National Lampoon's Vacation - Wikiquote (2024)

National Lampoon's Vacation is a 1983 film about the Griswold family's cross-country drive to the WallyWorld theme park that proves to be much more arduous than they ever anticipated.

Directed by Harold Ramis. Written by John Hughes, based on his short story Vacation '58.

Every summer, Chevy Chase takes his family on a little trip. This year, he went too far.


  • 1 Dialogue
  • 2 Taglines
  • 3 Cast
  • 4 External links



[Clark, Rusty, and Ed the car salesman are looking over the Wagon Queen Family Truckster]
Rusty: Dad, this is not the car you ordered!
Clark: Take it easy, Russ. See, Ed, uh... this is not the car I ordered. I distinctly ordered the, uh, Antarctic Blue Super Sports Wagon with the C.B. and the optional rally fun pack.
Ed: You didn't order the, uh, Metallic Pea?
Clark: Metallic Pea? No, Antarctic Blue! The Sports Wagon! This isn't even the right model!
Ed: You know, I think you're right. I don't think this is the car. This is the new Wagon Queen Family Truckster. This is a... this is a damn fine automobile, if you want my honest opinion. Beats the hell out of the Sports Wagon, but... I want to make you happy, huh? Davenport! [to Clark] I'll get to the bottom of this.
Davenport: Yes, Mr. Ed.
Ed: Mr. Griswold ordered a blue Sports Wagon. Where is it?
Davenport: I don't know, sir. [walks away]
Ed: I know what must have happened. It didn't come in.
Clark: Ed, I'm not your ordinary everyday fool, okay? Now I'd like my Antarctic Blue Super Sports Wagon right now, and if you can't get it for me, I'm gonna take my business elsewhere. Where's my old car?
[unbeknownst to him, the car is being crushed]
Ed: I'm just as upset as you are, believe me. Davenport! Get Mr. Griswold's car back and bring it back here! [to Clark] I can get you the wagon, there's no problem there. The problem is, it might take six weeks. Now, I owe it to myself to tell you, Mr. Griswold, that if you're thinking of taking the tribe cross-country, this is the automobile you should be using, the Wagon Queen Family Truckster. You think you hate it now, but wait 'til you drive it.
Clark: I don't want to drive it. I just want my old car back, okay? I'm not falling for this bit. No way. Let's go, Russ.
[the car is returned, flattened, and Clark tries to open the door]
Clark: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get back on the expressway?
Pimp: Hey f*ck yo mama!
Clark: Thank you very much.
Ellen: The next time you have one of your outbursts, I'd really appreciate it if you think about the consideration of our kids.
Clark: What are you talking about?
Ellen: You don't know? After everything that happened, you still don't get it?
Clark: I'm just trying to treat my family to a little fun.
Ellen: Oh spare me, Clark, I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us 1000 miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!
Ellen: Clark, let's just skip the house of mud. I think Dodge City was enough for one day. Besides, Catherine and Eddie are expecting us.
Clark: It's living history Ellen. But if you'd rather see your cousins it's okay by me. Personally I'd rather see a pile of mud than Eddie.
Ellen: Gee Cath look's like you really got your hands full.
Catherine: Oh, it's not so bad. Eddie says after the baby comes, I can quit one of my night jobs.
Cousin Eddie: How do you like yours, Clark?
Clark: Oh, medium rare, a little pink inside.
Cousin Eddie: No, I mean your bun. Light or dark?
Clark: Oh, either way, doesn’t matter. [noticing Vicki mixing Kool-Aid with her arm in the jar] Vicki can I help you with that Kool-Aid? Please?
[Vicki takes her arm out of the jar and Clark mixes with a spoon]
Cousin Eddie: I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don't you, Clark?
Clark: You're the gourmet around here, Ed! [to Ellen] No meat in this?
Ellen: You get plenty of meat at home. Be polite, have some ketchup.
Clark: [looking at raw tomato paste] Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?
Cousin Eddie: Oh, nothing but the best! Aunt Edna! Helper’s gettin’ cold!
Clark: [looking shocked] Is that your Aunt Edna?
Aunt Edna: You're the ones who sent me the fruitcake for Christmas. It made me so sick!
Ellen: Oh - we're sorry. We thought you enjoyed fruitcake.
Aunt Edna: Do you enjoy throwing up every five minutes Claude?
Clark: Clark.
Aunt Edna: I thought so. Whew! Well am I gonna eat, or am I gonna starve to death?
Cousin Eddie: I got laid off when they closed that asbestos factory, and wouldn't you know it, the army cuts my disability pension because they said that the plate in my head wasn't big enough.
Aunt Edna: Why don't you just ask him for the money, Eddie? He sure as hell can't take a hint.
Cousin Eddie: Well, I didn't want to ask you, Clark, you know, but could you maybe spare a little extra cash?
Clark: [pulling some 20s out of his wallet] Sure, Eddie, how much do you need?
Cousin Eddie: About fifty-two thousand dollars.
[Clark quickly begins putting the money back in his wallet]
Cousin Vicki: I'm going steady, and I French kiss.
Audrey: So, everybody does that.
Cousin Vicki: Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best at it.
[Audrey looks incredulously at Vicki]
Clark: Despite all the little problems it's fun isn't it?
Ellen: No. But with every new day there's fresh hope.
Ellen: I honestly don't think we're going to find the Grand Canyon on this road.
Clark: Jesus Christ, it's only the biggest goddamn hole in the world!!!
Aunt Edna: Clark, watch your language!
Clark: Make that the second biggest.
Motel Clerk: I'm sorry, sir. I can't accept this credit card. [hands Clark back his credit card]
Clark: Why not?
Motel Clerk: The computer says it's been reported lost.
Clark: Oh no, no, no. You see my wife lost her cards back in Colorado, I had to report it, and the computer is probably saying that I lost mine, which obviously, I haven't.
Motel Clerk: Well, you're going to have to straighten that out with your bank.
Clark: [takes out checkbook] Do you take personal checks?
Motel Clerk: For how much?
Clark: 300 dollars.
Motel Clerk: I can't do that, sir.
Clark: Look, I've lost all my cash, and we're on our way to California...
Motel Clerk: [unamused] Walley World?
Clark: Yeah. Walley World. And I am sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'd really appreciate it.
Motel Clerk: [sternly] Not without a major credit card.
Clark: I have $6.13 to my name, so I see we're going to have to work something out here between us.
Motel Clerk: [becoming more annoyed] Look, I've already told you, I can't accept a check without a major credit card.
Clark: I'm making this out for 1000 dollars. All you have to do is give me 300 dollars in cash, and keep the other 700... all for doing nothing more than acting like a total creep.
Motel Clerk: [glares at Clark angrily] The only thing I can do is let you stay here until the check clears; 10 working days! [a phone rings in the background, and the clerk walks off-screen to answer it. Clark bangs his fist on the desk in frustration, causing the cash register to open. After a pause, he grabs a load of money from the register, puts the check in the register, puts on a cowboy hat, and runs off]
[In the middle of a desert. Clark is going crazy as he trots through the hills. Two men on horses watch him]
Clark: We passed a gas station every 10 yards for 1000 miles, but when you really need one, you end up walking your ASS off! This is no way to run a desert! HA!!!!
Cowboy: What an asshole.
Clark: Okay. What do I owe you?
Assistant Mechanic: Never heard of no one so sh*t-all stupid as you drivin' off that road. You musta got manure for your brains.
Clark: Yeah, well, I'm from out of town. What's the bill?
[Mechanic and assistant snicker to each other]
Clark: Come on, come on, come on. How much?
Mechanic: How much you got?
Clark: No, no, I'm asking how much the repairs are.
Mechanic: [threateningly] And I'm asking you how much you got.
Clark: You're out of your mind. Look, I don't have time to play around, okay? So how much is it?
Mechanic: [picks up a heavy wrench] All of it, boy.
Clark: What does your sheriff think of your business practices?
[Mechanic and assistant laugh; mechanic flashes a sheriff's badge]
Clark: [Delivering the eulogy for Aunt Edna] O God, ease our suffering in this, our moment of great despair. Yea, admit this kind and decent woman into thy arms of thine heavenly area, up there. And Moab, he lay us upon the band of the Canaanites, and yea, though the Hindus speak of karma, I implore you: give her a break.
Ellen: Clark...
Clark:[ignoring her] Baaaaroooo gattaaaaaaaaaaa allelujaaaaaaa!!
Ellen: Clark, this is a serious matter, I'll do it myself!
Clark: Honey, I'm not an ordained minister; I'm doing my best okay?
Ellen: Lord, we loved this woman with all our heart.
Audrey: Let's not overdo it, mom.
Ellen: SHUT UP! Lord, we loved this woman with all our hearts. But my husband wants to go to Wally World. May God have mercy on his soul. Amen.
Ellen: Ugh! I hope at least you kids have learned something from this.
Audrey: Yeah! Don't die unless someone's home!
Clark: I think you're all f*cked in the head. We're ten hours from the f*ckin' fun park and you want to bail out. Well I'll tell you something, this is no longer a's a quest. It's a quest for fun! I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun! We're all gonna have so much f*ckin' fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles! You'll be whistling Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah out of your assholes!!! HAHAHA!!! I gotta be crazy; I'm on a pilgrimage to see a moose! Praise Marty Moose! Holy sh*t!!!
Rusty: [touching Clark's shoulder] Dad you want an aspirin or something?
Clark: Don't TOUCH!
Ellen: The next time you have one of your outbursts, I'd really appreciate it if you think about the consideration of our kids.
Clark: What are you talking about?
Ellen: You don't know? After everything that happened, you still don't get it?
Clark: I'm just trying to treat my family to a little fun.
Ellen: Oh spare me, Clark! I know your brand of family fun. Tomorrow you'll probably kill the desk clerk, hold up a McDonalds, and drive us 1,000 miles out of the way to see the world's largest pile of mud!
Marty Moose: Sorry, folks! We're closed for two weeks to clean and repair America's favorite family fun park. Sorry, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
[Clark punches the Marty Moose statue, it begins talking incoherently]
Ellen: Clark, what are you doing?
Clark: We watch his program... We buy his toys, we go to his movies... he owes us. Doesn't he owe us, huh? He owes the Griswolds, right? f*cking-A right he owes us!
Ellen: Clark, you're scaring me!
Clark: Don't be scared! I just think somebody owes us an explanation, that's all.
Lasky: That's not a real gun, is it Clark?
Clark: Are you kidding? This is a Magnum P.I.
Lasky: It's a BB gun!
Clark: Don't tempt me. I could put an eye out with this thing.
Lasky: You couldn't even break the skin with that thing.
Clark: Yeah I could. It could lodge in the skin and cause a very bad infection.
Lasky: That's an old wive's tale Clark. I'm telling you. [Gets out of the rollercoaster car; Clark fires the pistol; Lasky groans in pain and sits back in the seat]
Clark: See I told you. I warned you.
Lasky: You wrecked these pants and you're paying for them!
Clark: Yeah I will pay for them. [The rollercoaster ride begins]
Lasky: Has your father ever killed anyone?
Rusty: Just a dog. Oh and my Aunt Edna.
Clark: Hey you can't prove that Russ.
Clark: Roy... can I call you Roy? Have you even driven cross-country?
Roy Walley: Oh, hell yes. Drove the whole family to Florida. Worst two weeks I ever spent in my life. The smell from the back seat was terrible.
Clark: Ooooh. Ooooh, I know that smell. Roy, could you imagine if you had driven all the way to Florida and it was closed?
Roy Walley: Closed? Uh, they don't close Florida.
Clark: I know they don't close the state of Florida. But, you know...when we got here, to Roy Walley World...and it was closed down, Roy. If you had seen the look on my kids' faces. I just went a little haywire.
Roy Walley: You went a lot haywire, if you ask me.
Clark: Well, I'm very sorry, sir. And I'm sorry to all these people. I didn't mean any harm. I just want you to ask yourself one thing. If you were....If you were me, wouldn't you do the same thing for your children?
Roy Walley: No.



Every summer, Chevy Chase takes his family on a little trip. This year, he went too far.



External links


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National Lampoon's Vacation - Wikiquote (2024)


Why does Ellen call Clark Sparky? ›

Ellen calls Clark "Sparky" in all four Vacation movies. In the DVD commentary for this movie, Chevy Chase said that the nickname was Beverly D'Angelo's idea, and she still affectionately calls him Sparky.

Is Cousin Eddie related to Clark? ›

No character in the Vacation franchise has given Clark more headaches than Cousin Eddie Johnson (Randy Quaid), who, despite his title, is not related by blood to Clark or Ellen. He is, however, married to Ellen's actual cousin, Catherine (Miriam Flynn).

What does Clark Griswold say when he gets his bonus? ›

Clark : [Revealing his Christmas "bonus"] It's a one year membership to the Jelly of the Month Club. Eddie : Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year. Clark : That it is, Eddie.

What was improvised in Christmas Vacation? ›

Beverly D'Angelo improvised grabbing Chevy Chase's crotch when the SWAT team holds up the house. She later said she did it on only one take, on the off chance it could make the film's final cut, which is what happened.

What is Cousin Eddie's last name? ›

Cousin Eddie's last name is Johnson. After Ellen announces that Aunt Edna is dead, Clark pulls into a ditch and Audrey jumps out of the car yelling "a dead person breathed on me!" Dead people do not breathe.

What does W stand for in Clark w Griswold? ›

WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHAT THE “W” IS IN CLARK W. GRISWOLD. A passport seen in the opening credits reveals the W stands for “Wilhelm.”

Is Aunt Bethany related to Clark? ›

Aunt Bethany was Betty Boop

Fans loved Clark's dear Aunt Bethany and Uncle Lewis, who join the family for Christmas dinner.

Are Catherine and Ellen sisters? ›

Miriam Flynn as Cousin Catherine Johnson, the cousin of Ellen and wife of Eddie.

What is the L-shaped gift in Christmas Vacation? ›

What is the Christmas gift that Clark gives his boss? It is a desk organizer. When this movie came out, pen sets came in an L-shaped arrangement. The writing instruments were on the flat part and the raised section held Post-it notes.

Does Clark say the F word in Christmas Vacation? ›

Clark's "f' bomb.

The line, "We're gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny f*cking Kaye!", was a nod to a scene from White Christmas (1954), and the quote was the second one in a 1980s PG-rated movie to feature the "f" word uncensored (Big was the first).

What is the famous line from Christmas Vacation? ›

Clark Griswold

"We're gonna have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas."

What does cousin Eddie say about snots? ›

Eddie: [Snots puts his snotty nose on Rusty, and he makes a disgusted face] Yeah we named him that because he's got this sinus condition. Snots you roll over and let uncle Clark scratch your belly.

Was it real snow in Christmas Vacation? ›

Beverly D'Angelo Recalls Real Heat, Fake Snow on 'Christmas Vacation' 25th Anniversary (Video) “We were surrounded by artificial snow and it was about 80 degrees, remembers D'Angelo.

What was in the Jello in Christmas Vacation? ›

Aunt Bethany brings two wrapped gifts, one is her Jello Mold (“It's lime!”) and the other is her cat. Her actual cat. The lime jello mold makes an appearance on the dinner table when the entire family sits down to eat their holiday meal and if you look closely, you'll see cat food on top of the jello.

Why did they replace the kids in Christmas Vacation? ›

In each of the main films of the series, the Griswold children are portrayed by different actors. This is usually attributed to the fact that after Anthony Michael Hall declined to reprise his role in European Vacation in order to star in Weird Science, director Amy Heckerling requested both children be recast.

Is Sparky a nickname for Clark Griswold? ›

Answer Sparky

Ellen refers to Clark as "Sparky" in other Vacation films, and it actually became Chevy Chase's real-life nickname!

What is Ellen Griswold's nickname for Clark? ›

She often calls her husband Sparky, and is often smarter than him.

What does Clarks boss call him? ›

Frank Shirley is the main antagonist of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. He is portrayed by Brian Doyle Murray. He is Clark Griswold's greedy and pompous boss. He often mistakes Clark's name, calling him "Mark" "Bill" or "Carl".

Is it Clark Griswold or Griswald? ›

The original Vacation film, Christmas Vacation, and Vegas Vacation all spelled the family name as Griswold, but European Vacation spelled it as Griswald. European Vacation is often ranked as one of the worst movies in the series, and the incorrect spelling of the family name doesn't help its reputation.


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