Lancaster Eagle-Gazette from Lancaster, Ohio (2024)

BPW Club Plans Events To Mark National Business Women's Week Miss Barbara Ellen Baus Is Bride Of Michael K. Withem 8 THE EAGLE-GAZETTE Tues October 21, 1969 Sayre-Carncs Wedding Plans Arc Completed Lancaster will pay tribute to its working women the week of Oct. 19-26 as part of the nationwide observance of National Business Women's Week, calling attention to the contributions of America's 29 million working women, who now make up 37 percent of the total labor force and furnish many of its executives and supervisors. Proclamation By Mayor Mayor William E. Burt has issued a proclamation, setting aside National Business Women's Week and saying "The women in the United States in recent years have stepped to the forefront of American business and professional enterprises.

It is therefore on this 50th anniversary, only fitting, that the nation pause to pay tribute to the Business and Professional Woman of today." Initiated by the National Federation of BPW Clubs in 1928, this week spotlights the achievements of career women and their contributions to the national economy and social structure. Throughout the nation, more than 3,800 BPW Clubs and their 180,000 members represent the interests of all working women. The National Federation, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, has a history of developing leadership and supporting legislation to insure equal opportunity and recognition for working women. Plans Dinner Party Lancaster Club will mark this year National Business Wo- men's Week by having a dinner party 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.

22 at King Arthur's Steak House. John Gotherman Chief Council of Ohio Municipal League, Columbus will be guest speaker. Senator Clara Weisen-born Dayton, had to cancel her appearance here due to illness. Open house for members, pro spective members and guests will be held Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. William J. Hahn, 1445 Old Columbus Rd. N.W. Attend Meeting A group of Lancaster BPW Club members motored to Zanesville, Sunday to attend an all day meeting of District 11 held at Holiday Inn.

Joan Whitt. East Liverpool, BPW State Representative was guest speaker, talking on Retirement Vil lages. Attending were Mrs. Wayne Ellis, Mrs. Boyd Lee, Mrs.

Harold Westhoven, Miss Mignon Hummel, Mrs. Donald Moore, Mrs. Raymond Fricker. and Mrs. James T.

Fraley. Several of the group were among those winning special awards given out at the meeting. -hi? Miss Harvey Wed Richard Mr. and Mrs. Abe Harvey, 3730 Country Club Rt.

2 Lancaster announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann to Richard Frederick Hyde II, son of Mrs. Joan Hyde, 202 Reber Lancaster and James Hyde, Somerford Square, Lancaster. Miss Harvey is a graduate of Lancaster High School, Class of 1969. Mr. Hyde is also a graduate of Lancaster High School Class of 1969 and has been employed at Anchor Hocking Corp.

Plant Two, prior to his enlistment in the United States Marine Corps. He will leave Nov. 3 for basic training at San Diego, Calif. A spring wedding is being planned. "Nudity is everywhere.

All the kick is eone out of it." Blaze Starr, "Queen of the Strippers," in an interview. I Custom Frames Made to order frames for photographs paintings pictures documents Osborne Studios Phone 654-3346 136 N. Columbus St. i i 1 Mrs. Michael Mrs.

Lawrence Young, Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kulka, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kulka, Mansfield, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Benua and Peter, Westerville, Mr. and Miss Patricia Ann Sayre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde 0.

Sayre, 245 Rainbow Dr. N.E. will become the bride of Milan G. Carnes, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Guilford Carnes, Rt. 1 Belle Cen-. ter, on November 1. Plans have been completed, for the open church ceremony which will be held in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev.

Edward' L. Winter officiating. David Bal-thaser will be organist. Miss Sayre has invited Miss Ann Skidmore to be her maid of ThePaxtonsAre Honored Sunday On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

Edward E. Paxton celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary, Sunday, Oct. 19 when they were honored at a family dinner in the home of their son James Paxton at Pickerington. The bride of 45 years ago is the former Grace McGonagle of New Lexington. Attending were their sons-in-law and daughters with their families, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank McCauley, children Jerry, Joan and Jule, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franks, children Mike, Kathy, Susie and Timmy, Mr. and Mrs.

Owen Lefebure, children Steve, Dianne, Larry, Donna and Karen, also their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. James Paxton and children Jennifer and Jimmy. A traditional wedding cake featured the dinner and a family portrait was taken. Mr.

and Mrs. Paxton reside at 1300 E. Wheeling Lancas-caster. Twig Members Tour Hospital, Plan Events Walter Stewart, administrator of Lancaster Fairfield County Hospital, conducted a guided tour of the hospital for members of Twig 16, Oct. 15 when they met at the institution.

Later the business portion of the evening was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Betz. A report of Inter-Twig meeting was given and a constitutional change was discussed. Plans for the second annual style show were considered and final preparations made for the October doughnut sale. November meeting will be at the home of Mrs.

Tim Hall with Miss Marilyn Piazza as co-hostess. SKATING PARTY The Y-Ettes Baton Corps of Lancaster YWCA will hold a skating party at the Amanda Roller Rink, Friday, Nov. 7 from 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. The affair is open to the public.

Lillian Edwards is the president of the Y-Ettes Corps. Engaged To F. Hyde II Miss Ruth Ann Harvey OF ANOTHER LOSE GAIN INCHES I -1 1 ADMIRATION Arrangements of white gladiolus, yellow Fugii mums and blue daisies in gold altar vases accented the beauty of the hand carved altar in First United Methodist Church, Saturday Oct. 11 for the wedding of Miss Barbara Ellen Baus and Michael Kent Withem. Seven branch candelabra flanked the altar and white satin pew bows provided an additional detail.

Dr. George W. Herd officiated at the double ring ceremony at 6:30 in the evening. Mrs. Vaneta Justus was organist, playing Wedding Carillon, Brahm's Chorale, Berceuse from Jocelyn, Traumerei, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and 0 Perfect Love.

Mrs. John S. Young, aunt of the bride, sang 0 Promise Me, The Wedding Prayer and The Lord's Prayer. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert M. Baus, 822 Medill and Mr. Withem is the son of Roy Withem, Madison and the late Mrs. Withem. Bride Wears Satin For her wedding day, the bride selected an A-line gown of white bridal satin, designed with jewel neckline and short sleeves.

An inverted pleat and a Dior bow accented the back. Her mother made the gown and also that of her sister, Miss Susan Baus, who served as junior bridesmaid. The bride had a shoulder length veil, which fell gracefully from a silk flowered headpiece accented with pearl stamens. She carried a round bouquet of large white chrysanthemums and her Rainbow for Girls Bible, within which she tucked a silk handkerchief (something old) which her late grandfather William E. Young had brought from Paris during World War I.

Attendants In Blue Miss Margaret Hite as maid of honor was in a blue taffeta gown, fashioned on princess lines' with jewel neckline and short sleeves. A royal blue velvet bow with streamers, which fell to the hemline enhanced the gown. Miss Baus was similarly attired and both attendants wore royal blue bows in their hair. Each carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, tied with bows of royal blue ribbon. Their gifts from the bride were white gloves and wedding charms.

Roger Withem was best man for his brother and guests were seated by James Gregory, Michael Young, Irwin, Pa. cousin of the bride and Robert E. Baus, her brother. Reception At Church Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the church parlor with Miss Cindy Love, Mrs. Mike Smith and Miss Diana Thrash as hostesses.

Miss Lynn Calvert presided at the guest book. The table was centered with a four tier wedding cake, trimmed in blue and topped with bride and bridegroom figurines. Lighted flowers wreathed the cake, which was made by Mrs. Cecil Loose, Canton, cousin of the bride. Tall white tapers added to appointments.

After a short wedding trip, the new Mr. and Mrs. Withem established their home on N. Maple St. Mrs.

Withem is a graduate of Lancaster High School, Class of 1968, and is associated with Central Supply Department of Lancaster Fairfield County Hospital. Mr. Withem attended Berne Union High School and is employed with Standard Oil Company. Coming from out of the city for the wedding and reception were Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Buehler, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Loose, Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Withem and Miss Peggy Withem, Columbus, Mr.

and Grand Opening -it: Kent Withem Mrs. William E. Young, son Michael and daughter Linda, Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Withem, Mrs.

H. F. Kelsey and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hilyard, Bremen.

Mayor and Mrs. William E. Burt, Joseph Deeds, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Potts, James O.

Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jacks, Miss Edith Spangler, Mr.

and Mrs. George Williams, Raymond Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamm, Lancaster; Harold Keller, Miss Annabel Keller and Miss Florence Keller, Pleasantville, Mayor Lester George and Mrs. George, South Bloomfield, Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Richardson, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs.

Mason Young, Circleville, Mr. and Mrs. William Sayers, Logan and Mr. and Mrs. William Monks, Nelson-ville.

Mr. Deeds is Superintendent of City Water Department, an office he has held for a number of years. He and his wife reside at 811 E. Chestnut St. Golden Wedding Time For the Earnest Deeds honor with Miss Debbie Calvert and Miss Carol Kauffman to be bridesmaids.

William Stokes, Belle Center, will be best man for Mr. Carnes and ushers will be Mike Sayre, Miles Payton, Raymond Prater and Harold Lowery. A reception will follow at the Holiday Inn, with Miss Jhan Cunningham, Miss Wendy Wright, Miss Penne Boggess, Miss Vickie Smith as hostesses. Miss Sue Samuelson will preside at the guest book. Church Society Monthly Meeting At Skinner Home Ray Skinner, was hostess for the Thursday afternoon meeting of the Dumont-ville United Methodist Church.

Mrs. Porter Brown presided for the meeting, which opened with devotions and prayer. The ways and means committee conducted a bake sale and members will be distributing candy in the near future. Mrs. Ralph Ballmer gave a report on Call to Prayer and Self Denial, also a review from The Quiet Day, entitled "She Shall be Called Woman." A col-' lection was taken for this project.

Miss Helen Kent spoke on the Lost Coin, giving it in story form. Ten members answered roll call and there were three guests. Lunch was served by the hostess. Garden Club Makes Plans In Millersport Plans for future activities were discussed when the Mil lersport Garden Club members held the October meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Dawson.

In the absence of the president, Mrs. Dawson presided. Planting tulip bulbs and mums in the Triangle on Refu gee Road was considered by the group. This, members believe, would add color and beauty to that area in both spring and fall. Plans for the yearly commu nity Christmas decorations are being completed.

Mrs. Marilyn Pierce is chairman of this project. It was reported that the club won eight blue ribbons and three white ribbons at the Flower Show held in connection with the Lancaster Fair. A covered dish lunch was served to six members. The next meeting will be held at the home of the president, Mrs.

Rose Mary Grube, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. SUPPER AT CAMP GROUND The Methodist Men of The United Methodist Camp Ground will sponsor a sausage and pancake supper Saturday, Oct. 25. Serving will be from 4 to 7 p.m.

The public is invited to attend. Lancaster -7zri If i 4 1 'a For Your NEW FIGUR CALL NOW BUCKEVE mRRT FOR YOUR FIGURE CONSULTATION Mr. and Mrs. Earnest D. Deeds, were honored Saturday at a dinner party in Kane's Party Room.

The occasion marked the golden wedding anniversary of the celebrants. The Deeds were married 50 years ago on Saturday, Oct. 18 in St. Peter's Lutheran Church by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Sit-terly.

Attending the affair were Violet Belles Name Officers For New Year The Violet Belles, Auxiliary to the Violet Township Volunteer Firemen met recently at the Firehouse. Mrs. Russell Huntwork gave the devotions. Matters of importance to the group were discussed during the business meeting. New officers for the year include Mrs.

Clark Vandemark, president; Mrs, William Spears, vice president; Mrs. Jack McMunn, secretary and Mrs. Huntwork, treasurer. In the later evening, refresh ments were served by hostess es Mrs. McMunn and Mrs, Huntwork.

eanevS LOOK! BEAUTIFUL LARGE 8x10 LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT 5 i jvV NO CHARGE! NO OBLIGATION! Let 0mui Qujuiz batons. Show you the EASY-FUN way to a more GLAMOROUS figure today. 2 II SPECIAL FULL LENGTH er BUST VIGNETTE AS FALL BRINGS THE BRIGHT HUES TO THE WOODLANDS SO OUR EXPERT FASHION DRY CLEANING BRIGHTENS YOUR GARMENTS AND ADDS MONTHS OF LASTING BEAUTY Raid your closet today let us get you ready for ivinter! phone 653-5588 for pick up today GRAND OPENING OFFER plus 50c handling and wrapping ONLY $(0100 LARGE SELECTION OF PROOFS TO CHOOSE FROM NO AGE LIMIT ONE PORTRAIT PER CHILD TWO PORTRAITS PER FAMILY GROUPS ON APPROVAL Complete 3 month course While Phone OPEN 9 701 per month last 5892 Fri. the first 50 plans NOW 654 a.m. Vo 9 p.m.

Mon. thru 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. E.

MAIN STREET LANCASTER. OHIO Jadli C7 non Wednesday, October 22 Thursday, October 23 12 Noon to 8 p.m. 121 N. Men orial Drive DATE: HOURS: LOCATION: Plaza Shopping Center.

Lancaster Eagle-Gazette from Lancaster, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.