The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SOCIAL THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1943 Round Tables Feature Meeting Three Groups' Plan Discussions Tuesday Morning The Western Massachusetts Women's Club will have three round table discussions' next Tuesday. The art committee, under the chairmanship of Mrs. John O' Brien. with Mrs. E.

J. La Liberte, vice-chairman, will present a program at the George Walter Vincent art gallery At 10.30 in the morning. Motion pictures of the shown. "An illustrated talk on jade museum's work, with children will he will also be presented and an exhibit of jade will be shown. The industry committee will meet.

at the Hotel Kimball at 10.30. Mrs. G. Walter Fisk is chairman and Mrs. K.

Elwell is- vice-chairman of the committee. Mrs. Robert Fuller. member of the special research committee of the Council of Social Agencies, will speak on the social needs of Negroes in Springfield. This talk is founded on survey of various committees studying the problem in this city.

Mrs. F. J. Hickox will speak on the Springfield Trade School and its work in preparing women for Industry. The committee on legislation, headed by Mrs.

Ruby C. Iancton an and Mrs. Ralph Tyler, will meet at the Hotel Kimball: at noon in connection with the luncheon scheduled at that time. Several bills in Which the state federation of women's clubs is interested, will be discussed. Among the bills to be brought up are the eradication of ragweed, improvement of jury service, the amendment to the Constitution providing for absentee ballots for shut-ins and valids, the safety bill suggested by the governor, the equal rights bill.

child Gelinquency, and the elimination of Americanization classes at night school. Hope Church Guild Will Hear Speaker Miss Dorothy Stevens, representative of the Baptist Board of Foreign who has had broad experience in Mexico and South America, will be the speaker at the meeting of love Guild Friday afternoon at 2 in the Hope Church Community House. Miss Stevens will speak on "The rini of the Caribbean." Any church women interested will be welCollie to hear Miss Stevens. The Guild meeting will open at 10 Friday morning with a sewing period under the direction of Mrs. ().

R. C'ongdon. Luncheon will he served by the Merrikru group at 12.30 and there will he a food sale conducted by the Narsova group. Following Miss Steven's talk. tea will he served.

Mrs. Alfred Messner is chairman of tea and she will be assisted by the Fireside group. Anthony Roswell Spiehler. of University Heights. N.

has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Betty Alma Spiehler, to Thomas P. Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fowler, of this city and Merrick, Long Island.

Miss Spiehler WAS graduated from Barnard School and senior at Wellesley College. Mr. Fowler. an alumnus of Barnard School. will be graduated Thursday from Williams College.

He is a menber of the Purple Key, Delta I'hi and the Enlisted Naval Reserve. Jiffy-Knit tion of stitches; list of materials needed. To obtain this pattern send ELEV. EN CENTS in coins to The Springfield Union. Household Arts 259 W.

11th Street, New York. Y. plainly NAME. ADDRESS and PATTERN NUMBER. 7412 By Alive Brooks wear knitted jacket is vital item in a girl's wardrobe.

Make this jaunty style of rug cotton or knitting worsted. You'll like its rihbed-effect pattern stitch, patch pockets, young neckline. Pattern 7412 contains instructions for jacket in sizes 12-11: illustra- Why thousands of Doctors prescribed PERTUSSIN FOR BAD COUGHS (CAUSED BY COLDS) For years -thousands upon thousands of Doctors have prescribed Pertussin to promptly relieve bronchial, croupy and night coughs due to colds. is the same effective yet inexpensive Pertussin you can get today from your drugstore. Pertussin-a famous herbal remedy is scientifically prepared to work internally.

It acts at once. It not only relieves your coughing spell, but also loosens sticky phlegm and makes it easier to raise. Pertussin is safe and mighty; fective for. both old. and young even amau children.

Get to-dayl: 1 F. SOCIAL 19 Johnathan Birnie To Receive Degree Son of Springfield Physician in Williams Class Johnathan Birnie, son of Dr. and Airs. John M. Birnie of Atwater Ter.

rare. is among the members of the senior class at Williams Colleze, who will be graduated tenorrow. Mr. rnie. who enlisted in the V- classification of the 'United States Naval Reserve.

will return home to await call to service. He was graduated from Classical High School before entering college. Dr. and Mrs. Birnio ill have with them for the week enl their daughter.

Miss Joan Birnic, A student at Simmons College. who will havo 2 her guests, Mix- Barbara Macintyre of W'orcester and Miss Sally Dorsey of Vermont, college class. mates. door. Dre.

Irving La Fleur chair. man in charge of arrangements. It. Elizabeth Trice. who 13 in charge of the wild office.

"here. will he guest speaker at the ruary meeting of the Catholic Junior League. which will take place Monevening in the Catholic Women's Club house. Miss Betty Moran chairman for the meeting -and other members of the committee include Miss Mary Lyons. Miss Betty Prorie.

Miss Jacqueline Damon. Miss Betty Leary and Miss thryn Linnehan. party under the direction of the ways and means committee of the Glenwood Parent Teacher Asso. ciation will he hold at tho school Thursday Afternoon at 1.30. Table and door prizes will he awarded.

Amission tickets may he obtained! at the Betty. Crocker suggests: ARE IRREGULAR MEALS difficulty at your house? Here's a light supper menti built-to-order for your needs. Each item chosen because it can be quickly prepared, or "held Vegetable Noodle Soup Toasted Rolls Cottage Cheese with Green Peppers Chilled Carrot Strips Fruit Gelatin Cookies Soup Gives a Your war workers, leaving for that job on the night shift, or coming home tired from a day's work, will appreciate a bowl of tasty hot soup. My staff and I suggest the delicious soup made with product, called "Betty Crocker Vegetable Noodle Soup EASY ON YOU! Your soupmaking job is when you use this helpful product. You just empty the carton boiling water add a little butter then simmer it.

SEVEN VEGETABLES, in flake form, in this soup--tomatoes, carrots, celery, onions, spinach, sweet bell peppers, parsley- picked and dehydrated (moisture removed). Also there are choice herbs and spices, and rich, nourishing egg noodles. And I Mean GOOD! Your soup is temptingly fragrant, brimming with flaror and zest. Fresh -cooked in your own kitchen. (It's not warmed -over soup.

No reheated. Do try this new product. Betty Crocker 3 SERVINGS FROM EVERY PACKAGE Made by General Mills. Minneapolis. Minn.

Betty Crocker" is a registered trade mark General Mills, Inc Hear Betty Crocker's Cooking Talks each Friday at 2:45 P. M. over WBZA AMONG F'orbes Wallace Photo MISS BETTY MORAN Chairman for the monthly mecting of the Catholic Junior League which will take place Monday evening in the Catholic Women's Club House. Lt. Elizabeth Price of the WAAC will be the guest Miss Anita Cote is chairman ticket committee and secretary of the Dance Club.

which will dance give the its first annual semiformal at YMCA gymnasium. Friday evening. from 9 to 1. Billy Vincent's Band will play for the dancing. A special enter.

tainment at the beginning of tho dance is being arranged by Miss Betty Reilly. president of the club and pral chairman of tho dance committee. 'The dance club ha. been holding weekly dances at the 011 Friday evenings for service men and young people during the past with over 200 young people attending weekly. Others 01 the general committee assisting Ale Ted Small.

Ritt tote, twin sister of the dance ticket Ken Lewis, Michael Marino. Shepard. Evelyn Symington, Ethel Symington. Nicholas Pinto. Gilbert Hesnick and Harold Dion.

Young people or service men desiring tickets may obtain them from any of the above committee or Lindsoy 11. ('hilson. membership secretary at the YMCA and club advisor. The Chicopee Unitarian Guild Alliwill have its monthly, meeting Friday afternoon at 2.13 in the homie of Mrs. Nelson B.

Carter of Chapin Street. Chicopee. Miss Cornell of the Chicopee Red Cross will be guest speaker. Hostesses will be Mrs. Car ter.

Mrs. Allen Lorimer and Mrs. Lynn Hamlin. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Keller of Thompsonville. announce the coming marriage of their daughter. Anita Elizabeth. to Francis Youngjohns, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Youngiohns of River Boulevard, Suffield. The marriage will take plane Feb. 22 in St. Patrick's Church. Thompsonville.

Miss Keller is in the employ of the J. C. Penney Company. Mr. Youngiohns is employe! by the Varsity Manufacturing Company in this city.

Prank Herbert. was horn Jan. 28. in Wesson Maternity pital to Mr. and Mrs.

IV. 0. Lippman Dartmonth Street. Mrs. Lippman is the former Mildred Sampson.

diaughter tiporge P. Dickinson Street. Dance at YMCA Planned by Club Red Cross Calendar WEDNESDAY Sewing distribution, 10 a. m. to p.

garment production, inspection and sewing committees, 10 a. m. to 4 p. garment production auxiliary, unit, sewing distribution, Republican (lub, 1653 Main Street. open to the public, 10 a.

m. to 4 p. Church, Court auxiliary Square, sewing, m. open to the puhlic: Methodist Church. State Street, sewing distribution.

10 a. 3 p. open to the public: auxiliary sewing, Emmanuel Church, 10 a. m. to 3.

p. open to the public; East Spring. field branch, Community House, sewing distribution, 9 m. to 5 p. open to public; sewing iliary, Beth El Temple, 10 a.

m. to 4. p. Literary Forum, Sinai Temple, 10 a. m.

to 1 p. sewing KNOW THAT NOBODY WILL HAIR IS TINTED! YOUR GRAY Your Hairdresser Rap I knows Dol will from give MAP-1-DOL LOOKING GIVES IT APPEARANCE! SUCH A Your perience hair -that a that Rap-I-Dol natural-looking will perfectly ance shade of your hairof Gray Hair is ex- match the true keep hair ceeded The aged only look by the tragedy discol- of that beautifully Rap-I-Dol will lustrous, sparklingly by the use of in- high lighted, delightfully in 15 streaked or ored hair, caused Don't let it happen to Applied rub easily off--does not attect terior tints. to keep this your own utes--cannot Accept no subyou! Be sure Now it's easy to hide your your favorite Beauty personal marvelously, successfully. stitute! Ask at Gray Hair Shop, today! with Rap-I-Dol. AT ALL BEAUTY SHOPS General G.

Wholesale SHAKOUR CO. Distributor: Springfield, Mass. 13 Broadway, Phone (CAUTION: on Use label) only as directed i 6 The SHAMPOO TINT A FOUR- STAR BEAUTY AID DISTRIBUTED BY DISTRIBUTING NEW. YORK. N.

Y. big I ACTIVE IN Bosworth Photo MISS ANITA COTE Chairman of the ticket committee for the annual semiformal dance of the Club, which will be an event of Friday evening at the YMCA. Billy Vincent's Band will play from 9 to 1. Service men are invited. Club Calendar TODAY Hope Congregational Church Guild: 10 a.

Red Cross Sewing; 2 p. Executive board meeting. Ashleyville Woman's Club: Mrs. Walter Pierce, Riverdale Street. Springfield Women's 2.30 p.

joint meeting Longmeadow Woman's Club, Technical High School. Springfield League for the Hard of Hearing: 2 p. lip reading. clubrooms. E.

K. Wilcox Women's Relief 8 p. GAR Hall. Hope Church groups: Proanbus Club: 7.15 p. guild room; group, Mrs.

Jesse M. Reed, Carlisle Street: 10 a. Red Cross work, guild room. Regional Meeting of Wesley Church: 7.15 p. Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Hastings, Belleclaire Avenue. Longmeadow.

Mercy Hospital Guild: 1.30 p. dessert bridge, Nurses Home. Connecticut Valley Chapter. France forever: 8.15 p. French Film, Museum of Fine Arts.

Women Workers Wachogue Church: Mrs. Gunnar Halls, Abbott Street. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge: 8.13 p. Community Hall, Dickinson Street. Springfield Lodge, Degree of Honor Protective Association, 9.45 p.

clubrooms. Mr. and Drs. Alfred l'ope of Street, announce the engage. inent of their daughter.

Jeannette Christine, to Sgt. Walter John Gutkowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gutkowski of Thompsonville. No date has been set for the wedding.

Miss Pope was born in Springfield and is a graduate of the High School Commerce. She is employed by the Eastern States Farmers F- change. Mr. Gutkowsky is stationed Ft. Knox, Ky.

The Chicopee Falls 'Woman's Club will have a guest meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2.13 at the Methodist Church. Chicopee Pills. Mrs. Carl King, president, will preside 1 the business session. Miss Althea De.

light Clark will he the guest speaker. lier talk will take the place of the drama which wax to have boon presonted by the drama committee of the club. Mrs. Albert 'ivett will be the guest speaker at the meeting of Forest Park Mothers' Club neXt Wednesday. The subject of her talk will be "Brazil." The meeting will he held in the home of Dirs.

M. Schenek of Northampton Avenue. Miss Alice I. Halligan, teacher of adult education in the public schools will speak 01 "Aptitude tests," at the meeting of the Trinity Child Study Club next Tuesday. Mrs.

George Gorrod is in charge of the meeting. Miss Dorothy M. Berinstein And Harold Bailey, both of Springfield. and students at the Massachusetts College of I'harmacy in Boston, were on the committee in charge 00 the hour of recorded music held in the Sheppard Library at the College terday afternoon, with seniors as special guests. The music afternoon WAS held under the auspices of the Shenpard Library and the Student Council.

Mrs. Russell 1. ('hago will speak On "The struggle for democracy in. at the meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club next Thursday in the Church of the Unity. New under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration ARAD 1.

Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right atter shaving.

3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream.

5. Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Launder. ing tor being harmless to fabric. Arrid is the deodorant largest selling a jar Also in 106 and 594 jars ARRID Engaged MISS DOROTHY CARLSON Mrs. Delia Carlson of Quincy Street announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Dorothy E.

Carlson, and Charles B. Berg, son of Mrs. Marthine Berg of Malden Street. Miss Carlson was graduated from the High School of Commerce and Mr. Berg from Technical High School.

Both are employed in the East Longmeadow plant of the Pratt Whitney Co. Miss Elizabeth Lagarias, daughter of Sotirious lagarias of Buffalo, N. will become the bride of Michael Paul Pagos, son of Mr. and Mrs. l'aul Thomas Lagos of Beauchamp Street.

Friday morning at 9 o'clock in St. George's Memorial Church. Rev. Joseph Xanthopoulos will perform the double ring ceremony. Paul Samson will sing and Stamos Zades will play the wedding music.

Miss Frances Lagarias, sister of the bride-to-be. will be the maid of honor. Dr. Nicholas Iliopoulos will serve as best man. Following the ceremony there will be a reception at the Hotel Kimball for members of the immediate family.

The couple will leave on a wedding trip and on their return, will live in Mr. l'agos is a graduate of Classical Springfield. Iligh School and Springfield College. He is physical director at the Springfield Boys Club. Out-of-town guests at the wedding will come from Buffalo, Rochester and Boston.

The annual father and son banquet given each year by Union Church Lincoln's is scheduled to take place on birthday. A social party for the senior of people will he an event young Saturday evening. Feb. 13. A Valentine dance is announced by the Senior High Society of Faith Church to take place Friday evening of next in the parish house.

George Wolfert is general chairman. the Tickets 1118 be obtained from Elizabeth Lagarias To Wed M. P. Pagos members. Budget Menu Molly M.

Higgins Associate Home Demonstration Agent Breakfast Apple Sauce French Toast Coffee Milk Luncheon Stewed Tomatoes on Toast Cottage Salad Oatmeal Cookies Cocoa Dinner Baked with Egg Delmonico Potatoes Mixed Green Salad Apple Brown Betty Tea Milk Baked Whiting Allow fish to stand for minutes in A solution of cup salt and quart cold water. Dry fish and brush with cooking oil after slitting skin 111 several places. Lay 2 strips of bacon in greased baking pan. Stuff fish full to allow for expansion. tie with string and place on strips of bacon.

Lay 2 strips of bacon on fish. Bake 10 minutes in very hot oven 500 degrees -lower temperature to 400 degrees and bake 10 minutes. Serve piping hot. Egg Sauce 2 tablespoons butter. 2 tablespoons flour, 1 hot milk, teaspoon salt.

few grains pepper. Melt butter in saucepan, add flour mixed with seasonings, and stir until well blended. Add hot milk gradually. while stirring occasionally. Bring to boiling point.

Add finely chopped yolks of eggs cooked hard. to white sauce. CLEARAWAY SALE GROUP OF 75 I Better Dresses formerly to $16.99 REDUCED TO SIZES The Bridals Shop 1249 MAIN ST. Dannals Marries Corporal 3 Weds Albert J. Garneau in Westover Chapel Wearing a moss green suit with brown accessories and a corsage (f brown orchids, Miss Barbara Dannals.

daughter of Mrs. Horton Dannals of Massachusetts Avenue, became the bride of Corp. Albert J. Garneau of Laconia, N. H.

The wedding took place in the Westover. Field Chapol with Army Chaplain McDwyer officiating. Miss Marion Sandheck of Lebanon Street was maid honor. She wore a green suit with beige accessories. Mrs.

Dannals, mother of the bride, wore a purple dress and hat with a corsage of roses and gardenias. Alson Baker, the bride's uncle, was best man. Following wedding, a reception was held at the bride's home, for members of the immediate family. As her going away costume, the bride wore a tweed cont over her green suit. The couple will live in Baltimore on their return from the wedding trip.

Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs: Horton Freeman of Mrs. Clifton Cota of Winchester, N. H. and Bliss Nancy Dannals of Philadelphia. The bride is a graduate of the High School of Commerce and was enployed as cashier by the A Co.

Mr. Garneau WAS graduated from Laconia High School and has. been in the Army for the last six years. He is stationed in Baltimore. Dr.

Bradley Talks To Club Feb. 10 Dr. Bernard Beatley, president of Simmons College. will he the guest speaker at the meeting of the College Club Wednesday afternoon, Feh. 10.

The meeting will take place at the Springfield Women's Club house in Spring Street. Dr. Beatler has chosen as his subject, "The American College in a changing era." Mrs. Charles A. Campbell is chairman of arrangements for the meeting.

Tea will be served prior to the lecture. Dr. Beatley has been president of Simmons since 1933. Before that, he taught education at Harvard College. As head of the college, Dr.

Beatley has emphasized the importance of cultural background in a quasi-rocational school. The Women's Benevolent Socicty of the First Congregational Church of Longmeadow, will meet Friday, Feh. 12. Miss Helen Frances Smith will talk on "Work in our country." Mrs. Russell Dale will be in charge of devotions.

Mrs. F. J. Hickox will speak on "Current books" at a meeting of the Springfield District Women's Republican Club scheduled to take place Thursday of next week. The meeting will be in the Republican Club headquarters in Main Street.

Miss Elizabeth Gilchrist, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist of Atwater Terrace.

recently received a certificate for. the completion of an emergency course in typing at Bradford Junior College, Bradford. The Review Club of Springfield will meet Monday afternoon in the home of Airs. Norman Wanegar of Valentine Street. Mrs.

Sidney Law will review the book, "Faraway," by J. B. T'riestley. Frederick S. Conlin will speak on "Land of tomorrow," at the meeting of the Longmeadow Maternal Association at 2.15 next Tuesday afternoon in the Longmeadow Community House.

Music and tea will follow. Mrs. Edward Sylvester of Millbrook. N. and small son, Jay, are guests of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Burnham of Arch Street. Doesn't it seem more sensible? ALLVEGETABLE In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no mincrals, no phenol derivatives.

NR Tablets are different -act different. Purely vegetable-a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of I NR's have proved. Get a Convincer Box. Larger economy sizes, too.

VEGETABLE Remedy CANDY Natures AR COATED or REGULAR! NA TO GAT ALRISAT Sorority to Have Cultural Program Frederick S. Conlin to Speak to Iota Chapter 4. The Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma I'hi Sorority will have a citywide cultural program next Wednesday evening in the Hotel Kimball. The meeting will take place at 7.15. Frederick S.

Conlin, professor of English at the State Teachers College in Westfield, will be the guest speaker. His topic will he "Biographies'. Following the speech, refreshments will be served. Mrs. Raymond Hendrickson.

prosident of the city council of the soror ity. and Miss Betty Fox, vice. president, will be in charge of arrangements for the meeting. Assisting the chairmen are MI's. William Shevock and Miss Marjorie Bean, who are serving on the refreshment committee.

1 Miss Florence Dorward. nutrition specialist, will be guest speaker at the meeting of the Tatham W'om. en's Club next Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Irving H.

Small will be the hosteSS. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy O. Page of Dotroit, formerly of this city, Are the parents of A.

sOn, born Feb. 1 in the Women's Hospital. Detroit. The baby is a grandson of Mrs. Goldie Huntress of Springfield and also of Frank J'aze of West Springfield.

Bachrach Photo MISS ALTHEA D. CLARK Will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Chicopee Falls Womna's Club tomorrow afternoon in the Methodist Church there. Mrs. Carl T. King, president, will.

conduct the meeting. George W. Kuralt of Wilbraham Road announces the engagement vi his daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth, 10 Alexander J. Macleod of Woodside Terrace. No date has been set for the wedding.

Miss Kuralt is a graduate of the High School of Commerce and Bay Path Institute. She is employed by the American Mutual Insurance Company. Mr. Macleod is A graduate of Northeastern School of Accounting and is employed hy the J. Stevens Arms Company in Chicopee.

Charlotte Kuralt Engaged to Wed Marguerite Sears To Marry Feb. 22 Miss Marguerite Marie Sears. daughter of Mrs. Julia Sears of Nottingham Street, will become the bride of Robert James Syner, son of Mr. and Drs.

Joseph Syner of land Street, Monday. Feb. o'clock. The wedding will take place in Our Lady of Hope Church. Rev.

Morris Martin officiating at the single ring service. Mrs. Edward N. Kelly of Chicago, sister of the bride-to-be, will be matron of honor. George Flanagan of Albemarle Street will serve as best man.

A reception at the Hotel Highland for about 7.6 guests will follow the ceremony. The couple will leave on 1 wedding trip. and on their return, will make their home in Nottingham Street. Miss Sears was born in Holyoke and is graduate of Holyoke High School. attended the Springfield Civil Service School.

At present she is in business with her mother. Mr. Syner was born in Springfield and is a graduate of Cathedral High School. He attended Northeastern U'niversity and is employed by the Gilbert Barker Manufacturing Company. -town guests at the wedding will come from Holyoke.

Worcester, Fasthampton, Detroit, Newark, N. New York City, Chicago, Hartford. and N. Y. Useful Style 4335 By Anne Adams By Anne Adams One of the smartest of the popuJar two piece styles is this good look.

in- Anne Adams l'attern, 1335. It's 4rin, well cut, YOUNG! The short or long sleeved jacket may be trimmed with top-stitching for style emphasis: The skirt has nice case in two pleats at either side- front. Try striped or plaid cotton fabric. l'attern 4335 is available in misses' sizes 12. 14.

16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes varda 35-inch. Send SINTEEN CENTS in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER.

Get ready for Spring with the aid of our new Pattern. Book! This! sewing gulde to thrift and style in-! eludes a FREE Dickey Pattern printed right the book. Smart suits, frocks and ensembles are shown. tern ten cents. Send order to The Springfield U'n Pattern.

Department. 243 Wes: lith Street, New -York, VALENTINES For Service Men and Every Member of the Family The largest and finest assortment in towr a Valentine for every. body Valentines little Valentines humorous, sentimental simple or elaborate make your choice early this year. HARVEY LEWIS CO. GUILD OPTICIANS 1503 MAIN ST.

A 4. You Will Have Style with Comfort in a CHARIS FOUNDATION Priced $6.95 to $13.95 The only garment sold with 30-DAY MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE 1490 Main St. Suite 511 Evenings by Appointment TEL. 3-7388 TASTY HOME-MADE LEMON PIE MEN 60 FOR EASY Mix contents of Fine one RECIPE: with Lemon 212 Pic cups Filling water. 2 or 3 tablespoons sugar and 2 slightly beaten egg yolks.

Cook over low flame until mixture starts to boil and capsule breaks. Cool slightly, pour into 8-inch baked pie shell, top with meringue and bake until brown. 4 OTHER MY-T-FINE DESSERTS CHOCOLATE NUT CHOCOLATE BUTTERSCOTCH VANILLA BE RARIN' TO GO Tomorrow MILK TAKE PHILLIPS' Tonight Do YOU WAKE UP: in the morning more tired than when you went to bed? Then next time you eat too much, or stay up late smoking and drinking, take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia at bedtime. You'll wake up feeling full of pep be- -PHILLIPS cause Phillips' does more than merely neutral- OF ize excess acidity--it finishes the job by acting MAGNESIA AS a gentle laxative. An ideal laxative-antacid.

Read directions on package and take as directed thereon or as prescribed by your physician. ONLY 25c AT ANY DRUGSTORE AL.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.