} that simply didn't care about him. One of his heralds, super tactical droid General Kalani, supported joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, and in a rare moment of clarity, [[Recap/StarWarsRebelsS3E04TheLastBattle remarked favorably on an experience with the Rebels and Captain Rex]]. Kalani opined that Dooku's mind was still stuck in the Clone Wars, and that it would be 'strategically inadequate' in a place like the Pantheon.
--> '''Kalani:''' General Grievous follows your every order. The Droid Army follows your every order as a result. I repeat again, to remain with the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfEvil, of which its goal is clearly separate from yours, and with a leader you do not trust, is strategically inadequate. The Droid Army will be able to move in less than two days if ordered.
--> '''Grievous:''' (''joined the conversation'') It would be prudent, Count Dooku, that we join an Alliance. If the GUAG is not an option, might I suggest Darkseid's Harbingers of Repression? I care not who we join, only that I get to kill.
--> '''Dooku:''' Sauron dwells in Darkseid's thrall now. I do not want to work with a being that I tried using. Darkseid once remarked on how useless the Separatists were. It is unlikely that our cause will be furthered under him.
--> '''Grievous:''' Your decision then, sir?
--> '''Dooku:''' (''after a long while'') General, prepare the Council for an emergency meeting. I want Archduke Poggle there foremost. In the meantime, organize several regiments of droids to attack our holdouts near Barad-dur within the two days you mentioned, and contact General Skywalker. I want 501st soldiers to be prepared for our arrival. If possible, request help from the Grand Admiral, though I doubt he will provide any[[note]]He didn't, but with apologies[[/note]].
** There were sound decisions for joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, that was for sure. Dooku was of the opinion that its organization was in disarray and overcrowded, and that Lord Vader's involvement with the House of Pantheon/{{Defense}} was detrimental to its administration in general. The Droid Army would be useful in filling in said black hole. Besides, it was much easier to fall from good to evil than from evil to good, making defections from the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood more likely than from the other Alliances. Cosmos would for that reason embrace him with open arms. With added bonuses of having a galaxy wide droid army, valuable information to give to the Pantheon/GUAGIntelligenceDivision, [[Fiction500 large sums of money]] to help fund operations, as well as just having both [[OneManArmy him and Grievous]] join, Dooku was sure that he would be brought in. It was like Eddie said, "They don't have to accept you, but just understand that they can't afford to reject you."
* When Dooku officially left the Pantheon/{{GUAE}} and joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, everything proceeded exactly as Dooku predicted. Cosmos was very open to accept him into their alliance. Those who were less enthusiastic about it understood that what he was willing to bring to them was too valuable to reject. Something that Dooku [[DidntSeeThatComing didn't expect]] was for [[Pantheon/{{Monarchs}} Padmé Amidala]] and several others to vouch for him. Needless to say, everything was a complete success. Getting word that the droid attack near Barad-dur ended in even greater success than anticipated also pleased him (and everyone else) greatly.
* When joining the Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfGood, things were less hostile and more awkward for Dooku. Most Jedi (except Qui-Gon) ''really'' didn't like him being there. They placed him under Anakin, a fellow Jedi turned Sith turned traitor to the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, hence the awkwardness. In life, Dooku made many enemies, none however were more personal and heated then with Anakin Skywalker. The two fought many times throughout the Clone Wars, beginning with Dooku taking Anakin's [[AnArmAndALeg right arm]] and ending with Anakin taking Dooku's head. Conversing with each other allowed them to further understand each other and learned that they aren't so different after all. Both started out as idealistic Jedi that genuinely believed in the Jedi Order, until realizing that nothing would come from trusting that they would do the right thing, as they were practically at the Republic's beck and call. They disputed Jedi regulations because they had a deep love for their family (Anakin with is his mother and Dooku with his sister). The death of Qui-Gon was a tragic and major turning point in their lives, and that Qui-Gon was [[LikeASonToMe like family]], and finally their mutual hatred of Palpatine. The man that had completely treated them as his pawns, making everything they worked for AllForNothing. Turned the very future that they hoped they would bring, into a [[TheDarkTimes nightmare]]. The two are still far from being friends, but at the very least they aren't constantly thinking of Force-choking each other.
** Some people do wonder, though. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr0RN_TgCOE&index=98&list=WL What if Anakin had waited a moment longer after disarming Dooku before Palaptine ordered the death of his apprentice, giving Dooku the chance to oust his old master]]?
* After betraying the Pantheon/{{GUAE}}, Dooku found himself making new allies. Eddie was the first, congratulating him on defecting and joining the ones that can truly make a change for the better. Revan showed up to congratulation him as well, also told him that he made the right decision on leaving the Jedi Order. Sinestro and Doctor Doom were some who didn't necessarily come to congratulate him, but to form a sort of partnership, being of similar mind. Doom saw he Republic as a failure and agrees with Dooku's thoughts on them. Sinestro left the Green Lanterns when he saw how insufficient they were in properly protecting the galaxy, much like the Jedi. The most interesting one is with Vergil. The two see each other as {{worthy opponent}}s. Sparing so they can be further familiar with dealing with different forms of combat. Vergil with force and lightsabers, and Dooku with other forms of swordsmanship and demonic power.
* As someone who fought against tyranny, Dooku has nothing but hatred for the likes of Thanos, Darkseid, and Frieza. However, he can respect their willingness to do tough things for the sake of whoever is under them at the time (except Frieza, whose cruelty is mostly unjustified).
* Being a man of pragmatism Dooku sees the benefits of hiring mercenaries/assassins work for you, even if it's only temporary. So when he needs something done and he can't use his droid army, he'll occasionally hire mercenaries like Boba Fett, Sundowner, Kiritsugu Emiya and Agent 47. For anything of high priority and strong need for firepower, he'll higher others like the Tenno, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Saiyan Army. He even temporarily lend them some of his droids for support and offer a sizable bonus if they're able to accomplish the mission with even further success than intended.
* When Dooku was given word of a galactic CloneArmy arriving in Pantheon, Dooku questioned if it was the very same army he created and then went to war with. When he actually met them... well let's just say for once he and the Jedi agree. He's so disgusted with them that he's willing to pay his mercenaries double if they kill all Grineers in the vicinity.
** Dooku also calls for Dr. Eggman, Dr. Wily and Dr. Otto Octavius to help further upgrade his droid army. The three scientist greatly enjoy working for Dooku because he tends to be generous in his pay, even if some of their technological advancements will ultimately end up serving the GUAG.
* Because he sees lightsaber duels [[https://youtu.be/cW26Duygp1Yb as honorable battles]], he holds scorn for those who wield more than a single LaserBlade in battle.
* ''"There is a fine line between neutral and amoral. In fact, there may be no line there at all."''

[[folder:Julius Caesar]]
'''[[UsefulNotes/JuliusCaesar Gaius Julius Caesar]], God of [[BloodOnTheDebateFloor Politically-Motivated Conflicts]]''' (CAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR, Son of Venus, Proconsul, Imperator of the Gallic Legions, Dictator for Life, The Divine Julius, [[VideoGame/FateGrandOrder Saber, Fat Roma, Rider]], [[VideoGame/AssassinsCreedOrigins Father of Understanding]], [[VideoGame/RiseOfKingdomsLostCrusade The Uncrowned Emperor]], [[WebVideo/EpicRapBattlesOfHistory First of the Empire, Last of the Republicans]])
[[caption-width-right:350:Caesar, as a young man (left); in his later years (right)]]
[[caption-width-right:350:[[labelnote:When summoned as a Saber Servant]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/fgo_saber_caesar_4_1.jpg[[/labelnote]]]]
* Intermediate God
* Symbols: A bloodstained laurel crown and the Aquila (Eagle Standard) of the 13th Legion
* Theme Songs: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Euhl8ZKXak The Battle Has Begun]] from ''Rome'', [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7tp_O1s2VQ Caesar Tested]] from ''Spartacus: War of the Damned'', [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJbqWpHM6tw Magna Mater]] ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DulYmIa7P8 Ancient]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8RsPIu56lk Medieval]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c45H8FxWggw Industrial]], and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZB7nuP758 Atomic]] versions)
* Alignment: ChaoticGood if you ask his troops or the lowborn, ChaoticEvil if you ask the Roman nobility and Xena, TrueNeutral as Saber
* Portfolio: [[AFatherToHisMen A Father To Both His Soldiers And The Poor]], TheAce, AffablyEvil, AmbitionIsEvil, [[AristocratsAreEvil Evil Roman Patrician]], AsskickingLeadsToLeadership, BigBad (to his enemies), BigGood (to his troops and the poor), BreadAndCircuses, DeadpanSnarker, EtTuBrute, [[AGodAmI Son Of Venus]], FrontlineGeneral, GlorySeeker, MilitaryMaverick, [[WarForFunAndProfit War For Profit And Personal Glory]], [[FromNobodyToNightmare Went From Being A Noble With Nothing To Dictator]]
* Domains: Roman Aristocracy, Roman Military, The Roman People, War, Dictators
* Heralds: [[Series/{{Rome}} Mark Antony, Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo]]
* Followers: The Legio XIII Gemina (the 13th Legion), Caesar's Legion (unofficially)
* Not To Be Confused With: [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals the other Caesar]] and Caesar Zapelli
* Opposed By: A majority of the French deities in the Pantheon, with [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Jeanne D'Arc]] and [[Pantheon/HomesAndUrbanEstablishments Asterix]] leading the charge
* Allies: [[Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare Alexander the Great]], [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Leonidas]] (his heroes), [[Pantheon/LoveAndAffection Aphrodite]] (the Greek version of Venus), [[Pantheon/RoyaltyOther Aegon I Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAppearances Nobunaga Oda]], [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Captain Titus]], [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Maximus Meridius Decimus]], [[Pantheon/TheatreAndSpectacle William Shakespeare]], [[Pantheon/{{Travel}} Dante Aligheri]]
* Mentor To: [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Annabeth Chase]], [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ashe]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Jon Snow]] (supposedly?)
* {{Worthy Opponent}}s: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Tywin Lannister]], [[Pantheon/{{Royalty}} King Arthur Pendragon]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Xena]], [[Pantheon/HomesAndUrbanEstablishments Asterix]], [[Pantheon/BodyImages Obelix]], [[Pantheon/LandAndSeaTravel Vitalstatix]], [[Pantheon/SingersAndPerformers Cacofonix]],
* Admired By: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Steven Armstrong]], Sundowner, [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks Gunny Sergeant Hartman]]
* Enemies: The House of Betrayal, any and all Pirate Deities, [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks General Shepherd]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndCreation Vandal Savage]], [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Ezio Auditore da Firenze]]
* Pities: [[Pantheon/RoyalPersonalities Caligula]], [[Pantheon/{{Categorism}} Cersei Lannister]], Joshua Graham
* Not To Be Confused With: Vandal Savage (who claims to have been Caesar)
* [[TheAce Politician. Orator. Soldier. Writer. General.]] [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking And Casanova]]. Gaius Julius Caesar has been all of the above. It was said that after being stabbed to death by a gang of Roman senators, that Caesar has ascended to join the gods. Now, that is a reality, and he brings with him his fighting force, the 13th legion.
* The reason behind his assassination is that the Senators believed that Caesar planned on making himself King. Rome had been a republic for four centuries after running out the last Etruscan king, who had [[https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucretia raped the wife of a Roman noble]], which led to an unspoken rule in which any noble who tried to make himself King can be killed without trial, hence Caesar's assassination on the Ides of March.
** It's due to his manner of death, that Caesar has an intense hatred of the House of Betrayal. In fact, [[IWarnedYou it's highly advised]] [[ConspicuouslyPublicAssassination not to remind Caesar that he was shanked to death by a group of senators]]. If you do, then you risk Caesar invoking ''[[{{Unperson}} damnatio memoriae]]'' (damnation of memory) on your person. For some, [[ExactlyWhatit*aysOnTheTin being literally erased from existence]] is [[AFateWorseThanDeath even worse than death]].
** Ezio Auditore is well-aware of Caesar's ascension. As it turns out, Caesar himself had the support of the Templar Order (which Caesar himself did not know of at the time), while Brutus and Crassus were in fact, Assassins. Some say that Caesar was killed because the Senate thought he wanted to make himself king. But if you ask Ezio, Caesar was killed for the good of the people. No wonder the deified Assassin Grandmaster is high on Caesar's sh*t-list.
*** With the recent reveal that [[VideoGame/AssassinsCreedOrigins Caesar was one of the founding members of the Templar Order]], as well as the "Father of Understanding" often invoked by the Order, Ezio has redoubled his efforts to keep close tabs on him.
* Caesar himself has left a lasting legacy following his reign. The month July is named after him. Also, the royal titles of Kaiser and Czar were named after him. Not bad at all.
* Caesar saw himself as another Alexander the Great, although he once [[ICouldaBeenAContender lamented that his exploits and feats were no match for the Macedonian deity]]. Of course, Caesar received a visit from Alexander himself, who was impressed with his fortitude and exploits. The meeting had left Caesar in awe.
** Long before Fanfiction.net, Caesar himself [[JustForFun/OneOfUs wrote fanfiction]] involving Hercules and Aristotle. Caesar let out his inner fanboy upon meeting the legendary strongman. Thankfully it was one of his younger avatars that had met him.
* The 13th Legion is Caesar's military force...and his pride and joy. Mark Antony once said, "Soldiers like a littlespit and dirtin their leaders," and Caesar himself is no exception. As Caesar himself shared in the hardships of the 13th, from the hard marches, to digging latrines, to even sharing the same crappy meal, which consisted of a handful of grain and a cup of sour wine, he has their [[UndyingLoyalty eternal devotion and loyalty]]. It's also the reason why his temple is one giant camp. That, and he can be seen in the thick of battle, [[FrontlineGeneral fighting alongside his men]], identified by his [[BadassCape signature crimson cape]]. If you see Caesar charging towards you with his cape fluttering in the wind, sword in hand, and a horde of screaming Roman legionnaires charging behind him, ''you run.''
** It's one of the reasons why Captain Titus gets along so well with Caesar. "Treat your men right, and there will be nothing that they won't do for you," Titus says. Caesar shares that sentiment wholeheartedly.
* Upon reading a copy of Caesar's ''Commentarii de Bello Gallico'' (Commentary on the Gallic Wars), Tywin Lannister is intrigued with the idea of meeting Caesar. Turns out that the deified Roman is a man the Lannister patriarch can relate to, save for the backstabbing and insane children. The two men trade war stories and hit it off surprisingly well, despite Caesar voicing his opposition in regards to Tywin orchestrating [[NastyParty the Red Wedding]] and having a madman such as Gregor Cleagne on his payroll. If these two men ever joined forces...
** If Tywin Lannister is known for ''The Rains of Castamere'' and reminding his enemies that "Lannisters pay their debts," then Caesar pretty much wrote the book on vendetta. When he was younger, Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. Caesar promised that he would return with an army and crucify them all. The pirates thought that Caesar was joking. He wasn't.
** Some of the Pirate deities have opposed him due to this act. In Caesar's defense, he ''show'' mercy by slitting their throats after the deed was done.
* Asterix is the one blemish on his war record, as he was unable to properly conquer his small village. Asterix does not hesitate to remind Caesar of that specific detail, which really sets Caesar off. "I should have done to you what I had done to Vercingetorix," Caesar replied, in reference to the Gaul chieftain. ''That'' remark, in kind, pisses Asterix off.
* Speaking of the Westerosi deities, the Northern Deities, Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon all did a double take, as they thought that the Wilding chief Mance Rayder had ascended to the Pantheon, [[Creator/CiaranHinds due to the resemblance]] of Caesar's main avatar. Caesar is considering making Jon Snow his apprentice in all things war following his ascension as King of the North. However, he does keep a wary eye on Catelyn Stark, as her brother [[Creator/TobiasMenzies is a dead ringer]] for Marcus Brutus.
* Dislikes General Shepherd with a passion. While he admits that he went to war for personal gain, he at least didn't go to war and personally killed of his own men while doing so.
* Caesar, surprisingly has a soft spot for Athena's (Minerva) daughter, Annabeth Chase. He knows potential when he sees it and has offered her the chance to study under him in battle tactics. Annabeth is seriously considering the offer.
* [[Anime/YuGiOhGX Rumor has it]] that he was responsible for discovering the gemstones that would become the legendary Ancient Beasts. Johan Anderson is seeking a meeting with Caesar to confirm those rumors.
* While most Romans look down on women warriors, Caesar is anything but. [[Creator/KarlUrban One of his avatars]] [[WorthyOpponent is quite familiar]] with Xena. For her part, Xena and her sidekick Gabrielle were not amused to hear that her former lover-turned-nemesis has joined the Pantheon. Safe to say that Xena is sore about the whole crucifixion bit that she underwent on Caesar's orders.
** Which makes it funny as some of the deified members of the U.S.S. Enterprise thought that Caesar was Bones [=McCoy=] playing Roman soldier. That, and the members of the House of Justice thought that he was reborn as Judge Dredd.
** Even more funny as [[Creator/TimothyDalton some believe]] that Caesar was at one time James Bond. (Bond himself recognizes one of Caesar's avatars that took on Asterix as [[Film/GoldenEye General Ourumov]])
** [[Creator/ClaudeRains Another of Caesar's avatars]] caught the attention of [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Rick Blaine]], as Caesar reminded him of the crooked Vichy official, Louis Renault.
* If you thought Robert Baratheon had let himself go after winning the Iron Throne, Caesar's Nasuverse version puts the Fat King to shame. Seriously, Caesar is ashamed to see himself in such a state, as he is known for keeping in shape, even in his old age. On the other hand, in there he's known as one of the Sabers that is very helpful while not having a SwordBeam.
* While his older self has no problem in snagging women, his younger self is quite the heartthrob with the Pantheon's lovely ladies. Maybe it's because he's descended from Venus, which makes him desirable to women (and some men). Red Sonja has caught his eye. He is seriously considering taking her up on her challenge to bed her once she is defeated.
* Would you believe that he is a fan of both Dante Aligheri and William Shakespeare? Well, he is. Due to Dante placing him in Limbo with some of the more 'righteous pagans' in his works, and he respects his fellow Italian deity. Dante earned even more brownie points with Caesar by showing him the ultimate fate of Crassus and Brutus, the chief conspirators behind his assassination: [[RewardedAsATraitorDeserves right smack in the bottom of Hell, in the maws of Lucifer himself]]. WhosLaughingNow indeed. As for Shakespeare, Caesar has a penchant for the dramatic, but while he was disturbed at seeing his own death being reenacted, Caesar has become a fan of the deified Bard's work.
* Vandal Savage has called Caesar a 'false imposter,' as he claimed that ''he'' was Caesar during the time of the Roman Republic. Caesar calls bullsh*t on that claim.
* He isn't just a military genius, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOm_2dGzqp0 he's also a brilliant rapper]] as he faced against the warlord Shaka Zulu. He does admire his "buffalo horns" formation but still believes that his is inferior compare to his troops.
* ''Si autem praevaricator legis sis oportet, id facere potest capere in ceteris observare.'' (If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.)

[[folder:Rau Le Creuset]]
'''[[Anime/MobileSuitGundamSEED Rau Le Creuset]], God of [[InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves Endless War as Mankind's Nature]]''' ([[spoiler:Al Da Flaga II]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: His mask alongside his Providence Gundam
* Theme Music: [[https://youtu.be/3anH5KvlEzI Syussyo no Hiyo]]
* Alignment: ChaoticEvil
* Portfolio: AcePilot, BadassNormal, BrokenAce, CharClone, TheChessmaster, DissonantSerenity, FreudianExcuse, InYourNatureToDestroyYourselves, InsaneAdmiral, LightIsNotGood, MalevolentMaskedMan, ManipulativeBastard, MagnificentBastard, StrawNihilist, TallDarkAndSnarky, [[spoiler:CainAndAbel, BigBad, CloneDegeneration, DeathSeeker, DoubleReverseQuadrupleAgent, [[DragonWithAnAgenda Dragon with Several Agendas]], KillAllHumans, LukeIAmYourFather, TheManBehindTheMan, MisanthropeSupreme, OmnicidalManiac, ParentalAbandonment, PlayingBothSides, SuicidalCosmicTemperTantrum, WoobieDestroyerOfWorlds]]
* Domains: War, Insanity, Science, Philosophy, Mecha, Betrayal, Truth, Clones
* Allies: '''Gihren Zabi''', [[Pantheon/MadnessAndInsanity Albedo Piazzolla]], [[Pantheon/SelfHatred Shinobu Sensui]], [[Pantheon/{{Science}} Ryoma Sengoku/Kamen Rider Duke]], [[spoiler:''[[Pantheon/GeneticEngineering Indominus rex]]'']]
* TeethClenchedTeamwork with: [[Pantheon/{{Colours}} Char Aznable]]
* Enemies: [[Pantheon/MilitaryRanks Muruta Azrael]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes The Gokaigers]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/{{Destinies}} Kira Yamato]], [[Pantheon/OptimismAndPessimism Athrun Zala]], [[Pantheon/IntrovertCharacterization Lacus Clyne]], Lelouch vi Britannia, most humans, [[Pantheon/PersonalAppearance X-23]], [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnJob Aila Jyrkiäinen]], [[Pantheon/{{Continuities}} Reiji]]
* Rather Dissappointed in: [[Pantheon/OutlooksOnLife Embryo]]
* Embodies the will of every clone unjustly made and cast aside for science or otherwise. There are some who feel enough attached to humanity to oppose him, but compared to the sheer breadth of those that feel that HumansAreBastards, these ones are in the minority.
* His nearly successful plan for [[KillAllHumans killing off humanity]] without using any sort of special powers or even being the one with the finger on the trigger has earned him the respect of several other deities that have similar aims. It takes skill to convince the human race to essentially self-destruct at a moment's notice, yet still believe they're focused on self-preservation.
* Char Aznable respects his piloting skills and understanding of human nature despite him being [[CharClone a lesser incarnation of him]]. He still believes that instead of complete destruction, Rau should be focusing on partial destruction, with the survivors evolving into a better form of life. Char has criticized his apparent lack of a moral code as well, to which Rau just sneers.
* Is an ally of Gihren and supports him as the legitimate heir to Zeon. Whether a blessing or not, Rau's presence has given Gihren control over the ZAFT bases of Jachin Due and Carpentaria (a replica in the House of Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare) as well as the superweapon GENESIS, effectively putting Gihren in command of two {{Wave Motion Gun}}s. Char sees taking these superweapons out as a top priority to prevent massive casualties when the invasion of the Gundam metaverse finally begins, but thanks to Gilbert Durandal's patronage, holds the ''Messiah'' mobile fortress (including Neo-GENESIS) as a countermeasure against this.
* Lelouch finds his [[OmnicidalManiac destructive]] nihilism repulsive, yet at the same time admits that he has sympathy for the man's past, having himself been crushed under the weight of a {{Social Darwinis|m}}t system.
* Unconfirmed sources point to his involvement in the starting and escalating in several global, intergalactic, and even celestial wars that claimed untold amounts of human lives. None have been able to successfully prove anything, though.
** The House of Leadership has been double-checking their subordinates to make sure none have been manipulated by him.
* Is best friends with the God of Misanthropy, Shinobu Sensui. They often spend time plotting to destroy humanity together.
* Thoroughly dislikes X-23, not just for her completely calling out his stance against humanity, which she refers to as 'complete bullsh*t' (he gets that a lot [[VideoGame/SuperRobotWars somewhere]]), but the fact that due to her size, he found her hard to hit with a mecha, and her claws in her rage could even damage or even cut off a limb of his Providence Gundam. Rau [[EvilCannotComprehendGood could not comprehend why X-23, a fellow clone like him, wouldn't lash out at humans]].
* Enraged at the God of Combat Clones, [[Pantheon/{{Knowledge}} Jade Curtiss]], due to his work in introducing cloning into his home world. The unfortunate clones created due to this were used ''exactly'' as Rau had forewarned that they would be, as expendable tools on the field of battle, without identity, will, or hope.
* Currently manipulating [[Pantheon/CrueltyAndSadism Ali Al-Saachez]] so that he might use the man's lust for battle to wipe out as many humans as possible. Saachez is aware of this string pulling, but as Rau constantly provides him with both targets and weapons to indulge his favorite pastime, he has no issue with him.
** This, in turn has made him a target of Setsuna F. Seiei, who has marked him out as possibly one of

the most prolific causes of

war in the Pantheon. However, Rau's skill at masking his machinations has made him a difficult mark to get rid of, and Rau constantly makes sure that Ali is on hand should Setsuna ever get too close. For his part, Rau finds Setsuna's philosophy utterly laughable, as war has and always will be part of mankind's incurable nature, and trying to stop it is an exercise in futility.
* With the ascension of Kira Yamato, Rau has redoubled his efforts to end humankind before they discover the implications of the Ultimate Coordinator. He has also been seeking upgrades for the Providence to try and eliminate the problem at its source. Kira, for his part, avoids him if possible, and while he feels guilty over how many clones like Rau were sacrificed in order to make him (among other atrocities the humans in his home universe perpetrated), he refuses to let Rau kill all of mankind because of it.
** However, after Kira was rightfully [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan Bright Slapped]] by Bright Noa, their encounter started to turn around. While not enough to change his opinion, Rau was baffled that Kira at that point instead started [[KirkSummation telling him off, claiming that all his philosophies were bullsh*t and if he wanted to be destroyed, just get destroyed himself, not dragging other humans, because they are not completely like what he thought]].
* He eventually had it worse when Embryo ascended in the House of Pantheon/{{Philosophy}}, since while they share a lot of similarites, particularly their belief that Humnanity needs to be expunged for their atrocities, Embryo sees such ambition as an opportunity to have [[MemeticMutation "Strong, Intelligent Women"]] lead his vision of a new Earth. And then there's the latter's obsession over [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ange]] that had him facepalmed for quite a while.
* Also has a spot in the House of [[Pantheon/ActsOfHatred Hatred]].

'''[[VideoGame/MetalGearRisingRevengeance Sundowner]], CEO of [[WarForFunAndProfit War Profiteering]]''' (The Californian Wild Fire, Wind of Destruction, [[WebVideo/Max0r Jacked Bezos, Buff Bezos, Jeff, The Bastard]], [[WebVideo/HonestTrailers Weeaboo Vin Diesel]], [[Manga/UzakiChanWantsToHangOut The Bald Scissors Dude]])
* Intermediate God
* Symbol: Bloodlust (his twin pair of scissor machetes) surrounded by six explosive shields
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jynTNYSKNuk Red Sun]]
* Alignment: NeutralEvil
* Portfolio: [[WarForFunAndProfit Instigating war for the heck of it]], [[LuckilyMyShieldWillProtectMe explosive reactive shields]], [[AwesomeButImpractical flashy and hardly efficient techniques]], [[ArmsDealer supplying countries for war]], [[CombatPragmatist fighting as dirty as possible]], [[PsychopathicManchild having a good touch with his inner child]]
* Domains: War, Arms Dealing, ChildSoldiers
* Followers: Many {{Arms Dealer}}s and various warmongers
* Allies:
** Desperado Enforcement LLC: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Senator Steven Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/{{Philosophy}} Monsoon]], [[Pantheon/{{Mentalities}} Mistral]]
** Other Allies: Anyone that can pay for Desperado's services, [[Pantheon/WeaponizedObjects Roman Torchwick]], [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Vile]], [[Pantheon/HairStyles Zoran Lazarevic]], [[Pantheon/{{Calmness}} Sektor]], [[Pantheon/ColoredOutfits Reaper]], [[Pantheon/FormMentalities Gremlim]], [[Pantheon/PhysicalAppearance Nui Harime]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAttitude Esdeath]], The Corpus
* TeethClenchedTeamwork: [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Jetstream Sam]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/JusticeBringers Raiden]]''', [[Pantheon/RobotsAndAutomata Bladewolf]], [[Pantheon/InvestigativeWork Solid Snake]], [[Pantheon/CyberneticsAndEnhancements Cyrax]], [[Pantheon/BeastOther We3]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Martin Walker]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/LifeAndCreation Mercy]], [[Pantheon/ReligiousPractice Setsuna F. Seiei]], [[Pantheon/FanserviceAttires Ryuko Matoi]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Sheele]], [[Pantheon/BladedWeapons Cut Man]], [[Pantheon/OtherEmotions 2B]].
* Opposed by: The House of Pantheon/ChildhoodAndAdolescence and those who are really protecting of them.
* Scares: [[Pantheon/{{Memes}} Jontron]]
* Sundowner is the leader of the Winds of Destruction, a mercenary group of Cyborgs that are under the service of Desperado Enforcement. Sundowner himself is a bloodthirsty and psychopathic, so is no surprise that he decided to aid Steven Armstrong in hopes of sparking war so he can use it as a living. Yes he really loves war, or in his own words.
--> '''Sundowner''': Give war a chance!
* Tried to make his way into House of Combat first as a God of Ridiculously Efficient Shields. It didn't last, to say the least, mostly due to him angering ''both'' Kenshiro and Asura when he casually mentioned the concept of child soldiers and how effective they are, especially when they are warped by war atrocities. Proof is, explosive shield means little if your opponent can punch ''through'' it and not flinch a bit. Since that incident, Sundowner's been hanging around House of Commerce, since it's not half as dangerous for him to be around, trying to advertise war and selling his services to the highest bidder. Thankfully, Mario and The Courier are able to fend him off once he starts becoming too volatile, though he always returns.
* Likes to gloat that he's '''[[MemeticMutation "f*ckIN' INVINCIBLE!"]]'''. While this was proved wrong by many different gods, he still can give an opponent a hard time with his "gimmicky sh*t" like explosive shields or scissor blade or just the fact that he constantly has attack helicopters behind him as a back-up.
* Dell Conagher is not very fond of him, mostly because both share Texan accent and Sundowner so happens to give rather "not-friendly Texan" vibe. The cyborg is not afraid to tell the engineer that his technology is no match for the military equipment of Desperado.
* When he found out he wasn't the only God out for WarForFunAndProfit, Sundowner started planning a sinister takeover of Millenium's position in the Conquest Army. It.....didn't work out so well.
* Sundowner has been going on warmongering business ventures with Roman Torchwick on the mortal plane. When the latter was brought before the Court of Gods, Sundowner got Armstrong to pull some strings and help Roman ascend. The two have proceeded to work together for mutual gain.
* The GUAD has contacted him and his Winds of Destruction interested in their services. However, Sundowner in a very surprising move turned them down. After all, you can't make profits if you lay to waste the entire world.
** He is associated with the GUAC, given Armstrong's position as one of their leaders. Philosophy aside, he has no issue collaborating with the GUAE, if the price is right...
* Was met with heavy opposition by a lot of people who oppose to or thin WarIsHell. The biggest enemy he would have in this regard is Martin Walker, who ironically shares houses with. Sundowner just laughs at their pathetic attemps to stop his business and challenges his oppossers to visit him any time.
* Sundowner and Sektor initially became allies given their shared views of cybernetization and how it improves the capabilities of soldiers and they are also working on a secret project that has put some people on edge. This in turn made Cyrax all the much more antagonistic towards Sundowner, given that it may or not involve turning people into cyborgs against their wills, which Cyrax is a victim of.
* After learning about the existance of [=We3=], Sundowner was fascinated by them and he is very likely to try making a similar group just to further his business. Of course the trio is not friends with Sundowner given that they are tired of dealing with people like him and they also are friends with Bladewolf.
* Firmly believes that Children are cruel and that ChildSoldiers are the best way to make a living. Of course when people discovered about the plan of Desperado of using little children brains to make an army of soldiers, they were horrified about it. The protectors of Children are certainly taking measures in case Sundowner decides to pull something similar.
* Sundowner wields a pair of Machetes that make a scissor called "Bloodlust" and he makes effective use of them in combat. Other who wield scissors don't think too highly of him and consider Sundowner a Mad man. Though Gremlim and Nui Harime are friendly towards him.
** Jontron is scared sh*tless of the cyborg and his scissors. Sundowner often likes to mess with poor Jon when he least expects it.
* He also decided to collaborate with other big warmongers and terrorist among the pantheon. He has been seen alongside folks like Zoran Lazarevic or Reaper making business and the GUAG doesn't like it one bit.
* ''"All we are saying is: Give war a chance!"''
* Can also be found in the House of Pantheon/{{Commerce}}, probably advertising his business and possibly making a deal with another PMC.

!Lesser Gods

'''[[VideoGame/ForHonor Apollyon]], Goddess of [[ForeverWar Perpetuating War]]''' (Leader of the Blackstone Legion, Demon of Destruction, War)
* Lesser Goddess
* Symbol: The symbol of Blackstone Legion
* Theme Music: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJKT4TdVw8 Wolves Among Sheep]]
* Alignment: LawfulEvil, with NeutralEvil leaning
* Portfolio: BlackKnight, [[BloodKnight She Who Enjoys War]], [[ForeverWar Seeking Out Eternal Conflict]] [[TheSocialDarwinist To Seek The Wolves And The Sheep]], WarIsGlorious, DarkActionGirl, MightMakesRight, [[StartOfDarkness Past Stained By Blood]], MadeOfIron, CompleteMonster, [[spoiler:[[TheBadGuyWins Ultimately Triggers The War She Wanted, Even in Death]]]]
* Domains: War, Knights, Leaders, Conflict
* Heralds: Order of Horkos
* Allies:
** Associates: [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Steven Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/MilitaryAndWarfare Ares, Apocalypse]], [[Pantheon/DivineBehavior Bandos]]
** Members of the new Blackstone Legion: [[Pantheon/{{Headwear}} HUNK]], [[Pantheon/TaintedFriendship Felix]], Sundowner (more of a PsychoForHire kind of relation for the latter two)
* Enemies: '''''Yuji Sakai''''' (in terms of ideals), '''[[Pantheon/LustfulActs Mamori Tokonome and Mirei Shikishima]]'''
* Opposes: Millhiore Filliano Biscotti, Leonmitchelli Galette des Rois, Couvert Eschenbach Pastillage
* Oposed by: [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes Kiritsugu Emiya]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]], [[Pantheon/{{Emotion}} Koko Hekmatyar]], [[Pantheon/MedicalConditions Nunnally Lamperouge]]
* Leader of the Blackstone Legion, Apollyon believes in a simple thing: That everyone can be divided into wolves and sheep and that those who choose to be wolves should embrace who they are and rise above the herd. To that end, she wants to bring war into the world so that the wolves can truly come and feast.
* In terms of the grand conflict in the Pantheon, she doesn't particularly care to takes sides. Instead, she seeks to keep the conflict between each faction going as long as possible, sparking fights between the factions and even within one faction to truly see who is the strongest. What the end will bring, she doesn't know, but she wants the end to be full of true victors.
* Due to [[spoiler:her death in the mortal world]], she is seeking to recreate the Blackstone Legion into the Pantheon. She is rather open about inviting soldiers and warriors in her ranks, as long as they can provide their worth. Though she has bit of a MedievalStasis going on when it comes to her regular troops.
** She has stated that she ''could'' assimilate other legions under her ranks, but states as of the current time, her army is too small to make any major moves. She'd rather recruit as many people as she can and let the selection of warfare shape her men.
* As you can guess, she is natural antithesis to Yuji Sakai. In fact, she despises anyone who really think that [[SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids there can be true peace]]. Or rather, that they are able to, or they should, maintain that peace.
-->''Tell me. Do you honestly believe that you can just end all war? Foolish. You can make the wolves go hiding, you can make them grow stagnant, but ultimately they are all still savages, with lust for war. I am here to give them a chance. I will create an age of wolves where people can truly be the savages they are. And you will not stop me.''
** She finds the idea that Millhi, Leo and Cou would support NonLethalWarfare sort of repulsive. To her, she just finds it pointless conflict where they might as well not fight at all.
* Is really impressed with [[Pantheon/ObsceneActions Khorne]] and is quest for war and such. That being said, she doesn't necessarily care to join his ranks. She still sides with humans. She does, however, pay her respects to Ares, as that is a god she would worship.
* She really appreciates Armstrong's way of thinking. Because of her relation with him, she seemed to have caught the interest of Sundowner and eventually Felix. While she doesn't consider them being part of the Blackstone Legion, she keeps them in touch in case she really needs them. Still, she has made few things clear with the two of them.
-->''Just that we are clear on this, my goals has nothing to do with profit. You get that?''
* Besides what one might think, she is not as psychopathic as she might be. In truth, her mind is as dangerous as her combat prowess, as seen when she tried to pitch the Warborn and the Chosen into an EnemyCivilWar, with her plans foiled by her underestimating how long it would last. She also has some "virtuous" sides about her, like how she will protect those she is suppose to protect if she needs to.
* Finds disappointment [[VideoGame/GodOfWarPS4 on the current status]] of Kratos. To her he is a shadow of his former shell and does not deserve the title of God of War. She herself isn't dumb enough to provoke him to make him return to the path of anger, but she has her plans to make other factors bring him back to the state she desires of him.
* The people who are specifically marked under "Opposed by" tend to be people who hate her warmongering ways. However, she has few things to say about them. In regards to Valvatorez, she thinks that he fights too much to be one saying anything, and if he really needs humans to fear demons, then she doesn't care. For Koko, she thinks that her way of bringing peace would just end with people ganging on her to bring her down and then continue fighting against eachother [[spoiler:like what she achieved doing in her own world]] and she should stick being an arms-dealer. She doesn't have much to say about Kiritsugu, but she doubts he will ever achieve the peace he is so much working for.
* [[Pantheon/{{Ambiguity}} Lucifer]] harbors interest due of her views, but she herself isn't really interest on Lucifer. At least for now. As while she agrees with Lucifer's visions, she wants to see if Lucifer can win her over by being superior compared to other leaders (and yes, she's aware of the Great Upheaval: even ''that'' wasn't enough to impress her). Lucifer offered support and funding for one of Apollyon's project, the so called [[Fanfic/PantheonRagnarok Ragnarok incident]], in hopes that he can tempt her. While the Ragnarok incident was a resounding success, plunging the [[Anime/ValkyrieDriveMermaid Valkyrie-verse]] into a bloody war that shows no sign of slowing down, she's still not quite convinced.
** The events of Ragnarok earned Apollyon the unending loathing of Mamori and Mirei, [[DownerEnding whose plans to wipe out the Arms Virus and return the infected to their families have been utterly destroyed while the infected and non-infected are consumed by genocidal hatred for each other.]] Likewise, Apollyon hates the two of them for being wolves who deny their own power. They should be ruling over the sheep, but their power is dulled by Mamori's disgusting pacifism.
* ''"I am Apollyon. I bring war."''

'''UsefulNotes/{{Boudica}}, Goddess of [[OccupiersOutOfOurCountry Wanting Invaders Out Of Their Homeland]]''' ([[SpellMyNameWithAnS Boudicca, Boadicea, Boudicea, Buddug]], [[VideoGame/FateGrandOrder Rider, Queen of Victory]])
[[caption-width-right:280:John Opie's painting of the historical figure]]
[[caption-width-right:280:Click [[labelnote:here]]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/boudica3.png[[/labelnote]] to see her as a Rider servant]]
* Rank: Lesser Goddess
* Symbol: Her long spear
* Alignment: Believed to have BlackAndGrayMorality by multiple historians (ChaoticGood in multiple fictional depictions of her and also from multiple historians)
* Portfolio: HistoricalDomainCharacter, [[HistoricalHeroUpgrade Gets a lot of heroism upgrade in popular culture]], [[RapeAndRevenge Wants to avenge her daughters because of rape]], ByronicHero CycleOfRevenge, RoaringRampageOfRevenge, LadyOfWar, [[CategoryTraitor Will kill all people that she thinks are Romans even if they are innocent, slaves, or not Romans themselves, or any of those in between]], [[FinalSolution Possibly ordered a massacre to three big cities]], YourTerroristsAreOurFreedomFighters
* Domains: Vengeance, Rebellions, Queens, Warriors, Massacre
* Allies: '''[[Pantheon/HardwareAndSoftware Ritsuka Fujimaru]], [[Pantheon/WeaponCreation Archer/EMIYA]]''', Lelouch vi Britannia, [[Pantheon/OffensivePowers Odin]]
* As a Rider Servant: the British Heroes
* On good terms with: '''[[Pantheon/{{Workmanship}} Nero Claudius]]''', [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors Maximus Decimus]], [[Pantheon/RangedWeapons Xena]] The Gauls (Opposition in terms of the real-life version)
* Enemies: '''Every Roman that ever existed in the Pantheon''', '''''especially [[Pantheon/TheatricPerformers Emperor Nero]]''''' (not really for the Rider version, though she does consider ''certain ones'' as enemies), ''[[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Tywin Lannister]], Gregor Cleagane''
* Boudica is the queen of the Iceni tribe who is well-known for her rebellion against the Roman Empire. She started her raging vengeance after the death of her husband when the Romans started taking everything from her, including [[RapeAsDrama raping her daughters]]. She eventually massacred three big cities of the Roman Empire and killing every citizen that lives there as she considers them enemies, [[RevengeByProxy even if the cities themselves are not involved with anything that happened to her]]. However, it ultimately led to her demise when she was [[AllForNothing killed by Suetonius and his Roman army]] and/or [[DrivenToSuicide committed suicide]].
* A lot of historical figures are in heavy debate of her actions whether or not she's an AxCrazy murderer whose actions cannot be justified even by ancient history standards or not she is a heroic leader who hws to do what she had to do. There are a few historical records depicting her history and it's still not known what is the cause of her death. However, because this is the Pantheon, these two depictions of Boudica could technically exist here and as long as it's well-known by a few circles, they could exist as long as they liked.
* Hearing that the one and only Nero Claudius pretty much made her mad and started storming off to his temple to kill him before being stopped by other deities in fear of her causing chaos. The emperor doesn't seem to care upon hearing her presence and would rather stay in his temple seeing performances, although he fears that some day that he will be killed mercilessly by her even if he could technically be revived in the Pantheon considering her neverending hatred of the Pantheon.
* She can be summoned as a Rider Servant and answer the calls of Chaldea thanks to the Incineration of Humanity. Suprisingly, she's mich more nicer as a Servant, is at least much more considerate, and acts like a big sister. Her endless rage towards the Romans also gave her the possibility to become an Avenger Servant.
** Surprisingly as of right now, she is now at good terms with the female version of Nero. Boudica tells her that she shouldn't responsible for what happened to her people, knowing that she is not involved with what happebed. While she couldn't forgive Rome for what happened, her vengeance against them is done, while also feeling bad for her endless massacre she caused in the past, which caused Nero to tell her to not discuss it furthur as the resentment will go on forever. Ultimately, as they are Heroic Spirits and are not the living versions, they forgave each other and are civil enough to not caused an outrage. Boudica knew that if her Class is altered, it will be a completely different story.
** She is pretty happy to see her master again and is willing to be at his side once more. Though it's pretty much hypocritical given her new friendship with the female Nero, she personally asked him to not let her be in the same room as the other Romans in the Pantheon, which he gladly accepted unless they will be facing a dangerous common treat. She is also excited to see her fellow Servant, EMIYA in the Pantheon, as they're pretty much the best chefs that Chaldea has and formed the ''Chaldea Kitchen Team'' along with Tamamo Cat and Raikou because of it.
** She has huge respect of British Heroes, regardless of their actions, and considers them to be similar to her daughters. She is also considered to be a British folk hero despite the debate of the justification of her actions from multiple historians. Also, because of her more heartwarming personality, she is much more tolerable to be in other people's presence.
* She's happy to meet a man named Lelouch who is born in the Britannian Empire and praises him for going against his own empire because of their endless conquest, thinking that they are the same as the Romans, and also for making the world a better place for his younger sister. Lelouch is happy to see someone that is a rebellious person like him and feels bad upon hearing what happened to her, although he thinks that her actions are [[EveryoneHasStandards just too much even by his own standards]], but decided to not push it as he thinks that he might face her wrath endlessly and is smart enough to know to not do something about it.
* She loathes Tywin Lannister as she sees his actions and behavior as similar to the Romans, and considering how much of an AbusiveParent he is, it pretty much fueled the hatred. Seeing that he is also an employer of Tywin and keeps him around because he is a SociopathicSoldier, she also loathes Gregor Cleagane and also for killing Elia and her son.
* Hearing that he is from Rome, it is enough for the real Boudica to hate him, without even considering of what happened to him and that Roman is not his nationality. Thankfully, while she hesitates upon hearing he is not, the Rider version actually took the time to listen to him. Even before learning he's not a Roman himself, the two found kinship learning that the Romans took everything away from them and staged a rebellion against them. She is happy that there is an actual Roman (even if he is not one) other than the female Nero that she could be friends with and promised to him that if there are any evil Romans that are lurking around, they will staged an attack together.
** This is also the same case with the Gauls in the Pantheon. No matter how much they try to convince her that they are not like the rest of the Romans, she hates them because of her blind hatred of the Romans. The Servant version meanwhile admires their dedication to protect from the Romans, especially Asterix because despite his small stature, he is TheAce and the best defender of the entire village.
* In the UK, the SpikedWheels were known as the Boudica spikes after the rebellious queen uses them in the battle against the Romans in England on 60AD. However, there is no evidence to support this.
* Xena was happy to see her friend come out of her losing battle with Caesar a deity now. While the warrior princess wasn't able to stop the Romans from conquering Boudica's world, the two remain good friends.
* In Literature/MagnusChaseAndTheGodsOfAsgard, Boudica became one of Odin's Valkyries after her death. She was also considered to become the captain to replace Gunilla, however, because of how violent she is, she is not recommended. Odin is happy to see one of his Valkyries ascending even if she got that from an another universe, but he wishes that she'll tone down her violence.

[[folder:Lelouch vi Britannia]]
'''[[Anime/CodeGeass Lelouch vi Britannia]], God of [[LaResistance Rebellion]]''' (Lelouch Lamperouge, Zero, Lulu, Black Prince, Alan Spacer, [[WebVideo/CodeMENT One]], [[spoiler:99th Emperor of Britannia, the Enemy of the World, Demon Emperor, [[Anime/CodeGeassAkitoTheExiled Julius Kingsley]], [[Anime/CodeGeassLelouchOfTheResurrection L.L.]]]])
* Lesser God or so he wants you to think...
* Symbol: The Geass symbol (a stylized "V"), or a black king chess piece
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsngLmM2SO4 0]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE Viva la Vida]]
* Alignment: [[http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/175/5/f/Lelouch__s_Alignment_Chart_by_AlsoSprachOdin.jpg All over the place]], (nominally ChaoticGood, settled on [[spoiler:NeutralGood]])
* Portfolio: [[BrotherSisterIncest Sister Complexes]], [[NecessaryEvil Martyr Complexes]], [[TheChessmaster Chessmasters]], [[{{Brainwashed}} Mind Control]], [[XanatosSpeedChess Always Staying Two Steps Ahead]] ([[GambitRoulette Sometimes More]], [[MemoryGambit Without His Memory]]), [[LaResistance Resistance Leaders]], [[RefugeInAudacity Audacious Behavior]], {{Manipulative Bastard}}s, {{Byronic Hero}}es.
* Domains: City, Corruption, Knowledge, Pain, Retribution, Trickery.
* [[spoiler: Former]] Followers: The Order of the Black Knights. ([[spoiler:[[VideoGame/SuperRobotWarsZ possibly back]] [[CompilationMovie on good terms]]]])
* Other[[spoiler:/New]] Followers: [[Anime/YugiohArcV Reiji Akaba, Shun Kurosaki and the Lance Defense Soldiers]]
* Allies:
** Geass-Verse: '''[[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} C.C.]]''' ([[spoiler:his fiancé in an [[Anime/CodeGeassLelouchOfTheResurrection alternate timeline]]]]), [[Pantheon/SuicideAndSacrifice Suzaku Kururugi]], [[Pantheon/ObedienceMindsets Jeremiah Gottwald]], [[Pantheon/RidingAndControl Kallen Kozuki]],
** Other: [[Pantheon/PowerLevelsAndAppearance Yuji Sakai]], [[Pantheon/HeroicRoles Hakumen]], [[Pantheon/PowerMentalities the ToQgers (especially Hikari/[=ToQ=] 4gou)]], [[Pantheon/LimbsAndJoints Shu Ouma]], [[Pantheon/IdentityIssues Jin Kazama]], [[Pantheon/BossFightsNToZ Naoki Kashima]], [[Pantheon/SecondInCommands Gai Yuki/Black Condor]], [[Pantheon/{{Heirs}} Ange]], [[Pantheon/AntiHeroes the Gokaigers]], [[Pantheon/AuthorityFigures Jim Raynor]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Ozymandias]], [[Pantheon/{{Conduct}} Valvatorez]]
* Enemies: '''[[Pantheon/{{Upbringing}} Charles zi Britannia]]''', [[Pantheon/{{Depravity}} Sheev]] [[Pantheon/{{Leadership}} Palpatine]], [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]], [[Pantheon/CulturalValues Nikita Dragovich]], [[Pantheon/ConquestAndConquerors Wilhelm "Deathshead" Strasse]], [[Pantheon/BetrayalAndTreachery Ragyo Kiryuin]], [[Pantheon/RecollectionAndAmnesia Shukuro Tsukishima]], [[Pantheon/MurderAndAssassination Heihachi Mishima and Kazuya Mishima]], [[Pantheon/{{Politicians}} Senator Armstrong]], [[Pantheon/{{Villainy}} Griffith]], [[Pantheon/MannersOfAuthority Arcturus Mengsk]], [[Pantheon/MotivationsForEvil Red Skull]], [[Pantheon/GoodAndEvilColors Black Doom]]
* [[EvilCounterpart Neutral Countepart]] to: [[Pantheon/SpecializedNarratives Yuu Narukami]]
* Special relationship: '''[[Pantheon/{{Disabilities}} Nunnally Lamperouge]]''' (his sister)
* GoodCounterpart to: [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]]
* When not plotting ways to overthrow [[TheEmpire evil empires]], Lelouch engages in the game of kings: chess. Few people who have played him have asked for a rematch. He is one of the few who could challenge [[Pantheon/{{Planning}} Light Yagami]] - one of his greatest nemeses - without using any form of magic.
* Recently has been rumored to be spotted meeting with lunarian rabbit [[Pantheon/FantasticalBeasts Reisen Udonegein Inaba]]. Reasons aren't known yet but already people are talking about Lelouch teaching Reisen tactics and an upcoming Lunarian uprising.
* Is outraged to hear about [[Pantheon/CharacterArchetypes Sasuke's]] plan to become Hokage, seeing the similarities with [[spoiler:his Zero Requiem]]. Unlike Sasuke, though, [[EvenEvilHasStandards Lelouch would never kill others or disturb the peace when everyone is unified]]. He's also unnerved that Sasuke [[Creator/YuriLowenthal sounds so similar to Suzaku]].
* He sees [[Pantheon/{{Armies}} Isara Gunther]] as someone he'd like to protect, as she reminds him of his mortal sister Nunnally Lamperouge. However, Isara is very much abhorred with him. Upon investigation, Lelouch found out that when she was mortal, she was [[spoiler:killed in cold blood]] by someone who [[{{Expy}} acted and sounded like him]]: [[VideoGame/ValkyriaChronicles Emperor Maxmillian]]. This hardens Lelouch's ambition to topple him, alongside the God he worshipped: Palpatine.
* May or may not have implanted commands into the minds of the Gods - or their followers - that he doesn't get along with. And maybe some that he pretends to get along with.
* He's well aware of the existence of [[Pantheon/NamingAndEpithets another]] [[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes Zero]] who [[Creator/JohnnyYongBosch sounds just like him]].
* [[WebVideo/CodeMENT May have relations to]] [[Pantheon/OrderAndChaos Death the Kid]] and [[Pantheon/NamingReferences Alu]][[Pantheon/{{Vampires}} card]].
* He gave his blessing to [[Anime/YugiohArcV the Lance Defense Soldiers]]... And is considering revoking it, since his [[{{Expy}} successors]] (''especially'' Reiji Akaba) have been doing too many blunders.
* Lelouch became friends with Jim Raynor because of their status as rebel leaders. Although Jim is concerned for the boy's amoral methods, he can at least know he has good intentions. Meanwhile, Lelouch admires Jim because his rebellion was more successful than his own [[spoiler:and did not cause the death of the girl he loved, accidental or otherwise ([[SparedByTheAdaptation such as it happening the first time]]).]]
* After dear old dad had him spend a year as Britannian military advisor Julius Kingsley, he can't stand memory manipulators like Shukuro Tsukishima.
* Speaking of dear old dad, he is in fact a major ally in Jin Kazama's group against child abusers in the Pantheon, but no one else knows for how long since it wasn't revealed right away. He's also suspects his father might be in league with Heihachi Mishima, and that Kazuya Mishima plans on recruiting his half-brother Schneizel should he ever ascend. Ragyo Kiryuin also gets special mention due to [[spoiler:[[Creator/AmiKoshimizu Ryuko sounding a lot like Kallen]]]].
* [[spoiler:He is well-aware of a plan of C.C. to resurrect him in the mortal plane, which ultimately turned out to be successful]]. Lelouch seems to know about it, but he hasn't commented on it yet.
* Lelouch has struck a friendship with [[ComicBook/VForVendetta V]] due to their mutual history of rebelling against an oppressive system, ability to cross the MoralEventHorizon to reach their respective goals, and penchant for doing everything in a smart and overdramatic way. Lelouch says that V has the nicer CoolMask, but V retorts that “Zero”’s BadassCape is the better one. Nonetheless, they do have opposing views on how to govern and agree to disagree for now.
** V has offered him some lifting equipment to get him to get in shape. He tried to lift them but forgot to warm up and strained his biceps, so he put the dumbbells away somewhere in a closet.


[[folder:Colonel [=McCullough=]]]

'''[[Franchise/PlanetOfTheApes Colonel]] [[Film/WarForThePlanetOfTheApes J. Wesley McCullough]], God of [[ClashOfEvolutionaryLevels Conflicts between Sapient Species]]''' (The Colonel)
* Demigod
* Symbol: The Alpha-Omega Emblem
* Theme Song: [[https://youtu.be/-QmzJvNBN8Y Enter the Colonel]]
* Alignment: Between ChaoticNeutral and LawfulNeutral.
* Portfolio: '''ClashOfEvolutionaryLevels''', FantasticRacism against Apes, Believes HumansAreSuperior, DeathByIrony, DrivenToSuicide, NothingPersonal, AllForNothing, KnightTemplar, WellIntentionedExtremist.
* Domains: War, Humanity, Speciecism, Extremism
* Heralds: The Alpha-Omega Army.
* High Priest: [[WesternAnimation/KipoAndTheAgeOfWonderbeasts Dr. Emillia]]
* Allies: [[Pantheon/TacticsAndStrategies Admiral Chester William Nimitz]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics The God Emperor of Mankind]], [[Pantheon/TypesOfMechas The Sentinels]], [[Pantheon/VillainousArchetypes Lex Luthor]].
* Admires: [[Pantheon/SoldiersAndWarriors The Doom Slayer]], [[Pantheon/{{Protagonists}} Gordon Freeman]]
* Enemies: '''All Ascended Pantheon/PlanetOfTheApes Deities (Especially [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals Caesar]])''', The Pantheon/{{Transformers}} Deities, The Pantheon/{{Undertale}} Deities, The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines, The House of Pantheon/{{Extraterrestrials}}, (especially [[Pantheon/ExtraterrestrialAbilities The Combine and The Pod People]]) [[Pantheon/{{Mammals}} King Kong, Mojo Jojo]], Joe, [[Pantheon/FictionalExpies Mighty Joe Young]], [[Pantheon/MetalAndMinerals Magneto]] and the [[Pantheon/MarvelComics Brotherhood of Mutants]], [[Pantheon/TyrannicalFigures The Enclave, Dr. Wallace Breen]], [[Pantheon/VillainousRoles The Cloverfield Monster]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Gorilla Grodd]], [[Pantheon/{{Trickery}} GLaDOS]], [[Pantheon/RebellionAndRevolution The Iron Giant]], [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Commander Shepard]].
* Opposes: [[Pantheon/MarvelComics The X-Men]], [[Pantheon/AnthropomorphicAnimals Napoleon]].
* In the year of 2028, humanity was all but gone, with little pockets of resistance persisting after the rise and disappearance of the deadly virus ALZ-113 better known as the "Simian Flu", a deadly virus that killed off most of humanity and decimated civilizations worldwide. One of these groups was the Alpha-Omega Army, a rogue branch of the US Army who after discovering that the virus had returned and mutated into a new strand that rendered humans mute and feral, decided to kill off any infected. Growing hateful of apes who they believed responsible for the flu, they were led by Colonel [=McCullough=] who killed his infected son after he caught the mutated flu, he launched a fierce attack against Caesar's ape colony, wanting to exterminate them all before they could inherit Earth. Though he killed Caeasr's wife and oldest son and nearly killed off the ape colony after capturing them, [=McCullough=] was not done in by Caesar after the ape freed his people and confronted him directly but instead killed himself after catching the mutated flu virus himself from a doll held by Nova, an infected human girl that lived in Caesar's colony. Later his army would engage the rest of the USA's forces, losing easily before the larger army was buried under a snow avalanche, allowing the surviving apes to find a sanctuary to call home and live in peace away from humanity's conflict, thus ending once and for all the violent history of mankind and apekind's conflict.
* His ascension was put in place after the Court of Gods heard from Caesar about his exploits and motivation, after resurrecting him and curing him of the virus, returning to him the capacity of speech. [=McCullough=] took a while to adapt to the Pantheon, as he found out that the plethora of intelligent and powerful non-humans were a bit too much for him to handle. Once he got used to the situation, he began plotting to continue what he started and this time take out any threats to humanity's future.
* His beliefs in human supremacy earned him instant allies in the God Emperor of Mankind, who agreed to not only his ideology, but also believed his methods were justified and appropriate. He's made the Colonel's Alpha-Omega Army (serving as his heralds) a part of the Imperium of Mankind, seeing their dedication to restoring the glory and rule of humanity as a respectable thing, promising to ensure their Earth is eventually put back under humanity's control.
* Was noted to have a resemblance to Admiral Chester Nimitz. The latter was not one to disapprove of his methods, viewing [=McCullough=]'s extreme actions as a necessary evil for humanity to survive. [=McCullough=] came to appreciate the help of a legendary figure in humanity's history and so became allies with the Admiral quickly. Some of the military deities allied with have grown wary of [=McCullough=] himself, as they know of his insubordination and possible mental instability as something of a red flag that he might not be the most ideal ally around and thus don't try to contact him for help.
* For being the logical evolution of humanity, he loathes the Pantheon/MarvelComics mutants, and hasn't made it subtle that he finds them a threat to mankind, which has alarmed the X-Men as he is not too different from the likes of Stryker or Bolivar Trask in regards to his bigotry. While the X-Men do not want to view him as an outright enemy, due to seeing his more understandable reasons for losing faith in any non-human sapient beings, the ascended members of the Brotherhood of Mutants weren't as receptive, seeing him as yet another example of mankind's worst traits.
* His feeling of human superiority led to his support of Lex Luthor, who he views as a man trying to fight against mankind being dominated by aliens, especially Superman, who he thinks of as a parasite that infiltrated humanity and is undermining their dominance and sense of power in the world. Lex Luthor was happy to find another deity who shared his views on the superiority of humans and the belief in Superman being a threat to humanity rather than its savior.
* Detests Wallace Breen for having become TheQuisling to the Combine, viewing him as unworthy of belonging to mankind for having betrayed them to save his own skin and have benefits above his fellow humans. Breen himself sees [=McCullough=] as beneath notice as long as he keeps close to the Combine, who the Colonel despises but avoids due to their power and threat. For opposing them, he admires Gordon Freeman and his many actions.
** On a similar note, he praises the Doom Slayer for having destroyed Hell's forces many times, as he sees the unstoppable soldier as a potential ally in a quest for human supremacy. Though the Doom Slayer prefers to ignore him and would rather stay at arms length with the Colonel.
* Gorilla Grodd was a quick enemy of him, as Grodd is a legitimately evil ape who desires to overthrow humanity, making him a greater enemy to the Colonel than even Caesar or the psychotic bonobo, Koba. Of other evil apes, stood out Mojo Jojo as he also was an EvilGenius ape who wanted to conquer humanity and Earth. Finally, there's Koba and Dr. Zaius, who are uplifted apes like Caesar but unlike him harbor a genuine hatred of humanity and thus view the Colonel as a good example of how it is "justified" to hate them, and how they will eliminate all other lifeforms for their own sake.
* All alien races are his enemies, considering them a threat to humanity and civilization, and viewing any diplomacy as inevitably short-lived and something that would taint humanity's rule on Earth. Not even more peaceful ones or others such as the Crystal Gem's have won him over. However he reserves his hatred primarily for those such as the Harvesters, the Pod People and The Combine all who consider humans as lesser beings, which the Colonel wants to prove wrong. While Optimus Prime believes in the freedom of all beings, he was sorely disappointed in the Colonel's extremism, with the Colonel viewing all cybetronians as enemies to humanity all Transformer deities became enemies with him.
* The Undertale Deities are quite afraid of [=McCullough=] knowing that his killing intent is very high and since a monster that absorbs a human soul becomes very powerful, they've been put on his hitlist, Frisk included as he views the kid as a possible traitor to humanity that could oppose his goals and methods.
* The Pantheon/GrandUnitedAllianceOfMachines is another one of his bigger enemies due to their desire to impose machine superiority and the fact that many of their members have come close to exterminating humanity if not outright did it. Among the most notable machines was the Fabrication Machine, who got to exterminate all lifeforms on Earth, humans included.
* The Iron Giant finds him to be not too different from the hateful Kent Mansey, aside from having a much better point than Mansley did. Though in spite of the Colonel's more understandable motivations, he became enemies with him when it was made clear that [=McCullough=] had no real intention of befriending non-humans.
* He's not well-liked by Commander Shepard, who views him as a deranged maverick who's out of control and whose actions aren't excusing a lot of the bad things he did. The Colonel returns the sentiment and believes Shepard needs more ruthlessness with both allies and enemies to get better results.
* While many deities found his motives and end goals to be hard to dispute, they weren't too approving of his methods, as they were quick to tell him that Caesar and his group had no interest in taking over Earth, thus making his transgressions against them quite unjustified. His only response was to claim that them taking over after human civilization falls, and may enslave any remaining humans, which he wants to prevent. This didn't quite gain him popularity with the deities that questioned him though it did made them see their point better.
* Wasn't happy to see vials and samples of the Simian Flu around in the Pantheon's Treasury, he's insisted on destroying them and all traces of it, as he considers the flu itself to be a greater threat to humanity than even apekind or any other non-human civilization.


[[folder:Yooks and Zooks]]
'''[[Literature/TheButterBattleBook Yooks and Zooks]], the Deities who had a SillyReasonForWar'''
[[caption-width-right:350:The Yook General (blue shirt) and Van Itch (Zook general with an orange shirt) about to drop the "Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo"]]
* Demideities
* Symbol: A slice of bread (butter side up for the Yooks; butter side down for the Zooks)
* Alignment: TrueNeutral
* Portfolio: [[RippedFromTheHeadlines Cold War Allegory]], [[LensmanArmsRace Increasingly Powerful Weapons]], [[SeriousBusiness Taking how they Butter their Bread very Seriously]]
* Domains: War, Disagreements
* High Priest: [[Film/DrStrangelove General Jack D. Ripper]]
* Superior: [[Pantheon/{{Narrative}} Dr. Seuss]]
* Enemies: Each other
* Opposed by: Pacifists
* Source of Amusem*nt for: [[Pantheon/{{Commerce}} Sundowner]]
* Additional Relations: The House of Pantheon/{{Weapons}}
* The Yooks and Zooks are a race of bird-like creatures that are separated by a wall. The source of their ever-increasing animosity is how they butter their bread, with the Yooks preferring butter-side up and the Zooks insist on butter-side down. Such a reason for conflict may be stupid for others, but to them, it's almost a matter of life and death to the point where the generals of each side tried to one-up their opponents through a series of increasingly powerful and strange weapons. All of this culminated in the creation of the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, which may as well be a nuclear bomb in all but name. The generals stood atop the wall, threatening to drop it. No one can say for sure who dropped it first, but almost everyone that isn't a Yook or a Zook can agree that turning an argument about buttered bread into a full-on war is beyond stupid.
* A debate session being held by the House of Pantheon/{{Philosophy}} was interrupted by a couple of uninvited guests. They indentified themselves as a Yook and a Zook and asked the debaters about buttered bread. The debaters simply looked confused about why two things would ask about bread (since the house is more focused on serious matters) and told them to go to the House of Food, which the Yook and Zook obliged. Those who were at the House of Food were simply annoyed when the Yook and Zook asked about buttered bread and insisted that they just eat in peace. Some time later, a commotion was going on and that Yook and Zook were watching as those on their sides were going at it with a variety of weapons. Almost no one took the battle seriously, but when the time came for the Yook and Zook to drop their Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, some deities had to get some pacifists in order to convince the warring sides to stop before disaster ensued.
** Yook and Zook were brought in to discuss things and why they would even fight over something as meaningless as buttered bread. The discussion proved to be a waste of time for those in the room who weren't a Yook and a Zook. Ultimately, the Yook and Zook were let go of that room, but they were told that while [[DeathIsCheap no one can truly stay dead in the Pantheon]], they cannot put to use any sort of weapon that would cause widespread damage throughout the Pantheon (like the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo). The Yook and Zook begrudgingly listened to that request, but they still went on with their pointless war, much to the dismay of most (especially for the pacifists that had to stop them from fighting initially).
* Both sides always tried to one-up the other by bringing in weapons that are guaranteed to give them a victory in a given battle. It didn't take long for them to find out that there was an entire section of the Pantheon dedicated to housing weapons (and a separate section where weapons are made). Given that neither side is allowed to directly visit the Pantheon/TheGreatTreasury (specifically the Armory), the most they can do is look at various weapons in action and see how it can benefit them, in addition to the already-existing weapons they themselves use. With the exception of the Bitsy Big-Boy Bomberoo, the weapons of the Yooks and Zooks aren't really deadly.
** Members of both sides have made a handful of visits to the House of Weapons as well, mainly to see some of the weapons that are possible to use in their conflict. According to house members, they usually only see one Yook or Zook at any given interval and not at the same time. Some house members are simply unable to take either side and their conflict seriously, though.
* It's not just the pacifists who are annoyed with the Yooks and Zooks' antics; a number of deities who [[WarIsHell don't see anything positive with war]] are not amused with anything that happens to these two sides.
* Putting aside the fact that they are constantly trying to prove that eating buttered bread one way is the correct way, none of the Yooks and Zooks aren't actively malicious towards other deities (though there's a few that they wouldn't want to meet). Some, pacifists in particular, wish that both sides would just be friendly to each other overall and not allow a simple way of eating something get in the way of other meaningful activities that don't involve weapons.
* As far as anyone is aware of, both sides apparently have a number of ordinary citizens, a mayor, a group of scientists in charge of coming up with weapons, and generals who utilize said weapons against the opposition. It's hard to say whether or not each side has some other trick besides better weapons to hinder their opposition.
* Of all the deities who even care about their senseless conflict, the Yooks and Zooks ended up getting the attention of Sundowner, who seemed to enjoy their conflict, much to the disapproval of the two species, especially considering how much of a psychopath he is. He even offered (through visting both sides on separate intervals) to help them defeat the other through his weapons, but none of the Yooks and Zooks want any of that, instead largely preferring the weapons they themselves designed. It hasn't stopped Sundowner from watching their war whenever he's bored.
** As for the other weapons dealers, they haven't really bothered to pay attention to all this. At most there will be a few chuckles from someone like Roman Torchwick and maybe a conversation or two about how to one-up the other side, but that's about it.
* The GUAD, of all alliances, has taken a slight interest in their minor war and has hoped that it will end with not just the destruction of both sides, but everything else due to the sides having created a powerful-enough weapon to ensure total dominance. None of the Yooks and Zooks have taken this approval well and made it a point to simply ignore the alliance no matter what.
* Dr. Seuss prefers not to get himself involved in a conflict as meaningless as the one the Yooks and Zooks are involved in. He did say that he prefers to butter the crust of his bread instead of how either side butters it, though.
* None of them care about the fact that [[VideoGame/HotelMario all toasters toast toast]]. No one else is certain if they toasted their bread before as all of the Yooks and Zooks have talked about in terms of toast is how it should be buttered.


[[folder:Wiz and Boomstick]]
'''[[WebAnimation/DeathBattle Wizard and Boomstick]], Judges of [[UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny The Gods Fighting Among Themselves]]''' (Wiz and Boomstick, [[FusionDance Wizstick/Boomzard]])
[[caption-width-right:350:Wiz (left) and Boomstick (right)]]
* Quasideities, but with the authority of Greater Gods
* Symbol: The Death Battle Logo, Boomstick's "[[WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic Cutie Mark]]" of a bottle of booze, crossed by two shotguns.
* Theme Song: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7w-_F_VgMY Wiz and Boomstick]]
* Alignment: TrueNeutral
* Stand(s): 99 Bottles (Boomstick)
* Portfolio: [[UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny Pitting Gods Against Each Other in the Ring]], [[LetsFightLikeGentlemen Equalizing Opponents to a Degree]], [[ManipulativeBastard Tricking People]], [[RedOniBlueOni Contrasting Personalities]], [[ShownTheirWork Trying to be Fair]] [[CowboyBebopAtHisComputer and Sometimes Failing]]
** Wiz: MadScientist, ArtificialLimbs, LackOfEmpathy, WhiteHairBlackHeart
** Boomstick: TheAlcoholic, DeepSouth, FatBastard, BloodKnight, AllMenArePerverts
* Domains: War, Competition, Combat, Reality TV, Fun, Knowledge
* Followers: The casts of ''Series/DeadliestWarrior'', ''Series/JurassicFightClub'', and ''Fanfic/DeathBattleEquestria''
* Most Legendary Battles:
** [[Pantheon/{{Heroism}} Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman]] vs. [[Pantheon/PowerAndAbilities Son Goku]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Memes}} Chuck Norris]] vs. [[Pantheon/{{Advertising}} Segata Sanshiro]]
** [[Pantheon/OtherPowers Matt Murdock/Daredevil]] vs. [[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Dick Grayson/Nightwing]]
** [[Pantheon/HeroicAchievementsAndLosses Saitama]] vs. [[Pantheon/MealsNtoZ Popeye]]
* Most Controversial Battles:
** [[Pantheon/FanReaction God]][[Pantheon/{{Otherness}} zilla]] vs. [[Pantheon/ExtrovertCharacterization Gamera]][[note]]used help from Teseo to have the two Kaiju fight in a shared dream[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/HeroicAttitude Ragna the Bloodedge]] [[spoiler:[[CloneArmy clones]]]] vs. [[Pantheon/RegretAndShame Sol]] [[Pantheon/MotivationsForHeroism Badguy]] [[spoiler:and [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]]]][[note]]at least one Ragna clone became a threat to the Pantheon[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Hunters}} Dante Sparda]] (w/[[Pantheon/{{Underclothes}} Trish]]) vs. [[Pantheon/PersonsOfDesire Bayonetta]] (w/[[Pantheon/BossFightsAToM Jeanne]])[[note]]allies interfere for the first time, result decried as improbable[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/LearningTools Wade Wilson]]/[[Pantheon/{{Metafiction}} Deadpool]] vs. [[Pantheon/{{Celebration}} Pinkie]] [[Pantheon/{{Happiness}} Pie]][[note]]battle outright defied as fourth wall breakers decided to party instead[[/note]]
** [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Aang]] vs. [[Pantheon/FieldsOfMagic Edward Elric]][[note]]two good-aligned pacifists found their heated encounter doctored into a battle[[/note]]
* Rivals: [[Pantheon/MusicalGenres EpicLLOYD and Nice Peter]]
* Supported by: [[Pantheon/ComplexSymbolism Teseo {Grimoired Seven}]]
* Opposed by: [[Pantheon/PositiveReaction Mr. Rogers]], [[Pantheon/MultiWieldingWeapons Li]][[Pantheon/HeroicArchetypes nk]], [[Pantheon/ValuesAndEthics Himura Kenshin]], [[Pantheon/{{Dragons}} Bowser]], [[Pantheon/VillainousAttitude M. Bison]], [[Pantheon/{{Fanbase}} 9-volt and 18-volt]], [[Pantheon/CharacterRoles Captain Martin Walker]], [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Aang]], [[Pantheon/ElementalPairings Katara]], [[Pantheon/FieldsOfScience The Elric]] [[Pantheon/LivingObjects Brothers]]
* Complicated Relationships: [[spoiler:[[Pantheon/NamingConvention Sarge]] (Boomstick's father)]]
* Ignored by: [[Pantheon/{{Nature}} Captain Planet]]
* What if Character X from Series A fought Character Y from Series B? Who would win that one? A question repeatedly asked any time two similar popular characters from separate works exist. With the advent of the Internet, many have taken it upon themselves to figure out hypothetical answers to these questions after researching the feats, strengths, and weaknesses of these characters, and put a vision to life as to how these battles would play out. Of these, Screw Attack's ''Death Battle'', hosted by the stoic scientist Wizard and the loud alcoholic Boomstick, would gain absolute infamy with the people.
** Despite ''Series/DeadliestWarrior'' technically coming first in cross-culture fighting, it was deemed that Wiz and Boomstick were "just more fun." Therefore, the hosts of ''Death Battle'' were deified and allowed to practice their wares in the Pantheon. Despite this, ''DW'' hosts Geoff Desmoulin, Armand Dorian, and Richard "Mack" Machowicz want the Pantheon to review their decision as they felt Wiz and Boomstick lacked the proper X-Factors to be judges. This has gone unheeded thus far.
* Wiz and Boomstick have thus far involved over a hundred deified and un-deified characters in matches so far. [[WMG/DeathBattleSuggestions They take requests from the Pantheon]], but they try to be as fair as possible in setting up the matches.
** And you can do it too [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLOlKAHrl0y0BYppKsxS9XP5B3HREj8pqdOK73vx_ETpNVVg/viewform with this form]].
* A moral conundrum exists in that these are supposed to be fights to the death, yet they often [[GoodVersusGood pit heroic and virtuous characters who would not kill unless necessary against each other]] with the same fervor as they do [[EvilVersusEvil villainous characters who have no such qualms]]. This practice ''would be'' controversial... if not for the fact that their fights are by and large battle simulations. What usually happens is one of two things:
## The contestants actively partake in the simulation via one of Wiz's prearranged battlefields, so their "death" is automatically undone shortly after the fight is over; still, they do feel some residual pain from the event. This is usually what happens when you get two contestants who are both normally non-lethal fighters on the side of good, or already friends or allies of some sort.
## Some interns working for them capture footage of a ''real'' conflict and allow it to play out naturally, recording it for the sake of the hosts so they can adapt it through their automatic simulator as well as the proper authorities if need be. This is especially likely to be the case when the battles are good versus evil. On that note, they have two protocols depending on whether a killing blow is achieved.
### If the conflict ends fatally, it gets reported to both the Houses of Life and Death, who would then have to find and resurrect the loser, and the Court of the Gods, to potentially adopt a disciplinary resolution based on how the fight started. Per an agreement with the authorities, the hosts will wait until after these steps are taken before adapting and using the footage.
### If a clear winner emerges but leaves their opponent breathing, the simulator will identify said winner prior to that decision, allowing the hosts to cut it out of the footage if necessary, then create its own conclusion with a killing blow depicted so they can still put the battle in their catalog.
## Otherwise, simulations of the characters are used in a simulated environment, and the the video is broadcast like their other episodes. As a side effect, this may at least draw attention of the two "used" for the battle.
** Still, their champion, Fred Rogers, refuses to condone their actions in prolonging these "glorified gladiator games". Wiz and Boomstick for their part just ignore him. After all, putting him in the ring to fight is pointless, since he did ascend through the UltimateShowdownOfUltimateDestiny, which somehow makes him immune to this type of thing.
* Many consider their work in pitting Superman against Son Goku to be their earliest crowning achievement given that these were the ultimate iconic heroes of American and Japanese media. Though in a similar but more memetic vein, being able to orchestrate a fight between Chuck Norris and Segata Sanshiro [[spoiler:''recorded in advance as their means of ascension'']] gave that a run for its money from the moment it was even rumored.
* Despite being low in power, their authority is unmistakable; sometimes it seems as though nobody would dare argue with these guys when they go to drag a god into one of their controlled rings. There's usually a temporary power boost or small prize involved for the winner, they often take advantage of situations that are already there, and there are special properties to their work, but that doesn't fully explain it. Occasionally, however, this authority has been undermined or subverted, with Pinkie Pie and Deadpool being a unique example.
* Boomstick sometimes gets into trouble around the House. Link in particular isn't too happy he called him a fairy. Because of this, Kenshin is hoping that he is not called upon for any future Death Battles.
* Recently, Boomstick has been looking around the Houses of Pantheon/{{Weapons}} and Pantheon/TheGreatTreasury to look for weapons and such to add into a list of greatest weapons in video games.
** When he isn't busy with the above or his deific labor, Boomstick occasionally patrols the House of Pantheon/{{Music}} under the premise of "hunting annoying tween popstars". He wants to make ''damn'' certain that a particular "[[PersonaNonGrata musical]] [[Music/JustinBieber abomination]]" never gets inside.
** However, he gains the respect of the other Justin, one who's named Timberlake.
* [[Pantheon/{{Dragons}} Bowser]] has some hate for Wizard, who has once dissected one of his Goombas.
* Nobody could understand just how Boomstick can successfully compare '''Master Bison''' to '''Captain Planet''', of all people. He has earned Bison's eternal hate for that. No comment from Planet, though.
* When they had announced that they were bringing Godzilla in for a Death Battle against one of his followers, Gamera, '''everyone''' in the Pantheon looked in fear. To be fair, if a mad scientist college student and a perverted loudmouth trucker start telling everyone they can somehow corral two giant Kaiju into a controlled fight and somehow it won't end in disaster… yeah, nobody's buying that. Luckily, Teseo wanted to see it, so he used Hack the Planet to have the two connected into a digital city constructed by Wiz as they slept, effectively inducing the fight as a shared dream. [[spoiler:The King of the Monsters ultimately defended his title, overpowering the giant turtle.]] When Gamera later ascended with his own temple, Boomstick was quick to boast and take credit on his and Wiz's behalf.
* Nearly brought about the destruction of the Pantheon (again) during the Ragna vs. Sol battle [[spoiler:when the copy of Ragna they summoned to fight Sol lost control and transformed into the Black Beast during the battle. It was only by Sol using full Gear mode did they prevent a full-on catastrophe from happening, but Sol is exasperated at the fact that Boomstick believes he won only because "[[TooManyBelts he had more belts]]."]]
** After Dante ended up [[spoiler:being defeated by a white-coated super-clone of Ragna in under a minute]], Wiz and Boomstick have gone on record stating that they don't know how it happened. [[spoiler:Wiz's words in private seem to indicate that it was a test subject for the final battle that got scrapped, [[SuperPrototype but it got too powerful just to dispose of quietly]]. Rumor has it they're hiding him as a sort of bodyguard and [[GodzillaThreshold last-resort]] in case some gods or mortals start getting uppity about "unfair" results.]]
* After the results of the conflict between Yang and Tifa, Boomstick was spotted asking Team RWBY about real estate availability in Vale, preferably as close to the city wall's gate as possible. No word back about his potential retirement home.
* Wiz and Boomstick's fights, no matter the method, also seemingly tend to "level" the playing field by equalizing their opponents' capabilities to a degree, as well as bending them according to the team's research. This causes consternation when a contestant perceived to be weaker, or, more accurately, a contestant from a seemingly weaker franchise, manages to beat their rival from a stronger franchise. Take Bayonetta's Death Battle with Dante, for example. While its first point of notoriety came from the assistance of their allies Jeanne and Trish jumping in, the first time such a thing has ever been done… [[spoiler:Dante skewering Madama Butterfly before blowing up the Umbra Witch caused consternation with many of Bayonetta's supporters, including some of ''Death Battle''[='=]s behind the scenes researchers, who all claimed that Bayonetta was leagues stronger than Dante based on things such as the kind of threats they'd each faced. However, Dante's supporters would point out that his specialty is killing powerful demons and he has even defeated lords of hell -- exactly the kind of demons Bayonetta summons in her work -- and that Bayonetta's victories over Jubileus and Loptr came with help via tandem summons. Bayonetta, for her part, would sulk about how the hosts wouldn't let her go back and retrieve her specialized angel weapons before the fight.]]
* Pretty much everyone in the Pantheon "Oh'd" in surprise when they learned that Boomstick's dad is [[spoiler: [[WebAnimation/RedVsBlue Sarge]]]]. In hindsight, it made so much sense.
* In one of their latest Death Battles, they roped Deadpool back in for a fight, and this time pitted him against Pinkie Pie. [[spoiler:Much to their consternation, putting two fourth-wall breakers turned out to be a bad idea, since they decided to break out of the hosts' Greater God authority and screw them over and ended their battle with a party. Roping in the Merc With a Mouth on his birthday probably didn't help.]]
** After learning that a Cutie Mark is a "butt tattoo" you get when you find your special talent, Boomstick claims that he too got one, after waking up with a tattoo of a bottle booze crossed with two shotguns. When Wiz tried to point out that this is not what happened, he countered that booze and guns ''do'' define his life.
* When The Fullmetal Alchemist and The Last Airbender discovered that their first encounter got doctored into a Death Battle with [[spoiler:Aang killing Edward]], they were appropriately horrified. Both are clear good guys who value human life, yet still somehow got hot-tempered enough over petty noise that [[spoiler:Aang entered the Avatar State to defeat Ed. In the real version of events, Aang intended to subdue Ed by sealing off his alchemy temporarily, and even then was talked down by Katara and Alphonse arriving in the nick of time]]. Needless to say, after seeing that, none of the four are big fans, although [[spoiler:Wiz admitting Aang would hardly kill anyone in canon did at least leave him some saving grace with Katara]].
* Eventually took things to the next level with the Death Battle between Nightwing and Daredevil, where Wizard was able to forge a ''live-action simulation field'' for the contestants to fight in. Even Boomstick was thoroughly surprised at this new invention. [[spoiler:As for the results, it was deduced that Nightwing proved superior, even if only ''barely''.]]
* Apparently, [[HoYay Wiz has a crush on Prince Zuko, of all people.]] Zuko's not entirely comfortable with that.
* Boomstick really doesn't like [[Pantheon/BodyParts Goro,]] largely because the Shokan Prince reminds him of the four-armed man his ex-wife left him for. Goro has NoSympathy for Boomstick, stating that he doesn't deserve to have a wife if he wastes himself on booze and gluttony instead.
* Wiz: ''"It's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win [[TitleDrop a Death Battle!]]"''


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